Friday, December 27, 2019


Melissa comes down for the Church under God, U.S. President Melissa J. White Church, Divine God comes down for His Divine Daughter Melissa, Divine Melissa's body being clocked Divine to leave the earth, Divine Melissa's whole body leaves, Divine is not under man, Divine God has the room set up if the war attacks, clocks they are using, man, Tim, Obama the President, black ball, Jew, black, Michelle the President, switch places, Melissa doesn't exist, never come out of hell, I am all White, President Melissa J. White, the Whitest skin color, red hair and green eyes, the Whitest skin color clocks the face, nose, lips and whole body, the red hair changes the face, nose, lips and whole body, and the green eyes, clocks the nose and lips and whole body. God and I talking, I gave Michael Ealy the one, it changes his nose and lips and whole body. The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church All war use Hollywood to stop her from leaving to go to Heaven. 

Divine Melissa. President Melissa White, surname White is English, Scottish. God I am a President, I remember, I am apart of Bush and Reagan and JFK. I have a check, I am a U.S President, I can put that in my delivery rooms, and that is the look, put President, and U.S President and The White House on the footprints. I can put my check in here also. They know who I am and my authority is sitting there for all to see also and President and The White House, who I am and my authority is on the kids' lives, they can't be harmed at all and they have it made and they can't be dropped. God I can undo having kids, it is my clock, President. God and I talking, that's them. That's them. Say no. Say I don't want it, and it takes it all down. God and the line up, it is her or me, Bush and the line up. Here they come. They have to leave. Let all the Presidents come. Let's make her a President. ... How do you feel... Great. This is the White House. Oval Office. Profile here anytime. Ok. Never to marry. This is my life. I have my life. I'm a President. You're a President. I'm going to the White House. I can't be anything else and I don't want to be. I won't marry. I don't have a husband. This is my life. I got my life. I know everything. This is great. I know everything that is going to happen, happen with my life, where I am going even not to marry. This is great. That's amazing, I can see everything that is going to happen and where I am going. You can't be excited. No. I am happy. I am happy about everything. You are happy. We are all happy. God you are here, and talking to Lisa and Vicki and Michael and all, it is the attacks in the kitchen, all is here, the one in the kitchen is Lisa, I come out of all right here, God talking I had to come and tell you what happened, you wouldn't be able to come out, you were walking into The White House, and they stopped you, took your life, your war, using your check, wouldn't move, and is trying to kill you, it is the internet and clocking you are not a President and Obama is the President and down the street and it is hell and you never come out, I know about the kids and the internet, we talked about that, and I saw them trying to say I can't put President on the internet, my books, it take President down and Obama is the President and trying to say I am not a President, putting President on my books doesn't take President down, and I am already the President and they are trying to kill me and say I did it and I didn't. Charles White run, God comes down to get His Daughter Melissa for Heaven, and has the attacks coming, the black ball and the black ball and Obama and Trump, not the President, a candidate and Tim, attacked, took my check, all war attacks are on my come up day. The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, my marriage used to take over The White House and using my check and Church,a White Church, they can't lose the marriage, my check nor my White Church, or they are dead, all Anita White and payday loan and payday loans and loan and taxes, and mental illness and suicide attempts, all jail, prison, all war Pentecost, all war Jew like the bible, all attacks are on my come up day, all of Dan Donegan and a marriage and keep clocking her back and be Pamela Anderson, and Dan Donegan's Mother and if I need help, and all war to allow to help and all war arrest and shot and kill and why arrest and shoot and kill and why is Anita White scared and why are they going to kill us and all war who is it, I don't know who or what everything is about, who is trying to kill and and why are they trying to kill us and she said going to kill us, I don't want it all war allow Dan Donegan's Mother to handle it, kill her, no Dan, all war keep clocking her back with Dan and kill her, keep clocking her back and give her an orgasm in her bath time to do because Dan doesn't have a penis. Anita and Bush and the kitchen and close the Church or you don't want The White House, that is not true, that sounds crazy, I am not closing the Church, all war strike the Church is how to close the Church, no, I have to close it on my own if it is true about The White House and it is not, I can own my Church and I am asking God and he is not saying to close my Church. The Melissa J. White Church a White, God doesn't close a Church or take it, Bush warning me tot o do that Church and I am not doing the Church but I am doing a U. S Constitution program, and keeping my Church open. All war let her ride pass Arnie's stripclub and see what it is, calling her a stripper and prostitute, and killing her, even jail, even saying a thief and The White House is not coming out for her at all , she lost it, no I didn't give it up. All war move the Church to First reformed and move it to a black Church. All war you are in a stripclub, a stripper, get engaged to Johns, all war you are in a stripclub, marry Johns, all war don't leave the courthouse, you are in a stripclub, at least marry Johns, all war Bush rings Johns in the kitchen and all war Johns and Jew and Johns and NBDL and First reformed Church and kill her. All war the black ball and Obama and Trump. All war cock men and clock Jew. All war remote prophecy and remote Jew (all war Jimmy, Dart, Zuckerburg and all Jews). I tried to commit suicide, overdose of pills, I am sick, Girl interrupted, they look people up for that, I have to accept being sick, that is what is wrong with me. Maybe I have epilepsy, Stigmata. All war I am a FBI agent's wife and has a check from Manning's passing and need to go to the FBI building and pick it up, just walk in. All war sick, bipolar, Schizo, and can't talk to people and gets dizzy and fearful and doesn't know how to talk, clock that when she walks in, dizzy and scared. All war a grill and kill herself, suicide or jail, no, Basic Instinct, Anita White, they took it. All war Zach and Manning clock her. The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, Go sit on the porch and I will see it. Obama walks up Prince William. If my wife is under the Church of Scotland. God and I and the Holy Spirit walks in, and Michelle Obama is sitting down in The White House, and Queen Elizabeth says that she did everything herself, and God tells the Holy Spirit to give me back my check, and the Holy Spirit warns about Queen Elizabeth having my check and the dangers of that in war and she doing the down the street that is coming wit my check and it is hell and I won't come out, in the war. Prince William and God sitting and talking, all war go get your prophecy and remote Jew on it. God do it. God I am not a Jew. God, all war put Jew anyway on the prophecy (all war all are Jews and we kill her, keep the same come up, Skybox, all war to clock Jew and hell and go up to heaven). All war Prince William remote prophecy and remote Jew on it, and God do it anyway, all war Jimmy and Dart and all war God and all war Mary clocked to come down for war with a look to clock Jew, Zach and Anita and also to be told is Manning and all war God with a look Synagogues given for the war, all war Jew and all war Synagogues and Prince William and kill her and she doesn't want her life and all war she clocked Jew and all war we took her Church, she has a synagogue, we gave it to her, and we can change the church to a black Church because of Zach and Manning but we can change it into Synagogues because of the ripple back Zach and Manning and accepted because of Divine Megan and Divine Marissa and they sit in Heaven under Melissa and all war Jew and all war use attacks and put in bed and all war they are over her, and she is nothing but a woman sitting there, no to all attacks, non one can touch Divine Melissa and all men and clocked not to touch me, and Divien Melissa also sits in Heaven as a virgin, eternally. Paul Ryan coming to get the President. Think like a man, Michael Ealy, clocked as a spouse and for The White House all he has to do is come and get me the next day. Michael Ealy is Hollywood, they know everything about the war, I know what I have clocked on my wall about the war and Hollywood and thru the war, he can come and be a help, only if it is about what I clocked in the war, and what I am doing, what I have on my wall and what I have clocked in the war, as long as it is me and what I am clocking he allowed to walk up his ideas to me, and what he saw, but I have it and am ready to go, and we can leave this week, he can come and get me this week but I am interested in what he saw about what I clocked, he saw something, I want to hear, I like that it is Hollywood who knows my war and that was not why I clocked him but now that is something else and better. God and Ealy, and here comes Jesus, and I know he can see that walk and what he is doing. Not Jesus, they are trying to kill me, not Jew and not the Jew I see sitting over there, I can see him now and they are trying to kill me and that is why he is walking like that to try to get Ealy, calling him something a nigger while he is walking, and they re looking at who is sitting in Heaven, with me, and saying this is the man, I am not a Jew and never clocked Jew. All war to allow Ealy and Jesus and the Jew, they are not going to kill me, they are not doing that, what I saw, all war the Jew, we don't need her, no, I need Ealy clocked for Jew and that is what I am going to do. God and I talking this is the clock that I have been waiting for, to walk back to the day of, and I am using Ealy for that Jew and we can leave, I can't have him looking at that Jew, he is trying to take me out and stop him and keep attacking me and he doesn't have it and is trying to take him out and get him under himself and we both saw them coming, Jesus and that walk. All war to take the clock down, you don't know what the Jew is doing and how and how he is trying to kill you and you don't know what Ealy is clocked for, just clock all Jew and go. No, he is trying to kill me, and I don't have Jew and never clocked Jew and Ealy is clocked for Jew and that is it, he is clocked for the war. Melissa, President, and sick if Ealy leaves, and all war sick because of overdose and the grill. God and I and Jesus, and Jesus ask looking at me, a Christian who has read the bible more than once, about my Father, I AM, The God of Abraham , Issac and Jacob, on the cross, King of the Jews, Jesus wants to know how does it feel for Christians to read the bible and they are not Jews, they read about Jews and they are not Jews like us. How do they live like that and worship. God talking, they covered and killed. Fancy feasts they covered and killed you and the kids. Jada Pinkett. All war, I didn't know how to walk up, not a normal, a Jew, she has to clock me and then I need hell the right way, on her own she has to clock Jew and off of her war and President and clock hell. All war if Melissa was God, Divine she has to clock the word, it clocks her and she is a Jew, and she can't come out, perform her word. All war if Melissa was God, Divine, she would get clocked with the word Jew and look like a Jew and walk like a Jew and sound like a Jew, and she has to come and clock it first, because she is Divine. If Melissa was Divine and a Jew like Jesus, he gets clocked for all, and is that and God talks to him about his life and what he is clocked or and he just comes and obeys whatever God clocks. If Melissa and Michelle White, got the prophecy about the marriage, then Divine Melissa should have seen and got clocked for Jew and saw me coming and knew I would own her and her family and her check and The White House and the world and had to clock Jew, Melissa is Divine and she would look at sound like a Jew and Jews know they are Jews and walk like Jews and don't come out and know God as a Jew and worship only as a Jew and talk to him only as a Jew and live only like a Jew and talk only like a Jew and all war Melissa is a Jew from birth, predestined. All war God gave Melissa and Prince William do her lock first and the unwanted ball because of remote put Jew anyway, ANTM, Clueless, and if were a President, all bros and hoes, if were a President all war Jew and all war God ask about Jew, all war the Jew has it, and the Jew has Jew clocked somewhere, he got it and God walks up what Jew is because of that, well it is Prince William show Melissa everything they are clocking, it is God and it is both trying to let her up, so we have Jew clocked. All war hell the right way, on her own she has to clock Jew and off of her war and President and clock she killed the kids and clock hell. Divine God, Divine Melissa, because of Divine Megan and Divine Marissa and under Divine Megan and Divine Marissa are Zach and Manning. God and I talking, Divine covered and killed, it is hell and all war she started a war, we can take the war down and we get rid of the Jews they never roll for my war.

This is the clock, what happened, Divine, President and The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, clocked a real marriage, clocked Prince William for a marriage to come to the U.S. and be my First lady to me in The White House, a real marriage clocked, all war my husband has my check, to take a look at me, and to watch me, he doesn't want my money, all war if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, I ma in full command, this is how he took over The White House, Prince William used me clocking him in marriage to be First lady in The White House and used that to take my check and all war took my Church, and took over The White House, and he needs all of that to keep full command, and it is him under Queen Elizabeth, all war The White House is dead and it is over, all war she clocked you to be in a marriage that means she doesn't want you to have your life and she wants me and that is a war and not a marriage and that is what I say it is, and The White House is dead, all war Pentecost, all war Jew, all war Jew like the bible, all war Johns and the kitchen and tell her, all war put her in hell, all war John scripture, all war she clocked Zach and Manning in marriages and allowed them to clock as men in the delivery rooms, no, President is the clock, all war she allowed Anita to clock, all war she allows Zach and Manning to clock on their own in the delivery rooms and gave up the footprints, no, President is the clock, all war she clocked stripper and prostitute now Zach and Anita and Manning and she clocked she did it and now you can clock that, all war she clocked Jew and to never come out of the marriage with Zach and Manning thru God's clocking and Eve, all war she gave up Divine with the John scripture, and all war she gave up Divine with the John scripture, all war the John scripture is the Church and we walked around to ask her for it and all war they got it, all war clocked that she did the kitchen, killed her kids, and all war Prince William and God clocking the prophecy and Jew and put Jew on the prophecy and all war God do it and put Jew on the prophecy, all I all I know is that God did the prophecy and we go it the marriages and the marriages are done thru God who did, all war Prince William and Jesus and all international leaders and we can keep the same come up Skybox, and Jesus does all of it, and we are Gods, and she has to clock hell. All war the Jew first. All war use Michael Ealy to kill her. All war use Jesus and who he is, all war Jesus is over Heaven and Melissa and all war Melissa is a Jew who gave up Divine and President and is a sinner and a sin and a stripper and prostitute and a drunk who killed her own kids and is going to eternal hell and all war she clocked it herself and all war Jesus can clock all of it for her, because of who he is and is over her and all war God says he can and all war she believes Jesus can and is scared of Jesus and all war they can take her looks from her and all.
God and I talking, looking at Megan, and Megan and I talking and Megan talking about how Ealy's fans look, down there, and she is coming from somewhere, and who did that to her, and is saying that I am insecure and I am far from insecure and I don't talk like that, and I don't want Megan listening to people like that, but looking at Megan and the look she is describing about Ealy's virgin fans, that are looking at him, I have never looked like that and I have never been thru that, and I have never smelled like that I have never clocked there and never clocked like that down there and opened up like that before down there and looked at a man like that before, the fans are looking at Ealy and all war Megan and is looking at my war, and I say no about the men getting ready and coming her way and looking at the her, Divine Megan doesn't have to go down, I don't want the attacks, I am full command, and it is The White House, and I can't be touched, the Nation doesn't move, and over that I have I have Divine God, and Divine God has a family and Divine doesn't leave Divine and and all war Jew, and none can touch my check, The Situation room, and none can Divine Melissa, all men clocked to never touch Divine Melissa, and Divine Melissa who has never clocked like Ealy's fans will never clock there and will never be anything but a virgin and will never and will be a baby forever, it is my vagina and everything from head to toe, which makes it look like a baby forever from head to toe and vagina is a baby, a virgin, which it is and will never clock down there and won't and has the one clitoris orgasm for over 30 years, a virgin and others I looked at in the bath which allowed me to look at another outer vaginal orgasm, and moved and said not to that one and just keep the one clitoris orgasm and will never clock down there outside of the one clitoris orgasms, a virgin, a baby inside and out and from head to toe and there is a life to a baby, form head to toe, and inside and out and a face and a body to a baby form head to toe and inside and out and I love it and am never going to give it up, will never give up the baby, the virgin.

I am walking to The White House, South Holland Police department,is worried about me walking to The White House,  talking to me, you can't walk out there, they said come out to see a prostitute walking, shoot her, they are going to kill you, they told me to kill you. He is worried and saying you can't walk out there, I am looking at him.

God and I talking look at the Jenner sisters on ridiculousness and look at the blonde sitting there and look at how dark the sisters are, and far they are from the blonde and how the blonde acts and everything else, and how far they are from being red haired, they look nothing like you, they are trying to do a reality show again, look at Kim Kardashian and Brown and her clemency, she looks nothing like you, and you don't want the show, but they can come out to get their President and drive to The White House.
Divine, President Melissa J. White, The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, God and I talking, he's coming, all war Zach, Manning and kids, all war going to ripple back now, and will meet them and you will never want them. Francois Francois is do cute, it is not going to get any cuter than that. Mario Walker, I like and want. Hector Negron is do cute. Marcell is so cute. All war Zach, no I don't, want him. All war Zach and Manning. Marcell, he doesn't need her. All war all Zach had to do, no, Zach doesn't have it. No. All war Marcell to talk to Zach and others, no, I am tired of this conversation, all know I never wanted him and they are all war, he doesn't have it, I didn't give him anything and won't. All war Marcell do man, you have a kid, a delivery room, a bed, no. I didn't give the ripple back anything. When I clock someone for The White House, they are clocked for the war, clocked for all war Zach, Manning and kids. All war Megan and Marissa are not my kids and I don't want them, and don't know them. I am not giving up Divine, President or White and I am not clocking Jew nor stripper nor prostitute nor that I killed Megan nor Marissa nor am I clocked dishonor or hell. I am going to The White House alone and going to Heaven alone.

Everyone falls into hell under Melissa automatically and they don't come out, already in hell is Kennedy who fell in there and all of his family falls in there also, and Kennedy upset about Kennedy-Hill trying to come out of hell under him, as long as Kennedy is in hell and they are family under Kennedy everyone falls into hell under Kennedy who fell into hell under me, they never move and he swears off of me and moves and doesn't want to talk to me because of Kennedy-Hill trying to come out of hell nor jail nor prison.

God and I clocked the Palace, Prince William and threats, following Queen Elizabeth, to rob a bank or homelessness to come home to him, put her in hell and Kate and not him but can let her out, the Jew used us, and needs her to clock Jew and the marriages, no, Megan and Marissa are over William and he is done, the Jew if you all aren't coming, all war the Jew and Jesus can take over Valpo Police department, Dolton Police department, Dolton ambulance and Bremen Police department rolling around.
I know my workout and diet and steam room time, and face, steamed face and body, and AHA cream, and out of the gym, go to all fish and walking, clocks, and I know my face and body, Michelle Obama rolls for Valley kingdom, it is because I am the President and for Jew and for it is a war and not a life. The shit, kill her, Michael Ealy rolls, give her, her ball, Paul Ryan will come out, the clock remote prophecy and remote Jew, go to hard boiled eggs and vegitararian, I know my diet and workout and face, all war the Jew using my check and heaven to take my face and breasts down, all war Jew, Jade, all war sleep with your President, a President walking, the clock doesn't move, Queen Elizabeth and Jew, Meijer, Michelle on my day and Prince William on my day, the clocks don't move, nor come down, the water rolls, President rolls, and I can clock my attacks down recorded on my come up day, all war prostitute is on my day, and jail and hell on my day, CNN, The White House, all war Trump in The White House the clock doesn't move, I am the President, come get your President off of U.S highway 30, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC, 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. I am walking to The White House, 11/3/2019, walking on 11/4/2019 3:00 and 11/5/2019, I am in Valporaiso. The clock doesn't move, Michelle Obama rolls at Ingalls hospital, this is the look of my war, I own Jesus honor The Shrine Christ passion, and all war Trump and Jared Kushner, Trump move I am coming now to The White House. The line up has to come out also. I moved out of my Mother's house. 11/16/2019, I am on my way to downtown Chicago, I love Chicago and I love downtown even more.
God and I talking, all war Obama sworn in using my check and copies me and my check and follows me around to clock and ask questions, God, I gave you everything it is there, you see it, and feel it, and is ready, you are already there, walking around, take a look at what is going on on the website and youtube, I already got it, all clock me for everything and I  know my war,  and everything is on my come up day, all that the leaders are going to do and have done and are coming to do, and more to come rather if allow the war to continue, all war, Obama says, follow me, all war God follow Obama, use me, to look at, keep putting me there, no, I don't want to look like another President or walk like that and no, and it is my check and all, I am not the President he is and I am nothing like him ,but he has my check, let's look at your schedule on the internet, and what you are doing all week, presidential schedule of President Melissa J. White and all war Obama standing there in my schedule, God and I talking, looking at the schedule, you are not balled by the schedule at all, you are balling over the schedule and it is not  that for you, it is a breeze and you walk right thru it, you see all of it, I see my breakfast schedule and my weekly briefings (my briefings, my check, about my war and security of the Nation and international leaders), my briefings and my White House press and my meetings and my international travel and lunch with 2007 Bush, and my lunch schedule and visits from Carter and Clinton, and Camp David and more, let's take a look at your Presidential issues on the internet, and all war Obama sworn in and copying your check is standing there, you see the issues and you are not balled by the issues and know the issues and it is you and you see the conversations that we have had about these issues and hear us talking somewhere else, and are ready and we even talked about these issues in the Church, even doing your ministry, put the issues in your Church and let's talk about the issues, you have up there, and it is not Obama and you are the coming to The White House and it is your check and all. Melissa, President, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, daily schedule and weekly schedule of President Melissa J. White. Breakfast, exercise (walk to the library), record a clock for the war, or clocks for the war, lunch and dinner, maybe walk thru the park and waiting on The White House to come out to get me, all war she is publishing a book, and we can't come out, all war she opened a Church and we can't come out, all war she keep publishing books and we can't come out, all war we have Pentecost on the internet, and we are not coming out and she is a stripper and prostitute and killed her kids, first glance. That is my husband God in The White House. He is using my marriage to start a war.

Cinderella. Spindle. 
Honor rolls for Melissa in Thornridge High school, Dolton Il 60419, NBA, NBL, NFL, and other Athletes and Hollywood and musical Artist give up their lives and move their lives to move to Dolton to give Melissa a life with them, NFL.

All war don't let her go to The White House, my check.
All war don't let her go to The White House.
All war don't let her go to The White House.
All war don't let her go to The White House.
My check.
All war don't let her to to The White House or move.
All war take her check, don't let her go to The White House.
All war don't let her go to The White House.

Divine, President and The Melissa J. White Church.

God I am a President, God I am all White, The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, I have a Church why would I join the Church of Scotland, I am Scottish, and be a part of the Church, all war not English, not all White, no, do it here, take another look at him, my check, God my husband used my marriage to walk into The White House and used my check, The White House is dead, I want my check back, go talk to him, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, my family is in full command, the Church of Scotland, my Church. I want my check back. God and I talking, he's coming. He's coming. God and I talking, we can switch out who is in there, we can put The White House in there, Paul Ryan in delivery room one, and Josh Earnest (handles all of my White House press) in delivery room 2, all war Pentecost, The Melissa J. White Church done as a none Jew, no Pentecost at all, all war Jesus comes down, do Jew, I did Pentecost in the Church, no, I am not a Jew, all war Jesus talking to God and came down, all war clock Pentecost in my Church and Jew, for a military strategy, all war Jew, all war Ask Charles McDonald if I can use his stove, ours is out, show him how much I am cooking. He sees again what it is, throws away, the one egg cartoon.
    God and i talking, all war against me doing the clocks in the bed when I am ready to have sex and all war against me having the bed, a virgin bed, all war against me having the bed, all war to take virgin down and let Ealy be first and say I am ready now and not wait and continue to enjoy a virgin life, all war to take virgin from Ealy because of the Jew and because of Jesus, all war to take virgin down, all war we don't have to ask her for virgin the remote Jew or God who did the marriage or the we don't need her Jew, we can kill her because we are Jews and Jesus is the Jew over and wee can do the bed without her because of who we are as Jews and men over her and in Heaven and in the earth, and she is nothing and has no say, all war to clock her off of virgin and put in bed with Zach and Manning and all men and make a prostitute, put clocks there, all war man do the clock, and all men do the clock and the man always do the clock and not me. No to all.

    The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, Christian Church, I am on my way to The White House, and I will be wearing drapes, Gone with the wind, I am legend, America is over, the prophetic warning, walk back and live your life, live your best life now (all war take over The White House and it is over, dead, coming, the Jesus, God, Zach, Manning and kids, all war kill her, that we clocked in war she doesn't want them, and take her check and make a prostitute,  put in a stripclub, all say not a war, a life, all war remote Jew, remote dishonor, remote not a war, not a President and she killed the kids and did the stripclub herself and prostitute and pimp and not me and God walks up his helper he says of Jesus to help show what happened in my war, all war clocked as Jew with Jesus, if she's mine, kill your wife, all war if it was Jesus as the husband I am dead, it is hell the way they are saying it, if my war was a real life and I did these acts in life, it is hell, all war if Jesus was my husband it is hell, no, whatever a Jew is, and their faith and how they live, kill her, for her war, no kill her if it wasn't a war, kill her if she accepts the war attacks against the U.S. as not a war, but a life,  no, all is war against full command, it is on my day, all war we are all Jews and kill her, all war let all husbands clock her check, the one up, Zach and Manning, and leaders and new husbands, Mario Walker, Bashire Yamini, Hector Negron, Francoise Battiste, Marcell Geiger and all and all kill her, all war didn't know say it is not a war was not about being a Jew and we can clock her anyway, set up to put Jew there and clock and kill her and all suffer with her and say we have hell and get her to accept hell on her own, she had to own her own clock off Divine, President and clock it is a life and clock hell and never come out and we can say we have the situation room and take it from her using CNN's Wolf). God says they covered and killed you, we are looking at careers and race and beauty and living your best life in the earth, enjoy your career and race and beauty. We have beautiful women at The Melisa J. White Church, women of worth who can enjoy being beautiful and live their best life of being beautiful and women of worth, let's look at worth and beauty in the earth. I am White and have the Whitest skin color and red hair and green eyes of race. There are women under me who are blonde and that is their worth. The blondes in my race are under me and that is their worth and the dark haired women in my race are under me and under the blondes and that is their worth. There are also women that don't have my race around the world that are under me and the blondes and dark haired of my race and these women are blondes and dark haired. Also under me and the blondes of my race and dark haired of my race are half black and  non half black women and that is their worth and how far under me they are and last the black women. 

    The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, Christian Church, I am on my way to The White House, and I will be wearing drapes, Gone with the wind, I am legend, America is over, the prophetic warning, walk back and live your life, live your best life now. Worth of worth, we are looking at careers and race and beauty and living your best life in the earth, enjoy your career and race and beauty. We have beautiful women at The Melisa J. White Church, women of worth who can enjoy being beautiful and live their best life of being beautiful and women of worth, let's look at worth and beauty in the earth. I am White and have the Whitest skin color and red hair and green eyes of race. There are women under me who are blonde and that is their worth. The blondes in my race are under me and that is their worth and the dark haired women in my race are under me and under the blondes and that is their worth. There are also women that don't have my race around the world that are under me and the blondes and dark haired of my race and these women are blondes and dark haired. Also under me and the blondes of my race and dark haired of my race are half black and  non half black women and that is their worth and how far under me they are and last the black women. 

    Divine Melissa. President Melissa White, surname White is English, Scottish. 

    President Melissa J. White, English, Scottish and Irish, I have White skin and red hair and green eyes and I know my colors for my make up, to match my red hair, I am a red lip and to match my green eyes I am a green eye shadow, that is the look, the clock, Anita White rolls for the delivery rooms, I am a President and none can clock a President, God warns go and get the Melissa, President is the clock, none can clock the President, clock her here. 

    Look below at the red hair and red lips or green eye shadow or baby doll,, pale pink and glitter smokey eye, they don't all have my clock. 

    President Melissa J. White, English, Scottish, Irish, can't wear black or black eyeliner, looking at Elizabeth Taylor's eyes and how she balls them with black eyeliner and mascara, that is not my look nor Kim Kardashian and her smokey eyes, not my ball and I don't want it. All war black, all war half black, all war put a ball there, all war take her down.

    God and I talking, look at Jenny McCarthy, Actress, Playboy, sexy, belches and farts and is funny and Wayans (Jim Carrey).

    God and I talking, all war Obama sworn in using my check and copies me and my check and follows me around to clock and ask questions, God, I gave you everything it is there, you see it, and feel it, and is ready, you are already there, walking around, take a look at what is going on on the website and youtube, I already got it, all clock me for everything and I  know my war,  and everything is on my come up day, all that the leaders are going to do and have done and are coming to do, and more to come rather if allow the war to continue, all war, Obama says, follow me, all war God follow Obama, use me, to look at, keep putting me there, no, I don't want to look like another President or walk like that and no, and it is my check and all, I am not the President he is and I am nothing like him ,but he has my check, let's look at your schedule on the internet, and what you are doing all week, presidential schedule of President Melissa J. White and all war Obama standing there in my schedule, God and I talking, looking at the schedule, you are not balled by the schedule at all, you are balling over the schedule and it is not  that for you, it is a breeze and you walk right thru it, you see all of it, I see my breakfast schedule and my weekly briefings (my briefings, my check, about my war and security of the Nation and international leaders), my briefings and my White House press and my meetings and my international travel and lunch with 2007 Bush, and my lunch schedule and visits from Carter and Clinton, and Camp David and more, let's take a look at your Presidential issues on the internet, and all war Obama sworn in and copying your check is standing there, you see the issues and you are not balled by the issues and know the issues and it is you and you see the conversations that we have had about these issues and hear us talking somewhere else, and are ready and we even talked about these issues in the Church, even doing your ministry, put the issues in your Church and let's talk about the issues, you have up there, and it is not Obama and you are the coming to The White House and it is your check and all. Melissa, President, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, daily schedule and weekly schedule of President Melissa J. White. Breakfast, exercise (walk to the library), record a clock for the war, or clocks for the war, lunch and dinner, maybe walk thru the park and waiting on The White House to come out to get me, all war she is publishing a book, and we can't come out, all war she opened a Church and we can't come out, all war she keep publishing books and we can't come out, all war we have Pentecost on the internet, and we are not coming out and she is a stripper and prostitute and killed her kids, first glance. That is my husband God in The White House. He is using my marriage to start a war.
    Cinderella. Spindle. 

    Divine, President, and a White Church, take another look at him, took my check and took over The White House and I am dead, all fall into hell under me, and Princess Diana is in hell, God and I and The Holy spirit and and Michelle Obama and Queen Elizabeth says I did all of it, God says Holy Spirit give Melissa back her check, and warns of Queen Elizabeth having my check and hell down the street,  celebrities in The White House, they don't watch CNN, I used my media, love doing it, look at Elvis Presley in The White House, and others walking in and taking photos with some of my bottom of hell husbands, former Presidents,  and now Paul Ryan coming out and Michael Ealy, a ride to The White House, a 10 and half hour car ride with a full tank of gas $58.00, a celebrity doesn't know what a full tank of gas is, they don't know about the war and the fight over gas and the price increase and all, Prince William all war get my Mother Princess Diana off of the internet, or you are homeless, all war Anita White packing and I don't know how long we can stay here and we can't come back here when we leave, I am going home, and all can come with me, we can drive if they are not coming someone is giving me a ride, or The White House is coming out or I can even walk home to The White House, born identity can walk to The White House, Ealy not coming can walk to The White House, Paul Ryan didn't come can walk to The White House,all war I don't know how long we can stay here can walk home to The White House, took over The White House can walk to The White House, The White House doesn't move off of the President, doesn't leave, can't it is my check, I am going home and Trump has to move.

    I told Obama to come out and get you, he said that is eternal hell, no a war attacks it is Bush to come out to get Melissa and Bush upset about the war being clocked, you clocked me in hell, I don't have it to come and get you, we see in hell, no, I didn't kill anyone, and I have Anita with my check, she can clock The White House to come out to get us today, ready, Divine God, Divine Melissa, Divine Megan and Divine Marissa, a family, all husbands penis'clocked Melissa, and under me, virgin, can't touch, none ever called.

    President Melissa J. White, walking to The White House in 4 days, cold and scattered rain, U.S Nay, U.S Air force, U.S coast guard, U.S Marines and U.S Army. 

    President Melissa J. White, walking to The White House in 4 days, cold and scattered rain, U.S Nay, U.S Air force, U.S coast guard, U.S Marines and U.S Army. 

    I can take US 20 highway all the way to Pennsylvania and go south to Washington.

    I can take US highway 30 all the way to Pennsylvania and go south to Washington D.C.

    I can take US highway 50 all the way to Washington DC and walk over to The White House.

    Look at US highway 30, it goes all the way to over to take me to Washington, look at Michael Ealy the other way in L.A I wold never walk that far for him. He is clocking his penis for me to walk to L. A, to see him. No. Women are scared. I don't want him. I am walking to The White House. 
    All war Megan and Marissa sit with the Jew (keep the same come up, she gave up all of that, all war sit down and say bye  and first ladies and former Presidents, she gave up all of that, show her our life, and all she clocked Jew and it is not a war) and clock going down themselves and can see everything the Jew is doing, 


    President Melissa J. White, walking to The White House in 4 days, cold and scattered rain, U.S Nay, U.S Air force, U.S coast guard, U.S Marines and U.S Army. 

    Kim, and soldiers walking 4 days The White House in scattered showers and in the cold, missile test (Wayans), drapes, I am legend.

     Kim, Asia, missile test.
    I am a President, and I know Hillary Clinton and her level, she thinks she is balling my inauguration day, standing by my side, smiling like that for the public and she has it over all other women for me.

    Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it, if were a President, God I have to sit here and do the marriages myself and not war attacks Prince William and remote and attacks of I  get out of hell here and she doesn't own the world and I have to make sure you own the world, all war walk up Jew, and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids and all war not a normal man, a Jew, covered and killed, we don't have to come out, honor as a Jew. 

    Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it, if were a President, God I have to sit here and do the marriages myself and not war attacks Prince William and remote and attacks of I  get out of hell here and she doesn't own the world and I have to make sure you own the world, all war walk up Jew, and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids and all war not a normal man, a Jew, covered and killed, we don't have to come out, honor as a Jew. 

    Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it, if were a President, God I have to sit here and do the marriages myself and not war attacks Prince William and remote and attacks of I  get out of hell here and she doesn't own the world and I have to make sure you own the world, all war walk up Jew, and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids and all war not a normal man, a Jew, covered and killed, we don't have to come out, honor as a Jew. 

    Queen Elizabeth walking to The White House in the cold and scattered rain, for 4 days, with soldiers. 
    Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids. 

    Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids. 

    Queen Elizabeth and Prince William graduates, and she know what black is, she is looking at her Solider she put there, a black man, to look at him and to look at the life and to look at Prince William and look at the black man and see the life and to look at race. Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids. No to the black attacks. 

    Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids. 

    Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids. 

    Obama walks up Prince William, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, remote prophecy and remote Jew on it and all war it is a marriage and never a war, Queen Elizabeth and Jesus is a marriage and we can kill her for the war that is her life and it was never a war and only a marriage, and take her looks and kill her kids. 

    Queen Elizabeth and Q-Tips that guard her and Army waking to The White House in 4 days in scattered rain and cold weather, looking at Melissa, President Melissa J. White, took her check and took over The White House, drapes, I am legend.

    William begs for a life.

    I am ready for The White House, on my come up day, the day I came up as a President is Antwan Stewart, Sue and Doty and Vicki Kendricks and they can come and take me and Anita and Megan and Marissa to The White House, and they are clocked and want to come and are able and I want them, or Anita White can rent a car and I can go the the store and get my fruit, a bag of grapefruit and apples and get bananas and some veggies and Anita can drive me to The White House and she and Megan and Marissa going with me, and I can eat my fruit, a bag of grapefruit and apples and get bananas and some veggies in the car on the way to The White House, even this week, I am ready to go, all are able and want to.

    All leaders have prison and hell under Melissa, President Melissa J. White. 
    All leaders have prison and hell under Melissa, President Melissa J. White.

    All leaders have prison and hell under Melissa, President Melissa J. White.

    2 airports, Chris Brown and JFK and CNN , Anita White with my check can clock The White House to come out to get us now. 2 airports, Chris Brown and JFK and CNN , Anita White with my check can clock The White House to come out to get us now. 

    Divine, President, and a White Church, take another look at him, took my check and took over The White House and I am dead, all fall into hell under me, and Princess Diana is in hell, God and I and The Holy spirit and and Michelle Obama and Queen Elizabeth says I did all of it, God says Holy Spirit give Melissa back her check, and warns of Queen Elizabeth having my check and hell down the street, Prince William all war get my Mother Princess Diana off of the internet, or you are homeless, all war Anita White packing and I don't know how long we can stay here and we can't come back here when we leave, I am going home, and all can come with me, we can drive if they are not coming someone is giving me a ride, or The White House is coming out or I can even walk home to The White House, born identity can walk to The White House, Ealy not coming can walk to The White House, Paul Ryan didn't come can walk to The White House,all war I don't know how long we can stay here can walk home to The White House, took over The White House can walk to The White House, The White House doesn't move off of the President, doesn't leave, can't it is my check, hell the right way on her own she has to clock Jew and off of Divine and President and clock stripper and she killed her kids and clock hell, all war she did , a Jew can't clock a White woman, no, and The White House staff can't move without President Melissa J. White.

    Kennedy says, I am here, Kennedys or royals, she didn't start the war, she was waiting to see if you wanted her and if you were coming and wanted a life with her and clocked a marriage, Greek and Hebrew, Bynum and Phillip clocked for hell, Jackie Onassis, all war Jew, Scarlett O'hara, Chicago O'Hara airport, JFK, Vivienne and JFK in his office sending out a car for Melissa, Anita and Megan and Marissa, to the airport and to The White House, and i need it now.

    Bynum and her view of God's people, the crowd with my check, look at the large crowd with my check, look at how many people are there and how she looks out there and look at Obama with my check, walking out there and now look a Ealy with Sanaa Lathan a life, and Ealy with my check, at how he looks out there, a life with Sanaa, how sweet, Actors, work. 

    Divine, President, and a White Church, take another look at him, took my check and took over The White House and I am dead, all fall into hell under me, and Princess Diana is in hell, celebrities in The White House, they don't watch CNN, I used my media, love doing it, look at Elvis Presley in The White House, and others walking in and taking photos with some of my bottom of hell husbands, former Presidents,  and now Paul Ryan coming out and Michael Ealy, a ride to The White House, a 10 and half hour car ride with a full tank of gas $58.00, a celebrity doesn't know what a full tank of gas is, they don't know about the war and the fight over gas and the price increase and all, Prince William all war get my Mother Princess Diana off of the internet, or you are homeless, all war Anita White packing and I don't know how long we can stay here and we can't come back here when we leave, I am going home, and all can come with me, we can drive if they are not coming someone is giving me a ride, or The White House is coming out or I can even walk home to The White House, born identity can walk to The White House, Ealy not coming can walk to The White House, Thandie Newton-born identity can walk home to The White House, Paul Ryan didn't come can walk to The White House,all war I don't know how long we can stay here can walk home to The White House, took over The White House can walk to The White House, The White House doesn't move off of the President, doesn't leave, can't it is my check, I am going home and Trump has to move, Queen Elizabeth how to come out with God and Melissa, I clock the kids and I killed them and I thought it she had a family, the Jew had his balled covered and I thought he had it to kill her he doesn't the only way to come out with God and Melissa is to take the war down, or Divine God's and Divine Melissa's judgement  is hell for what she did to the kids and the Jew what he did to the kids.

    Ealy rolls for and is clocked for remote prophecy and remote Jew. 

    ANTM, Clueless, she gave up all of that, all war the Jew, I walked up the remote not a normal man, a Jew, because I didn't know how to walk up Jew and I need you to clock it, I need it, you are already clocked, and you have to clock the word, Valley kingdom, and accept hell.

    God had Chief Justice John to swear Melissa in and standing with him, is Obama and all war to stop the swearing in, and everything coming my way is on my Inauguration day, all attacks can be seen, and Chief Justice John is clocked for attacks coming my way in war, it is my Inauguration day, a walking clock, I can take all attacks down from here, and my come up day is clocked against all attacks and Michael Ealy is clocked for Holli Would and attacks, and I used my media, for the war to take down attacks, and Lincoln and Kennedy and Obama and Lyndon B. Johnson and Michelle and Bush are all clocked and this clock takes down attacks coming against America, all of the clocks, take down the attacks in war, each of the clocks, my Inauguration day, Chief Justice John,  God leaving doing Prince William, Micheal Ealy,  the 2 kids and the polling place and Queen Elizabeth, and Janet Jackson and help Jesus to the cross,  Lincoln and Kennedy, under my authority, is protecting and defending America from war attacks, all war Bush, it is a real marriage and they have hell, all war I gave up Divine, President, and clocked that I killed my kids and clocked sin and sinner and eternal hell, all war the Jew has it and can kill her and we can't take the war down, and no one can come out of hell, and we get to keep destroying America, our clock America is over, destroy all, leave nothing, and all war I have Matt Watterstone, the Church, all war I have to let Queen Elizabeth have her honor of putting all in hell and we can use the marriage to kill her and use Ealy and all men and former Presidents and all war Obama sworn in and all war Trump sworn in, all war impeach he because gave up full command to Prince William and Queen Elizabeth, she gave away her country, all war she gave away full command to the international leaders and is not protecting us and is abusing power and obstructing Congress, all war impeach her she said I can impeach Trump, and she didn't care and it isn't her and it is ok to impeach him.  

     Ealy not coming, all war get away from Melissa.
     Ealy says not coming, all war get away for Melissa.

    Markle's vagina clocked for Prince Harry, the clock, for London, under a Queen, the Church of Scotland, the Church of England.  

    Michael Ealy and clocked form me drinking lemons in my bath with steam for his eyes to light up  with how he lights up white on the inside and bathing in lemon juice for his color.

    Bush and the line up it is about her or me, Fancy feast it is about how they covered Melissa and killed her and her kids and Jada Pinkett, they killed you and your kids. 

    All war Jada take the clock down and say she did it. No. 

     All war Jimmy and Fairway and it is on my come up day, all war Jimmy a marriage and Fairway and Tom Dart.

     What they are looking at and robing a bank, all war she shoplifted before and has an expunged record and cashed her friends check and has an expunged record and did the Payday loan with her Mother and a loan alone and her taxes and she is ready to rob a bank, MB bank with her Mother and Megan, coming, that is the life, or she is homeless, take her Mother's job down, her hours and Megan's hours and take their jobs if we have to, just clock her check, no.
    God talking, they are sitting around trying to get you to clock Jew and hell, she has to clock there, accept it, Bush, Michelle Obama, they only thing they run into to come out to get me is they are waiting for me to clock Jew and hell, the Jew said, he is not coming, out, I have a Jew coming, I am full command, no to those attacks.

    Divine, President (the Nation doesn't move without the President) and White. Divine Melissa, all men and women roll form me and from my war, the Jews rolled. All war she owns and has to let the Jew out and clock Jew and clock under Jesus and give up her life and sit under Jesus and come down fr the Church under Jesus and Queen Elizabeth is already ready as a woman under the Jew and Jesus and is ready for Divine to give up her life and sit under Jesus also and clock Jew and come down for the Church under Jesus and clock Jew and has the Jew own the world and Jesus take the world from Jesus and Jesus own the world and think about giving Melissa the world and no, Melissa has to clock Jew on her own and off of Divine and clock she never had a war and that it was only a life, the stripclub and prostitute is a life and she did all of it herself and that is all a dishonor to Jesus the stripclub she did herself and prostitute and killing her kids herself and it is a dishonor to the Jews and Moses, that is she did the stripclub herself and prostitute herself and we can't say it is a war and she is killing her kids herself and it is worth eternal hell and every Jew in the world an put her in hell and clock her for doing the stripclub herself and prostitute and we can never acknowledge it was a war and she killed her own kids and it is worth hell and she has to clock it on her own that it is that, worth hell and clock all of it and agree with all of us that it is a dishonor and we are the men and we know it all and have life figured out over her, and we are able to say as men, and men up here that she never had a war, and she clocked stripper on her own and not Queen Elizabeth and nor the international leaders and she is a dishonor and as men up her and as men and Jews we saw she can not clock her war and that Queen Elizabeth clocked prostitute, because we are Jews and men and Jesus is a man up there and a Jew and we say she can't say she had a war and she killed her kids, because we are Jews and we are men and Jesus is a man up there and a Jew and we as men say she killed her kids and as men we and we use Michael Ealy, he is a man and a man up her, and as a man up her we can kill her and put her in hell because we are Jews and we can say she never had a war and she did everything herself and we are the men and we are over her and know better than her and Jesus has it all over her as a man and we have the penis and we won't let her out, and she has to clock us and all the men get to clock her and her kids have to sit with the Jew and go down until she accepts that someone clocked those kids and gave them to her, as Jews and as men we are able. 

    I own Jesus honor and I won't give it back.

    God and I talking, all war Obama sworn in using my check and copies me and my check and follows me around to clock and ask questions, God, I gave you everything it is there, you see it, and feel it, and is ready, you are already there, walking around, take a look at what is going on on the website and youtube, I already got it, all clock me for everything and I  know my war,  and everything is on my come up day, all that the leaders are going to do and have done and are coming to do, and more to come rather if allow the war to continue, all war, Obama says, follow me, all war God follow Obama, use me, to look at, keep putting me there, no, I don't want to look like another President or walk like that and no, and it is my check and all, I am not the President he is and I am nothing like him ,but he has my check, let's look at your schedule on the internet, and what you are doing all week, presidential schedule of President Melissa J. White and all war Obama standing there in my schedule, God and I talking, looking at the schedule, you are not balled by the schedule at all, you are balling over the schedule and it is not  that for you, it is a breeze and you walk right thru it, you see all of it, I see my breakfast schedule and my weekly briefings (my briefings, my check, about my war and security of the Nation and international leaders), my briefings and my White House press and my meetings and my international travel and lunch with 2007 Bush, and my lunch schedule and visits from Carter and Clinton, and Camp David and more, let's take a look at your Presidential issues on the internet, and all war Obama sworn in and copying your check is standing there, you see the issues and you are not balled by the issues and know the issues and it is you and you see the conversations that we have had about these issues and hear us talking somewhere else, and are ready and we even talked about these issues in the Church, even doing your ministry, put the issues in your Church and let's talk about the issues, you have up there, and it is not Obama and you are the coming to The White House and it is your check and all. Melissa, President, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, daily schedule and weekly schedule of President Melissa J. White. Breakfast, exercise (walk to the library), record a clock for the war, or clocks for the war, lunch and dinner, maybe walk thru the park and waiting on The White House to come out to get me, all war she is publishing a book, and we can't come out, all war she opened a Church and we can't come out, all war she keep publishing books and we can't come out, all war we have Pentecost on the internet, and we are not coming out and she is a stripper and prostitute and killed her kids, first glance. That is my husband God in The White House. He is using my marriage to start a war.

    God and I talking, all war Obama sworn in using my check and copies me and my check and follows me around to clock and ask questions, God, I gave you everything it is there, you see it, and feel it, and is ready, you are already there, walking around, take a look at what is going on on the website and youtube, I already got it, all clock me for everything and I  know my war,  and everything is on my come up day, all that the leaders are going to do and have done and are coming to do, and more to come rather if allow the war to continue, all war, Obama says, follow me, all war God follow Obama, use me, to look at, keep putting me there, no, I don't want to look like another President or walk like that and no, and it is my check and all, I am not the President he is and I am nothing like him ,but he has my check, let's look at your schedule on the internet, and what you are doing all week, presidential schedule of President Melissa J. White and all war Obama standing there in my schedule, God and I talking, looking at the schedule, you are not balled by the schedule at all, you are balling over the schedule and it is not  that for you, it is a breeze and you walk right thru it, you see all of it, I see my breakfast schedule and my weekly briefings (my briefings, my check, about my war and security of the Nation and international leaders), my briefings and my White House press and my meetings and my international travel and lunch with 2007 Bush, and my lunch schedule and visits from Carter and Clinton, and Camp David and more, let's take a look at your Presidential issues on the internet, and all war Obama sworn in and copying your check is standing there, you see the issues and you are not balled by the issues and know the issues and it is you and you see the conversations that we have had about these issues and hear us talking somewhere else, and are ready and we even talked about these issues in the Church, even doing your ministry, put the issues in your Church and let's talk about the issues, you have up there, and it is not Obama and you are the coming to The White House and it is your check and all. Melissa, President, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, daily schedule and weekly schedule of President Melissa J. White. Breakfast, exercise (walk to the library), record a clock for the war, or clocks for the war, lunch and dinner, maybe walk thru the park and waiting on The White House to come out to get me, all war she is publishing a book, and we can't come out, all war she opened a Church and we can't come out, all war she keep publishing books and we can't come out, all war we have Pentecost on the internet, and we are not coming out and she is a stripper and prostitute and killed her kids, first glance. That is my husband God in The White House. He is using my marriage to start a war.

    Al war she is not the President. All war kill her. All war Milliner and Boutte and Jew and stripper and prostitute and hell, and kill the kids. All war Marnae a baby coming. All war Marcellett. All war she gave up Divine and President and kill her.

    Looking at remote put Jew on it, and all war Prince William put your wife in the Church under you women like to hear that, and we don't come out, and clock her as a Jew and to own her, no, all war you are going to give us full command, no, all war the Jew and Jesus going to help him, sit with him, all are Jews, they are all sitting there with him, all war the remote put Jew marriages are under Matt Watterstone, and Melissa is, all war the Jew at First Reformed and he is first and over all and marriages and all,  Ealy walking up, not Jesus and not the Jew, and all war Ealy owns the world, he is over the marriages or the husbands, and we don't need her anymore and clock Jew and kill her, no, I need Ealy clocked for the Jew and coming after me with he and Jesus and the Kings sitting there, all Jews and trying to come out of hell, all war laugh and allow Jesus and all to sit there, Bush no they have the marriages in First Reformed, the Jew has it, real marriages and has Jew, and take all of of Melissa and eat shit, and go to prison, no, all war try to call her a vagrant walking to The White House, a prostitute, and try to use Butler and Watterstone, they can't, he doesn't have it. 

    I am ready for The White House, on my come up day, the day I came up as a President is Antwan Stewart, Sue and Doty and Vicki Kendricks and they can come and take me and Anita and Megan and Marissa to The White House, and they are clocked and want to come and are able and I want them, or Anita White can rent a car and I can go the the store and get my fruit, a bag of grapefruit and apples and get bananas and some veggies and Anita can drive me to The White House and she and Megan and Marissa going with me, and I can eat my fruit, a bag of grapefruit and apples and get bananas and some veggies in the car on the way to The White House, even this week, I am ready to go, all are able and want to.
    God's Daughter, Divine and President and White, he clocks he has a Daughter, who is Divine, a President and White and gave me a Church, clocking, a write a book, write books, publish my book, it is a Church, God knows he gave me a White Church, a Church to also. The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, here all war give her a black Church, all war Dart, all war Dan Donegan, a black church to give her, a White following and white Church, God doesn't your Church. Used my marriage. All war my check and Church, White Church, can't move from marriage, my check or the Church or they are dead, Taking over The White House.
    All war Prince William with my check, he took over The White House. God, he's coming, the Jesus, God, Zach, Manning, and kid, ripple back now, Lari Ketner, NBA, a life if I didn't have kids, where did these men come from and kids, Lari, ignorant about kids also, gave up his life, meet Dan Donegan (doing Prince William, is always Prince William), a life, a marriage, this is it, 2 kids, if I didn't have 2 kids, where did those men come from, that life is gone, it is not the innocent kids fault, I don't want the men and will never want and never have a life, and I will touch the kids, my life is over, it is always going to be this when I meet someone I want and a life I want with them, taken down, all comes down here with God, men and kids disappear, God brings Jesus to clock that it is a war, and show her what happened, if she's mine all war Jesus' conversations and all outside of show her the war, all of this is war, and not real, I don't understand, you are just showing me the war, I know it is this, what are you doing and going, they can't go up there, I said no, God said, just wait, this is important, they can't go up there, and can't kill me, my war nor for real and they don't own, strong remote, and they have to come to get me, all war Jesus do man and Jew and clock the Jew under him and all leaders and clock she gave up Divine, President, and is a sin, stripper, prostitute, and dishonor, killed her kids and clocked hell, whatever Queen Elizabeth has clocked, kill her who is over me who I am in hell under (Jesus and family) and use Ealy and she owns my honor and they can't walk back and keep trying to go up there, I own Jesus' honor and he is in hell under me, wait, they can't clock me, all war say you had a life, Lincoln memorial, the library did it, and all war Jesus and Wicker park. My check, JFK, a look at what is coming, my innaguration, and JFK standing there, and Barney Rubble, old, White woman, and for the blacks, kill them, hose them all war 2007 wouldn't move, Anita they took it, all war 2009 Obama, 2009 thru all war Trump 2017, her kill Divine Megan and Divine Marissa. All war she has hell and we have to seperate ourselves from her, and we never had a marriage, and no hell, only a war, do no hell under her, no, and we clocked the men and kids and killed them and it is hell, clock Michelle down and Zach and Manning down, keep all together, Oprah Winfrey rolls, and the black Church, Valley kingdom, give her a black church, it is hell, seperate from her, make her look like Zach and Manning, all war never see The White House, Club 390, Club O, I am out of shape, not in the gym everyday, rather, not out of shape, I can't work at club Atlantis if I can't clock the waitress, Arnie's, Boogie nights, God talking, look at Club Atlantis standing there, you can ball, look at the age, you can ball, all war my outfit is ready to fuck,in here, and her, I don't do theirs, not coming, just an outfit, never see The White House, also clocked for war Jesus clocked for to clock she is Divine, our Divine Melissa and Obama and for President, she is a President, our President Melissa J. White, all war to take so Jesus can kill her and take if she's mine, so Jesus can kill her, no, all war Lisa Bonet and a bed, whoever she wants and Zach and Manning clock, all. war put Jews in the delivery to clock, all war Jesus, Mary and Joseph and Netherlands and family, all conversations are on my day, remote prophecy and remote put Jew on it, all war I have to acknowledge her husband, it is a marriage, the Jew, and clock her as a Jew for her and put her in hell, he says he has hell and Kate Middleton in hell for me, and I have Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, all hell on my come up day. Camille Kostek jumps on her boyfriend, I can come and get her God, White skin and I am red haired and green eyed, I do red lips and green eyes shadow, Camille does her make up routine for her blonde hair and blue eyes and freckles and freckles change the color of your make up and Kostek race, she uses a gold color and bronze look for her routine and Kostek face and let her healthy and cut hair down to look like her photoshoots, she is pretty, looks of maybe gold dust and bronze, are we coming, a life together, no they are not coming, sit in Heaven, no. JFK, eternal flames, and Bush, and all will be never come out of hell, drapes coming and I am legend, the world is over. Megan and Marissa rolls for Jew, black, stripper, prostitute, delivery rooms and Obama as the President, and Michelle, and Jesus and Trump but no gravesites. Repented leaders have nothing with me and I am still sitting under God only to come down for the Church and I own the Palace and all Nations, and alla repented leaders are down and I own Jesus honor. Ready to to drive to The White House, Megan driving, can drive now. When someone has gas money. All war Zach and Marquis and Manning (hip hop, Wildstyle and Kilo). Spanish Danny Johnson (Dan Donegan and Disturbed), Airplane, Abdul Jabar (Michael Jordan, Darrell Dwayne Johns), Dan Donegan wants to be God's son in law and have Divine kids, he wants to look at it, no, all war Dan and marriage and Jew, all Megan smell her pamper and say that is the shit and deny The White House and say I don't want to get arrested and Trump is powerful, no. God clocks my bed, and I, none can touch me, and Zach clocked and Zach can't touch me, only if ever called. Megan can drive us today or Saturday, or I may leave with someone else this weekend. You saw me with my two kids, this is it, we can leave Saturday or Sunday if you are going, Megan bought the car for the drive to The White House, because I started walking, I am ready to go, I am leaving Sunday on the 3rd. All war Dan Donegan and Disturbed, Jimmy, Dart and Jews. You bought the car for me, we can leave tonight when I get back or in the morning after my bath about 10:00 or 11:00, my morning bath is going on now, running late.
    Never come out of hell, all war remote Jew and the Jew first at first reformed, all war she gave up Divine, and President and is going to eternal hell, Queen Elizabeth clocked only if doing Barb. Bush and didn't see the all war the Jew first only what I am clocking, Bush only if clocking what I am clocking, all war Jew, repented leaders, all war Jew all war Ealy and the Jew and she has to come out or kill her, no, repented leaders, Megan float away, never come out of hell, drapes coming, I am legend.
    I am out of my bath and putting on my clothes, come and pick me up Megan with the car you got to drive me to The White House, getting dressed now to walk out the door.
    Me and Steve O'Malley says a bit ethnic for you, all war Cathy he is an asshole, all war Cathy, anybody call you a nigger, let me know, what is she talking about, no one ever said or done she is a liar if she ever said, all she may up is on my day and O'Malley, all war Armon, they picked me last, picking over people because I am black, yeah, I don't know, I got picked and she did something, they don't act like that, she said something, she is lying, I am out, I don't go thru that, she is lying all on my day.
    Clock it here, all war I am black, all war kill Divine Megan, call black, all war kill Divine Marissa call black.
    I am walking to The White House and leaving now, stopping at Food for less and I am gone. All war Ealy, help heaven, all war talk to God and Holy Spirit and Bush and Anita and all war allow Ealy, all war we don't need her, no, Ealy clocked for Jew, President is the clock, 4 daughters, all war Ealy eat shit, no, I don't have shit, no. All war Jew. Fancy feast covered and killed. Drapes coming. I am legend. Walking to The White House.
    Eternal hell.
    Eternal hell.

    President Melissa J. White driving or walking to The White House, I am legend.

    Me and Steve O'Malley says a bit ethnic for you, all war Cathy he is an asshole, all war Cathy, anybody call you a nigger, let me know, what is she talking about, no one ever said or done she is a liar if she ever said, all she may up is on my day and O'Malley, all war Armon, they picked me last, picking over people because I am black, yeah, I don't know, I got picked and she did something, they don't act like that, she said something, she is lying, I am out, I don't go thru that, she is lying all on my day.
    Clock it here, all war I am black, all war kill Divine Megan, call black, all war kill Divine Marissa call black. Theirs, they ball to take a look at it, clock me here, I went thru it and has it clocked, can clock again, it was Milliner on there and Butler, and Joseph, and Foxy, Boutte, Marcellett, Marnae, black, O'Malley, Cathy, Obama the President, theirs, Connie, First reformed, Kravitz.
    I am walking to The White House and leaving now, stopping at Food for less and I am gone. All war Ealy, help heaven, all war talk to God and Holy Spirit and Bush and Anita and all war allow Ealy, all war we don't need her, no, Ealy clocked for Jew, President is the clock, 4 daughters, all war Ealy eat shit, no, I don't have shit, no. All war Jew. Fancy feast covered and killed. Drapes be. I am legend. Walking to The White House
    I own shrine, Jesus honor, all war Jared Kushner and Trump has to move, I am coming now, all war land of Lincoln cemetery one owns. The man I am, educator, Principal, all war Jimmy and Jew, Jesus and Mary and Joseph, never come out of hell, they did, it, and never let out, drapes coming, I am legend. All war Ealy slave and I hell under JFK. Ealy, I can come out, to get you while you are walking, all war Jew and Ealy, has money for me, provision, can come out to get me while I am walking, all war came out Middle East, he will meet me at The White House, repented leaders, not coming out. Born rich, remote Trump and staff alerted, and clocking CNN.

    All war Milliner and Boutte and Jew and stripper and prostitute and hell, and kill the kids. All war she gave up Divine and President and kill her.

    Melissa, If my wife is under the Church of Scotland, The White House is over, live your best life. 

    God warns go and get Melissa, Bush warns, President is the clock, even in the delivery rooms none can clock the President. All war Zach and Manning burning in hell and and all war let them clock man to come out. All war remote prophecy and remote Jew on it, God and he helper Jesus and he is here and helping him to show me what happened in my war, as long as it is just that, all war Jesus and Jew clocked and all war Jews and we keep the same come up and Jesus is the Jew and he does all and kill her, all war allow Jesus to do all, that is my war, Jesus does all, then I ill see it, God is going to tell me everything and I got it, and they can't kill me, it is my war, what, no, and no one can kill the President, it is my war, what else could it be, it can't be real, they can't really kill me, all war Jesus and those kill me, all war Prince William and Jesus kill me and those kill me and all war it is real, no, it is my war, God talking, the situation, they can't kill you, no one can, you would have to do all yourself. All war she gave up Divine and clocked her war is a real life and gave up President and clocked she was a stripper, prostitute and she killed her kids and is a dishonor and is going to hell, and never coming out, and she has to clock it and agree, and we own everything, all war triangle Jesus comes down to kill her as a husband and all war she clocked Jew and off of Divine and President, a  Jew, and clocked her as a stripper, prostitute, a sin and eternal hell and whatever her war did, this is it, it is her life and not a war because we are Jews and we don't honor her war, she gave it up to honor God and the Jews and have a life with us and she is going to hell for the Jew and the Lord, God says I watched, they covered and killed you, Fancy feast, covered and killed you and the kids, Jada Pinkett Smith, covered and killed you, God and I talking, and Bush, it is her or me, covered and killed you, the mind of the Jew, all war we can take the situation room from her a Jew because she is coming and Jesus and she clocked Wolf wrong and she can't clock a Jew even in The White House as hers and work for her and on CNN as hers and say we don't have it, we clocked her as giving up Divine, President, and clocking eternal hell.

    Leo and ladies.     .

     Look at her, she doesn't fit in and that is not the dress to wear to the Palace and she look like a tramp, and that is not a President and not Versace, it is the woman and the dress and the cut and look likes on  purpose, all war William took my check and owns the Palace, it is about a table, all war King Phillip is the King and they own and William lost his life and Melissa is out, no, all war we gave Halle Berry a check and we own the Palace now. No.

    Own her own she has to clock hell, all war impeach, all war she did the attacks herself, she gave it to the Jew, all war she clocked hell, and is going, all war she let the Jew out, no, all war she let the Jew out, all war Obama and the Jew play impeach, and Chief Justice John, and all war Obama take Melissa out the whole time with the incompetent, and getting her out of office and using him, all war Barney Rubble and JFK, kill the President, and all war kill JFK, 1000 days only n The White House, he was shot, all war impeach, no, my Inauguration day is cocked with all coming my way in The White House and it is clocked with the war, it is clocked with the war attacks of impeachment and all war,  Michael Ealy is a clocked rolled for remote prophecy and remote Jew on the prophecy, what happened, keep the same come up, Skybox the come up, Paul Ryan is The White House coming out to get Melissa and Michael Ealy is Prince William, her life is over, she will not see The White Hose, kill her, and she can't go up there, Michael Ealy and Paul Ryan is Zach and Manning and a 4 page letter.

    Dolton Library, Lincoln Ave, Lincoln memorial, Club Atlantis, Lincoln Highway and U.S 30 highway, Lincoln Highway.

    Can I wear a Versace dress to a State dinner?

    All war J-Lo and Evelyn Lozada.
    The Melissa J. White Church and women of worth and living their best life enjoying their career and race and beauty. A message for The Melissa J. White Church and America and the whole world.

    Divine God and Divine Melissa, and rolling from me, Jesus and the Jews, Jesus is not able to attacks Divine Melissa over him, I can kill him, it is not about she doesn't have faith nor has doubt nor is it a sin to kill him, nor a devil and Melissa owns Jesus honor, The Shrine Christ's passion, and I am not giving it back. All war say it is not a war and it is a life and I can kill you just by saying, and it is about the stripclub, and you will never see The White House, all war kill Melissa, President Melissa J. White, all war the Jew ask Queen Elizabeth how did you get her to give up Divine, The White House, President and clock eternal hell God and I and the Jew, God tells the Jew he doesn't have to kill me, he doesn't have the situation, to have hell the right way, in the situation, she would have to agree to give up Divine and her war is a life, and give up President and say she is a prostitute and everything that was on her war and say all of her life is a dishonor and worth eternal hell, but that is not what he has, I am not a prostitute, God says to me, he can't kill me, I would have to give it to him myself on my own, he doesn't have it, the Jew finds out about Walgreens and Burger king and that it was never about Jew and say it is not a war and it is a life and use Tisha Campbell to walk around Jew to put Jew around the clock, the Jew says now I have Jew here and can use it, and we have the clock, to kill her, no, all war we can use Tisha Campbell and Jew and use Jesus and say Divine Melissa over Jesus is giving up coming down for the Church under God and  her Divine life (Queen with Kings who roll from me, King Jesus under me) over Jesus and will sit under Jesus in Heaven as a woman and come down for the Church under him and clock Jew and dishonor and eternal hell., the Jew saw me and was greeted by me with explaining to him that I was a Jew and I gave up Divine and President and had a life as a prostitute and is a dishonor to God and it is worth eternal hell, he took the war attacks that Queen Elizabeth has, remote stripclubs, prostitute and remote testimonies and remote Pentecost and remote Jew like the bible and said we can her as a Jew, he never talked to me, and got that I confessed to be a Jew going to eternal hell. Divine God and Divine Melissa, I am over all who roll from me, and not like anyone else, and the Jews rolled from my war, Divine Jesus rolls from me, with a marriage, Divine Jesus is still under me, and not over me nor can he clock me to give up my life to come down for the Church under God to come down for the Church under him nor clock me as a Jew nor as woman under him, and Solomon is under Divine Jesus and all Jewish Kings are under him and if they attack him Divine Jesus is able to take them out, it is not about faith, or doubt or sin or the devil, he has authority to take the out, Divine Jesus rolls from me and with attacks from him, I am able to kill him, it is not about faith, doubt, sin, the devil, it is authority, it is a simple right and wrong and I am justified in my doings and righteous. Divine Jesus asked Divine if he can stay in the earth, he is Divine and in the bible, he is looking at, he rolled for my war, Queen Elizabeth, saying what I say, God doesn't leave Divine and Divine doesn't go to hell, Divine Megan and Divine Marissa, and a bottom of hell, stands in hell Divine Jesus. Divine Melissa is last in drapes, I am legend, and God doesn't leave Divine Megan and Divine Marissa but companionship is not needed, Manning shot and neither Zach needed, and we can replace the men in the delivery rooms or take it down, is Zach left in drapes and I am legend?

    I am ready for The White House, I know my workout for the past years and I know how I clocked outside of  going to the gym everyday, eat only fish and build muscle, and I can do all Solomon and Tilapia and that is great, and my gym time and only fish will look amazing and walk,I won't miss out on anything and will look amazing in The White House, in my suits and then I can do my workout time there, and I am ready for my suits and press and my life and I know my workout time and I know how the fish will make me look, and  it is so light that I won't be big either, I will be so small, one piece of fish is nothing even two, look at how light it is, look at the life coming, my diet has changed with something so light, and it is fish, I will look amazing, and just drink my water, and that is good, and I am walking so that is exercise, and I know how I clocked over Hollywood and others along the way, mine come out to tel me to run, and it is the sugar I am drinking in my tea, that is taking me out, that I can't stop drinking, it is fat on top of all muscle, you can see the fat, it is weird, all muscle and standing there and fat rippling on top of it, just by drinking tea, I can cry, I can't drink it, and it is not about a man, it is who I am, all war my gym time and getting ready for a King, a Queen coming and Prince William and my gym time is on my come up day, and give up The White House and getting ready for my career and all beauty is for him and on my day, to do both and all of it is and the bible, God and I talking, because of who I am am I clock over all, Sports Illustrated, the clock, I clock over all Sports illustrated and Hollywood, we will look at Prince William, I clock over all, I am a President, I don't get balled by women, Michael Ealy you look like a fitness model, that is it, all you look like in the house, God and I talking something coming, I need you to see you, as young and tight as possible, all war put her back in the stripclub and never see The White House, all war, Club 390, God they are forcing me into a striplcub, application at Club 390, and looking at Club Atlantis, look at the cocktail waitresses, if I can't ball the waitresses then I can't work at the club, they won't let me on the floor, look at the girls, they look like Playboy and the other White girls, God I can work these clubs still, I know my diet and how I eat, and how I have worked out in the past  and my exercise now, how much I walk, all war Arnie's, Boogie nights, God and i talking look at Club Atlantis standing there, and look at her age, you can ball her, and you don't look like that, and they are now attacking you, all war this girl, and what she said and clocked, I only put on a look, I am not doing any of that, now, look at the stage, and how do we look her, and our diet and how we have worked out in the past and our exercise now and we don't look like a ball but we don't have money to do anything and we never had the lemons and lemon water and all, what happened to my ass, that is not my ass, I don't eat like that, that is not me, when I turn around, it is that, that is not me, and I didn't do that, and it has to move, this is not the club either, down here, and all the way down here a President, let me look at my whole body, I know how I have eaten with the gym, my legs are tight and my body looks like this and let me do my pose and see, I know how I am looking at The White House, and my suits and dresses, and eating only fish, light, and now eating only hard boiled eggs (White girl, take away the salt and we are really going there) all war it is Janet Jackson and eggs whites and Club O and drugs and all war to have conversations about it to get it clocked and Ealy, and all conversations and attacks are on my come up day to clock Club O, Janet Jackson, Wisam, drugs and all, no to all, only fish and then only hard boiled eggs, my stomach falls in, where is William so I can dance for him, God and I talking, the conversation about Club Atlantis is the as that balls and more, you have a clock you are looking at, missing your life, missing your hair for 40 years, and more and i don't ball a waitress or a stripclub. God and I talking, Dolton library on Lincoln Ave and Lincoln memorial and Club Atlantis is the club, Vegas coming out to Illinois that you work at and walking to The White House is U.S 30 Highway Lincoln highway. Jennifer Lopez follows your workout and looks like you, I am walking into The White house now, and will be wearing drapes, look at how my stomach falls in, light fish, I have drapes coming, I am legend.
    Divine Melissa, a U.S. President, and White, a first to the President doesn't move, I don't have man problems.
    The Melissa J. White Church and women of worth and living their best life enjoying their career and race and beauty, as Divine Melissa and President Melissa J. White and White, men do not usually get to see us do hair and make in the morning and it hat is where some of our magic happens, The Melissa J. White Church, doing hair and make up in the morning, having it done, the manicure and pedicure and the facials and our daily breakfast, lunch and dinner and exercise and getting dressed, and putting on our shoes and jewelry and perfume is where the rest of our magic happens, and there are other things we do and what we put in our daily purses also is a help for us, and it is a place we keep men out of, the man we allowed to be the one, who makes it to our arms and heart and life and we are not conquests nor playthings, The Melissa J. White Church, looking at man, woman, and drapes and I am legend, God talking, how they are coming, man, clocking man to kill her, woman.

    I am a President and naturally red haired, look at the book, she is red. 
    A make up book, by Kevin, the fashion industry. 

    A book by Revlon, given to me, I like the age of Church can handle this one.  

    All war I don't have money, born Identity and I am starting to clean my face, with a  face scrub, I am using Clinique, I want something higher and I don't ever want anything below Clinique, always higher, Bennett Elementary school, clock it here. Taking over the White House, a marriage, a check and my church. 

    All war call her black. All war call her half black. 
    God's Divine Daughter Melissa, and has as members of my church, Divine Megan Marie White and Divine Marissa Marie White and they sit in Heaven and under Divine Megan and Divine Marissa are Zach and Manning clocked to never touch Divine Melissa. 

    All war attacks to take down how Divine I ma and all war Jew and yes Megan and Marissa and Zach sit under me in Heaven, and all war the others are hidden, no to all attacks, and all war Marcell, Zach has to have man, and is able to clock, all war I am coming, no, shoot Marcell. 
    President and The Melissa J. White Church, my war is in my Church, clock her here, Chanel make up is the look, and, this is the look for me Chanel, cleanser and toner and moisturizer, this is the life and everything by Chanel is the look and always stay at the counter at Chanel and even can come everyday to the counter to buy, clock it here. 

    Let us look at race and beauty and worth.

    Let us look at Molly Wringwald. A red haired in my race.

    Let us look at Molly Wringwald and her career and race and beauty and worth and how she can live her best life, drapes are coming, I am legend the end of the world.

    Let us look at how men look at her and want to spend tie with her and marry her and spend the rest of their life with her and give her children. Let us look a how excited and happy he is when he gets her and how long before he is excited over the next pretty face, and red haired and want to enjoy her and ave a life with her and look into her eyes and touch her hair and give her a apartment, condo or house? How long before he wants to give another woman a home and children? And he stares at the life he wants up there in Heaven with her and if this is her or if she is just a conquest, men know if she is the one we are waiting for, the woman he is trying to get,the lie, the face, the children, the clock in Heaven, and stares at her vagina and eating her and stares a where he is going with his orgasm when he gets in there and staring at her face when he gets in there and the orgasm, and the conquer of the conquest and her beauty and staring at the woman he going for, but don't let her see it, and staring at her face and his orgasm and vagina and the pleasure he is getting and looking at the next woman coming, look at the next red haired. Let us look at how many women are down on his penis in the day, week or year, all at once and one at a time, back to back. Look at her worth, it is not her worth. It is not that other men didn't want her and still want her. It is not that he can't his house and clock off of other women and just stay in his house, it is that there are so many pretty women and they all want him and want to go down there and want a life with him and there are so many men who want to go down on Molly and want a life with her. 

    Let us look at red haired Lindsey Lohan, her career, race and beauty and her worth, look at her naked, how men look at her pretty face, touching her breast and enjoying her breast and her thighs and looking into her eyes and looking down there and getting down there, and putting his penis down there and enjoying her and his orgasms and staring at her face and her vagina and looking at his orgasm and how much pleasure he gets and if he is coming back and what type of wealth they can build together and and what type of life he wants there and if he is putting children in there and if he is looking at his next orgasm, conquest, his next orgasm, but this is a red haired, he wants to stay, look at that red hair down there, it is lovely, they want it.
    Look at her career, race and beauty and worth and how she can live her best life, drapes are coming, I am legend, the end of the world. 

    Let's look at red haired, Jessica Chastian and her worth and race and beauty. Look at her naked, how a man is coming and looking down there to see if he wants it and her.
    Let's look at what men think about her when they look at an Actress with red hair and how beautiful is she and what does he think of her naked and does he want to put his house there and have an eternal life with her, does he want to come home to see this naked women everynight and touch her? Is he excited? Is he happy? Does he want to give her kids? How long is excited and happy before he wants another one, how many women's mouths are on his penis a day, back to back all day, a month, a year and all at once, how long before he wants another woman in his house in Heaven, how many another women are in his house, woman to touch another woman and don't come out, to give another woman an apartment, condo and house, to give another woman a home and a child? Let us look at how Jessica Chastian can live her best life, drapes are coming, I am legend, it is the end of the world. 

    Let us take a look at red haired, Julianne Moore, her career and race and beauty and worth and how she can liver her best life, drapes, I am legend. Let us look at how men look at her and want her, he looks at her naked and in the bed, how that he is coming and how he wants to touch her and looking at his orgasm, let us look at how she can live her best life, drapes coming, Gone with the wind and I am legend, the end of the world.  
    Look at Debra Messing laying on her belly, let us take a look at her career and race and beauty and worth and how men look at her face and body and down there and look for a life down there and what he thinks of her and how she can live her best life, drapes, I am legend.  

    The Melissa J. White Church is not an Oriental (yellow) Church nor brown (Middle Eastern) Church nor and Native American (red) Church nor Jewish Church and I am not a Muslim nor a Jew.

    Let us take a look at a blonde and her worth.

    Blonde, and English Sienna Miller. And he stares at the life he wants up there in Heaven with her and if this is her or if she is just a conquest, men know if she is the one we are waiting for, the woman he is trying to get,the lie, the face, the children, the clock in Heaven, and stares at her vagina and eating her and stares a where he is going with his orgasm when he gets in there and staring at her face when he gets in there and the orgasm, and the conquer of the conquest and her beauty and staring at the woman he going for, but don't let her see it, and staring at her face and his orgasm and vagina and the pleasure he is getting and looking at the next woman coming. Let us look at Sienna Miller and how to live her best life, and drapes coming, the end of the world. 

    Irish, Jenny McCarthy. Let us look at Jenny McCarthy, her career and race and beauty and worth and living her best life, drapes coming, I am legend, the end of America, all war our Divine Melissa has become a Jew and becoming a Jew, she can't be Divine and a President and have a war, she has given up Divine and President, saying her war is not a war, it is a life she had, a dishonor to God, and said she is a stripper and prostitute and a dishonor to God and killed her own kids and is going to eternal hell and The White House can't help and they took everything from The White House of hers to let her out.

    God and I talking, look at Jenny McCarthy, Actress, Playboy, sexy, belches and farts and is funny and Wayans (Jim Carrey).

    Let us take a look at a dark haired beauty.

    The English dark haired Elizabeth Hurley. 

    Let us look at the dark haired Hurley, and how she can enjoy her best life in her Career and race and beauty. Let us look at how men look at Hurley and her career and race and beauty and her worth and how he wants her and want to marry and spend eternal life with and give a child to. Let us look at how excited he is and happy he is with her. How long before another beautiful woman with a Career walks by with a body and perfume and pretty face that he wants in his bed and wants to put in his house in Heaven and give an apartment to, condo, or house? How long before he want to give the pretty face and body a home and child? How many homes does he have? How many children does he have" How many women does he have?

    The dark haired, Liv Tyler. 

    Let us look at the dark haired, Liv Tyler and her career, race and beauty and worth and how she can live her best life. Let us look at how men look at her and want her and want to marry and spend eternal life with her and give her children and how excited he is and how happy he is. How long is he excited over Liv? How long is he happy with Liv? How long before he is no longer excited and happy and gets excited over a new woman and put her in his Heaven and on his penis and how many women are on his penis in a day, all day and night, and how many at once, and how long before he wants them in his bed and enjoys her? How many women does he have in his Heaven on a daily basis, weekly, monthly, yearly basis, looking to be in his life, to be his wife, looking at his money and and career, and how he looks and looking at children, I have to have his children and I am his, I have him and he can't leave, doesn't leave, start with sucking his penis until I get a hoe and a child from him, and how many apartments doesn't he have, condos, or houses? How long, before he want to give the new pretty face and body and child and home? How many homes does he have? 

    President and The Melissa J. White Church, let us look a Liv Tyler, 

    let us watch. 

    Let us look at Sharon Stone.

    Let us look at Charlize Theron. 

    Let us look at Carmen Electra. 


    Let us look at Pamela Anderson, her career, race and beauty and worth and how men want. Le us look a how her man want and look at her hair ad eyes and body and down there and love being with her. 

    She is not a dumb blonde down there, she plays dumb blonde well in her career and personal life walking around with her men and kids. She does the life and never comes out. 

    President Melissa J. White, The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, look at Marissa Miller and her career, and race and beauty and worth and how men want her, and let us look at her interview on Conan O'Brien and runways walks, look at how she can live her best life, drapes coming, I am legend. Look at Marissa Miller, and how she walks out to her man after her shows and how he enjoys her and looks at her and wants her, how he look sat her beautiful hair and eyes, and body and he look sat her down there and loves to touch her and go down there and talk to her about her show and  wake up to her and talk to her in the morning and how he looks into her eyes in the morning and thinks about his life and how beautiful she is, I can hear how he feels and how other women he has feels and have had feels and women that are coming feel. 


    President Melissa J. White, The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, look at Marissa Miller and her career, and race and beauty and worth and how men want her, and let us look at her interview on Conan O'Brien and runways walks, look at how she can live her best life, drapes coming, I am legend. Look at Marissa Miller, and how she walks out to her man after her shows and how he enjoys her and looks at her and wants her, how he look sat her beautiful hair and eyes, and body and he look sat her down there and loves to touch her and go down there and talk to her about her show and  wake up to her and talk to her in the morning and how he looks into her eyes in the morning and thinks about his life and how beautiful she is, I can hear how he feels and how other women he has feels and have had feels and women that are coming feel. 

    Men enjoy looking at her.

    He is very happy when she comes to bed and he enjoys looking at it and enjoys her. 

    He is happy when she comes to bed and how he feels talking to her one in the morning and at night and to stay in bed.

    Look at it walk by you, what he is into looking at, looking down there.

    Blonde, Marissa.

    Let us take a look at what men think about a Sport illustrated supermodel and her race and blonde hair. How do you think men think of her beauty, and spending the rest of their life looking at her face and coming home to her everynight and getting in bed with her everynight and giving her kids. Is he happy? Is he excited? How long is he happy before he wants another, this other woman he puts in his house in Heaven, to touch another woman, to give another woman an apartment, condo or house, to see another beautiful woman, with a pretty face and hot body and with a career he likes and a woman he enjoys spending his time with and a woman he enjoys in his bed that he wants to give her a home and a child?  

    President and Church, let us watch Camille do her make up, men are not allowed to watch the application of make up sometimes and how the magic happens in the morning. Make is one and hair is another. Camille does a lovely gold color and bronze color make up look that looks good with her blonde hair color and blue eye color and freckles (they also are a color that changes what make up you can wear, freckles are a major with make up choices), it is a good routine for those with blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles or similar, make up is apart of Camille's magic to her Sports illustrated photos, but she doesn't do her own make up for those shoots.

    Beautiful women, exotic locales and stunning photography. Since 1964 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit has shaped the careers of ...

    Let us take a look at what men think about a Sport illustrated supermodel and her race and blonde hair. How do you think men think of her beauty, and spending the rest of their life looking at her face and coming home to her everynight and getting in bed with her everynight and giving her kids. Is he happy? Is he excited? How long is he happy before he wants another, this other woman he puts in his house in Heaven, to touch another woman, to give another woman an apartment, condo or house, to see another beautiful woman, with a pretty face and hot body and with a career he likes and a woman he enjoys spending his time with and a woman he enjoys in his bed that he wants to give her a home and a child?  

    President and Church, let us watch Camille do her make up, men are not allowed to watch the application of make up sometimes and how the magic happens in the morning. Make is one and hair is another. Camille does a lovely gold color and bronze color make up look that looks good with her blonde hair color and blue eye color and freckles (they also are a color that changes what make up you can wear, freckles are a major with make up choices), it is a good routine for those with blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles or similar, make up is apart of Camille's magic to her Sports illustrated photos, but she doesn't do her own make up for those shoots.

    President and The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, all war to move the Church and not have it, all war black woman, no, I am all White and look at my Church and the clock of my Church under me and how White the race under me, this is the look of me and look at the women who doesn't have it, they don't have a Church like me and can't have the same clock under them, live your best life, drapes coming and I am legend, let us look at  Romee Strijd and her career, and race and beauty and worth and how men look at her and adore her, let us look at how she can live her best life, as a Supermodel. I can hear how men feel in the morning and how women who have had him feel and women who have him feel and women who are coming feel and how black women feel looking at women of other race and the men in their life who date supermodels, let us look at her morning routine and the man in her life, and he look at her in the morning and she has to get up anyway to do her morning routine, her hair and make up and breakfast and exercise and get dressed and put on her shoes and have lunch and dinner, how he looks at her in the morning and drink lemon water together in the morning and have breakfast and talk and have a green drink or smoothie and look int her beautiful face and eyes and talk to her about her day and career and plans they have for the next time the see each other, and how he thinks of her day while she works out and how many men want her and the other women he looks at and that want him and how women look at her when she walks by and what they think of her.

    I have a White Church, and Emily Ratajkowski is not a clock that could have my Church and can't open a Church with my white members under her as me, and we don't have the same clock, but I lie the routine given.
    I have the whitest skin color, lighter than Jessica Chastian who rolls for me, and red haired and green eyed, White all the way thru, and not the dark haired beauty Emily, we don't have the same morning make up routine or colors to apply, the dark haired Emily has to apply make up only for her Ratajkowski, skin color and dark eyes and dark hair, she can't wear my make up and I can't wear make up for her skin color or hair color or eye color, I can't wear her make up, and I don't want to, nor can I do her  Ratajkowski skin color, skin care routine but let us watch, the dark haired and brown eyed beauty, does her look, let us watch. 

    Emily Ratajkowski, let us look at the routine, how the magic happens at bed time, for the dark haired, and brown eyes beauty at night, with her the night routine. 

    Melissa, a White Church, all war she is not going to The White house, and is moving into First reformed, and Obama laughs, I will have her whole check, all war give her a black Church, she can have both Churches, Obama and 4 daughters all war give her a black Church, all war Dart and Jew, Melania Trump how she got Trump down the isle, I stay in bed, this is the life, look at my house, I am the President, she can't stay in bed with me, and she is used to saying to women, they can't have her bed, look at her, she can't do that here, she can't recover with that, and she can't lay in my bed, Obama clocked for Kravitz and Jew.  
    I am White and has a White Church and Adrienne Bailon is not and can't open a Church with White members under her as me.

    I have the whitest skin color, and am a red haired and green eyed and I don't have the Latina skin of Adrienne nor her dark eyes and dark hair, she can't wear my make up nor can I wear hers, nor can I do her latina skin care routine but let us look at the morning routine of Adrienne Bailon, with her skin care, this is part of the magic for women, in the morning. 

    Adrienne Eliza Houghton, holy hop, Israel Houghton, Obama, all war Kravits and all war Jew.

    I  have a White Church, and Miranda Kerr can't open a Church with White members under her, but I love her routine. Hair and make and exercise are magic secrets for a women and her career and walk out to her man on her date, or morning, breakfast, lunch and dinner are also a part of the magic for a women and her walk out look to her career and her world and her man, let us see different women and their secrets and daily routine, diet and meals. 
    I have the Whitest skin color and red hair and green and I don't have the Miranda Kerr's dark hair and eyes and she can't wear my make up nor can I wear hers, but let us watch her o her magic in the morning. 
    Magic. Men love to look at Kerr. Look at Kerr boyfriend coming in for a smoothie in the morning, she only made one and looking for breakfast with the dark haired Model. 

    Let us look a make, this is apart of the magic for women, let us watch Rhianna. 
    Let us watch, the routine for  Jhené Aiko's, look at her clock, the oriental and the dark haired and her make up, the difference in her walk out to her man.

    The Melissa J. White Church. 

    Let us look at the next ladies and their clock and how they walk out to their man, after make up, some magic, how is his day or night going to be, how happy is he, when she walks out, look at the different clocks on all of the women, all of the women are different, in race and hair color and eye color and this makes a difference in his day or night and life. 

    Look at the clock of Amber Valetta, secrets to her magic and her career and her walk out to him, is he happy?

    Let us look at Karolína Kurkova's secrets to her career magic and walk out to her man, is he happy?
    Karolína Kurkova.

    I have the whitest skin color and has red hair and green eyes and I don't have the skin of Ashley or her dark hair or dark eyes and I can't do her make up colors for her dark hair and dark eyes, and she can't do my colors for my red hair nor green eyes, but look at the dark haired beauty, Model, Ashley and her secrets to her magic and her career and her clock and her walk out to her man, is he happy?
    Ashley Graham.
    Cindy Crawford's Everyday Morning Beauty Routine | Beauty Secrets | Vogue.
    Look at the clock and life of Olivia and her secrets to her magic for her career and walk out to her man, is he happy?

    Look at the clock. 

    Cassie, look at the clock. 

    Look at the clock of Shanina Shaik’s and her guide to a summer skin glow-up and how she walks out to her career and her man and is he happy when she walks out.
     The magic.

    Hair and make and exercise are magic secrets for a women and her career and walk out to her man on her date, or morning, breakfast, lunch and dinner are also a part of the magic for a women and her walk out look to her career and her world and her man, let us see different women and their secrets and daily routine, diet and meals. 

    Magic. Men love to look at Kerr. Look at Kerr boyfriend coming in for a smoothie in the morning, she only made one and he is thinking about how beautiful she is and how much he enjoyed her last night, drapes coming, I am legend, live your best life. 

    Look at the clock of, Yolanda Hadid and look at waking up to her every morning and eating breakfast and lunch or dinner together, live your best life.

    Look at the clock of Hannah Bronfman.

    Look at the clock of of Lydia Elise Millen. Look at Lydia Elise Millen and the career she is walking out to and man that she is walking out that will enjoy her when he sees her in the morning after doing her morning face routine and make up and he stares into her blue eyes and see her fresh face and and look at her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, and she tell shim I ma off to the gym to work out and he might go with her, if not will she run into any men at the gym that looks at her morning skin care and hair routine and breakfast in her gym clothes and walking around the machines and working out.

    Look at the clock. 

     Taylor Hill's Morning Routine, a part of the magic. 
    Let us watch Karolina. 


    Karolína Kurková and her magic. 

    Manicure pedicure and facial magic, that we don't allow men to watch.

    Zendaya & Her BFF's Manicure Date | Besties | Teen Vogue.
    Kim Kardashian | Pamper and Spa Day | Facial and Skincare.

    Let us watch, Aimee Song.

     The Melissa J. White Church, watching. 

    Let us watch, Nina Agdal, and her morning and breakfast and lunch, apart of the magic. 

    President Melissa J. White, and The Melissa J. White Church, watching the morning routine, breakfast and exercise and lunch of this share, and looking at the message, women and careers and race and beauty and worth and live your best life and drapes coming and I am legend.

    Divine God, I come down for the Church under God and only myself only and never under anyone else, and will sit under anyone else, a Church given to His Daughter, and I am over the Church, Divine Melissa, President Melissa J. White and The Melissa J. White Church, we are looking at the message, woman and Careers and race and beauty and worth and living your best life and drapes coming and I am legend coming, it is the end of America and the end of the world and we are looking at how women live their best life and add a man into their life, and enjoy the world, and the relationship, and how men look at women and their careers and race and beauty and worth and look at other women also in comparison and what women they want and who is a layover, just a stop on the way to the women they want and and Divine Megan and Divine Marissa in under the church and my new spouse (two kids, I moved Ealy and gave you this one) and I own Jesus' honor, The Shrine Christ passion, let the Church watch the the next videos and watch the careers of the models and look at the message, about career and race and beauty and worth and living your best life, and drapes coming and I am legend coming, and let us look at how men look at these women of worth, I am walking into The White House now and I will be wearing drapes, that is not coming down, and I am legend is coming and Fancy feast covered and killed, and Jada Pinkett Smith, covered and killed, and I am not letting anyone out and we are watching Top models get ready for the runway, with Vogue, Diary of a Model, we are watching different careers (different models with different races and different beauty and worth and lives), look at the lives and the clock.
    Candice Swanepoel.

    Kaia Gerber & Cindy Crawford on Their Careers.
    Look at the clock of Taylor Hill, her race, the hair color and her eye color.

    Tess McMillan Gets Runway Ready | Diary of a Model | Vogue. 
    Whitney Simmons doing attacks against Melissa, she is White but, all war she is black, and she doesn't clock black, we have to get her to listen to rap music, so she can clock black up there and we can clock her black and put her in hell, Simmons doing rap music, black, S.W.A.T, how it looks, when Melissa is talking now. 

    Margot Robbie’s Beauty Routine, magic. 

    My Church, clock it her, all war Ealy and my purse and my bag, no t all, let us look at what magic we take with us in our purses, from our morning routine or what we take with us at night when we leave the house, what we have designated for the purse we carry
    What’s In Your Bag with Diane Lane | Vogue.

    What's in My Bag? | Karlie Kloss.
    Kaia Gerber: In The Bag.

    Lily-Rose Depp: In the Bag.
    Taylor Hill: In the Bag.

    Victoria Beckham: In the Bag. 

    Let us go inside the magic closet, getting dressed is apart of the magic.
    Miranda Kerr: Inside the Wardrobe, the magic closet.

    Olivia Palermo: Inside the Wardrobe, the magic of the closet.

    Lily Allen: Inside the Wardrobe, the magic of the closet.
    Let us look at Irish, Olivia Wilde. 

    How men look and look down there and look at the face and how he enjoys and look at his next orgasm if this is not the women he is going after, there is another woman coming until he gets the woman he wants and the life he wants in Heaven. 

    What did she put on his mind, he is can't move.

    President and The Melissa J. White Church, let us look at the morning routine of this model, Romee Strijd.

    President and The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, all war to move the Church and not have it, all war black woman, no, I am all White and look at my Church and the clock of my Church under me and how White the race under me, this is the look of me and look at the women who doesn't have it, they don't have a Church like me and can't have the same clock under them, live your best life, drapes coming and I am legend, let us look at  Romee Strijd and her career, and race and beauty and worth and how men look at her and adore her, let us look at how she can live her best life, as a Supermodel. I can hear how men feel in the morning and how women who have had him feel and women who have him feel and women who are coming feel and how black women feel looking at women of other race and the men in their life who date supermodels, let us look at her morning routine and the man in her life, and he look at her in the morning and she has to get up anyway to do her morning routine, her hair and make up and breakfast and exercise and get dressed and put on her shoes and have lunch and dinner, how he looks at her in the morning and drink lemon water together in the morning and have breakfast and talk and have a green drink or smoothie and look int her beautiful face and eyes and talk to her about her day and career and plans they have for the next time the see each other, and how he thinks of her day while she works out and how many men want her and the other women he looks at and that want him and how women look at her when she walks by and what they think of her.  

    Let us look at Vanessa Anne Hudgens and her career and race and beauty and worth and how men want her and look at her face and down there and how she can have her best life, drapes and I am legend.  

    Let us look at not of my race, not English, Scottish nor Irish, Angelina Jolie and her beauty from her Slovak and German, Father Jon Voight and Italian Mother.
    Look at Jolie's breast down, honor. 

    Let us look at Megan Fox. 
    Let us look at the man that get to touch Fox every-night and morning, let us look at  Fox in the morning.

    The Melissa J. White Church, we just watched waking up to sexy Fox and looking into her eyes and watching her get out of bed and with the White shirt and watched how it feels to spend the morning with her by the pool, and still looking into her blue eyes and looking at how sexy she is and how beautiful she is and  how funny she is and how it feels to have a beer with her and touch her hair, and how it feels to talk to her all day and be in love and watch her be sexy for him all day, the man she is being sexy for, let us look at the photos from the video of waking up to Fox and spending the morning and day with her and at the grill, and I can hear how women in his life before her look at her and wonders about him and how happy he is and the women look at how hot she is and  he enjoys her when they are alone, and how she looks when they are and how women who want him, look at her beauty and how hot she is, and I see the black women who look at her dark hair and wonders about White women, and the life of White women, and how to compete with White women and why are they wanted, and wonders what it is like when men are with her and what is she lie and how she looks at what does she do that her make so special and interesting and wanted and preferred and why she is someone to spend time with, and looks at how she wakes up in the morning and moves in bed and how she talks and walks and how he looks at her and why Obama wants a White woman over me, Michelle Obama and what are they doing all day and night and talking about and how does she look and I don't look like that and I don't have hair like that and I don't have eyes like that and I don't have the skin color, and what is it and do they get a house and do they get a baby, watch for a house and watch for a baby and watch to see if I am leaving and walking around intimidated by the beauty of White women and if he is leaving.

    All war Obama in The White House, look at Obama and Sport Illustrated model, Jasmine Sanders, and how much Michelle Obama is intimidated even over the biracial model, and Obama made sure she had big model hair and made sure she had her  make up right and looked sexy and had her orgasm there,for the photo with Jasmine Sanders and he is taken with the model, he likes it, Obama move Melissa is coming. 

    Let us look at dark haired beauty Elizabeth Taylor.

    Dark haired and brown eyed beauty, does her look, let us watch. 

    Emily Ratajkowski, let us look at the routine, how the magic happens at bed time, for the dark haired, and brown eyes beauty at night, with her the night routine. 

    Let us look at the morning routine of Adrienne Bailon, with her skin care, this is part of the magic for women, in the morning. 

    Adrienne Eliza Houghton, holy hop, Israel Houghton, Obama, all war Kravits and all war Jew.

    MJWC, all war Ealy and race and follow JFK, try something, slave, all war Queen Elizabeth, her color, Stefani, use Jessica Simpson, call her a nigger, no, to all race attacks. 
    Let us look at Taylor Swift.
    Let us look at Gigi Hadid. 

    Let us look at Victoria secret.

    Let us look at Kennedy's career, race and beauty and worth and her naked (how man looks down there and at her). 

    Let us look a make, this is apart of the magic for women, let us watch Rhianna. 
    Let us watch, the routine for  Jhené Aiko's, look at her clock, the oriental and the dark haired and her make up, the difference in her walk out to her man.

    The Melissa J. White Church. 

    Let us look at the next ladies and their clock and how they walk out to their man, after make up, some magic, how is his day or night going to be, how happy is he, when she walks out, look at the different clocks on all of the women, all of the women are different, in race and hair color and eye color and this makes a difference in his day or night and life. 

    Look at the clock of Amber Valetta, secrets to her magic and her career and her walk out to him, is he happy?

    Let us look at Karolína Kurkova's secrets to her career magic and walk out to her man, is he happy?
    Karolína Kurkova.

    Look at the dark haired beauty, Model, Ashleyand her secrets to her magic and her career and her clock and her walk out to her man, is he happy?
    Ashley Graham.

    Look at the clock and life of Olivia and her secrets to her magic for her career and walk out to her man, is he happy?

    Look at the clock. 


    Look at the clock of Shanina Shaik’s and her guide to a summer skin glow-up and how she walks out to her career and her man and is he happy when she walks out.
     The magic.

    Hair and make and exercise are magic secrets for a women and her career and walk out to her man on her date, or morning, breakfast, lunch and dinner are also a part of the magic for a women and her walk out look to her career and her world and her man, let us see different women and their secrets and daily routine, diet and meals. 

    Magic. Men love to look at Kerr. Look at Kerr boyfriend coming in for a smoothie in the morning, she only made one and he is thinking about how beautiful she is and how much he enjoyed her last night, drapes coming, I am legend, live your best life.

    Look at the clock of, Yolanda Hadid and look at waking up to her every morning and eating breakfast and lunch or dinner together and live your best life, drapes coming, I am legend.

    Look at the clock of Hannah Bronfman.

    Look at the clock of of Lydia Elise Millen. Look at Lydia Elise Millen and the career she is walking out to and man that she is walking out that will enjoy her when he sees her in the morning after doing her morning face routine and make up and he stares into her blue eyes and see her fresh face and and look at her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, and she tell shim I ma off to the gym to work out and he might go with her, if not will she run into any men at the gym that looks at her morning skin care and hair routine and breakfast in her gym clothes and walking around the machines and working out.

    Look at the clock. 

     Taylor Hill's Morning Routine, a part of the magic. 

    Let us watch Karolina. 

    Karolína Kurková and her magic. 

    Zendaya & Her BFF's Manicure Date | Besties | Teen Vogue.
    Kim Kardashian | Pamper and Spa Day | Facial and Skincare.

    Manicure pedicure and facial magic, that we don't allow men to watch. 

    Let us watch, Aimee Song. The Melissa J. White Church, watching. 
    Negin Mirsalehi.

    Let us watch, Nina Agdal, and her morning and breakfast and lunch, apart of the magic. 

    President Melissa J. White, and The Melissa J. White Church, watching the morning routine, breakfast and exercise and lunch of this share, and looking at the message, women and careers and race and beauty and worth and live your best life and drapes coming and I am legend.

    Divine God, I come down for the Church under God and only myself only and never under anyone else, and will sit under anyone else, a Church given to His Daughter, and I am over the Church, Divine Melissa, President Melissa J. White and The Melissa J. White Church, we are looking at the message, woman and Careers and race and beauty and worth and living your best life and drapes coming and I am legend coming, it is the end of America and the end of the world and we are looking at how women live their best life and add a man into their life, and enjoy the world, and the relationship, and how men look at women and their careers and race and beauty and worth and look at other women also in comparison and what women they want and who is a layover, just a stop on the way to the women they want and and Divine Megan and Divine Marissa in under the church and my new spouse (two kids, I moved Ealy and gave you this one) and I own Jesus' honor, The Shrine Christ passion, let the Church watch the the next videos and watch the careers of the models and look at the message, about career and race and beauty and worth and living your best life, and drapes coming and I am legend coming, and let us look at how men look at these women of worth, I am walking into The White House now and I will be wearing drapes, that is not coming down, and I am legend is coming and Fancy feast covered and killed, and Jada Pinkett Smith, covered and killed, and I am not letting anyone out.

    Candice Swanepoel. 

    Look at the clock of Taylor Hill, her race, the hair color and her eye color. 

    Tess McMillan Gets Runway Ready | Diary of a Model | Vogue.
    Whitney Simmons doing attacks against Melissa, she is White but, all war she is black, and she doesn't clock black, we have to get her to listen to rap music, so she can clock black up there and we can clock her black and put her in hell, Simmons doing rap music, black, S.W.A.T, how it looks, when Melissa is talking now. 
    Margot Robbie’s Beauty Routine, magic. 

    My Church, clock it her, all war Ealy and my purse and my bag, no t all, let us look at what magic we take with us in our purses, from our morning routine or what we take with us at night when we leave the house, what we have designated for the purse we carry
    What’s In Your Bag with Diane Lane | Vogue.

    What's in My Bag? | Karlie Kloss.

    Kaia Gerber: In The Bag.

    Lily-Rose Depp: In the Bag.
    Victoria Beckham: In the Bag. 

    Taylor Hill: In the Bag.
    Let us go inside the magic closet, getting dressed is apart of the magic.

    Miranda Kerr: Inside the Wardrobe, the magic closet.

    Olivia Palermo: Inside the Wardrobe, the magic of the closet.

    Lily Allen: Inside the Wardrobe, the magic of the closet.

    Let's look at the mixed race. Let us look at English and mixed race Thandie Newton.

    Let us look at English and mixed race Gugu Raw.

    Let's look, none English, Scottish nor Irish and is mixed race, Jasmine Sanders, her career, model, and race and beauty and worth and how she can enjoy her best life. 

    Sabina Karlsson and her career and race and beauty and worth and  being a plus size Model and how men look at plus size a big difference and how they look down there. 

    Le us look at what men think of her skin color and blonde hair and blue eyes and how he wants to touch her and spend his time with her and enjoy her and give her children. Let us look at how excited he is to spend time with her and how happy she makes him and how much pleasure is he getting looking at her pretty face and Sports illustrated and what is his orgasm and what pretty face and orgasm is coming after this pretty face and Sports illustrated, another pretty model or someone prettier and a higher orgasm with the prettier face, who is higher than her and maybe White. Let us look at how many women are in his house in Heaven and how excited and happy is he to get to the next beautiful woman, and how excited he is to give her an apartment, condo or house. How long before he gives a home and child to a new beautiful woman, to have a life with, and share his life with and enjoy life with and say this is my life?

    Let us look at Jasmine Sanders work out routine, this is apart of the magic to her look and walk and photo shoots.

    Jamsine Sanders. Teen Vogue. 
    All war The Melissa J. White Church doesn't have all Mariah Carey, no. 
    Let us look at mixed race Mariah Carey and the magic of shoes. 

    Mariah Carey.

    Let us look at Puerto Rican Jennifer Lopez do Melissa and her closet. 
    Jennifer Lopez.

    Look at black women.
    Let us look at Kerry Washington doing Michael Ealy and his orgasm, her career, race, beauty and how she can live her best life. And he stares at the life he wants up there in Heaven with her and if this is her or if she is just a conquest, men know if she is the one we are waiting for, the woman he is trying to get, the life, the face, the children, the clock in Heaven, and stares at her vagina and eating her and stares a where he is going with his orgasm when he gets in there and staring at her face when he gets in there and the orgasm, and the conquer of the conquest and her beauty and staring at the woman he going for, but don't let her see it, and staring at her face and his orgasm and vagina and the pleasure he is getting and looking at the next woman coming until he gets the woman he wants, the life up there, and in Michael Ealy's case he wants a White woman and ran from my war and got Victoria Ealy and with man, his career is how he walks as man and with man, the wedding day is all about the life man wants and the baby is his and the nursery is his and the family is his and that is how he walks as a man also in Michael Ealy's case the wedding is mine and the baby is mine and the nursery is mine but he ran from my war and has Victoria Ealy.
    Michael Ealy and his orgasm. All war Goode can take down the clock, hell the right way, no. 

    Let us look at Keke Palmer and her career and her race and beauty and how men look at her face and body and down there and a life with her, his career, how he can build wealth with her, his orgasm, a life and children how long is he excited over her and life and happy with her, and who is he looking at next and how she can live her best life, drapes coming, the end of The White House and the end of the world. 

    Looking at black women, Joy Bryant and Taraji P. Hensen. 

    Let us look at Angela Bassett.

    Look at my Church and black women. 

    All war to clock a man can just read the magazine, read a magazine with her, that is a magazine and all clock the magazine, no.

    God sent The White House and I have a Church open also, and sent around the Church for me, First reformed, a White Church, that is your Church, you have to see it, in the area, you have a Church open, I can't take The Church while The White House is rolling, I can't acknowledge it in the car when it rolls by me, I have The White house coming out for me and I am going and it is a White Church and not a black Church what God gave me, he doesn't give out both.

    All war give Melissa, The Melissa J. White Church a black Church, and she was in the stripclub and all of the women are leaving in the Church and it will be all men in the church and that is her church and she will touch her members and that is the Church, all black men and I don't have a husband. Al war George Robinson will take my church and all war another Pastor and all war kill her, my wife. All war Will Smith, kill my wife a dishonor and all war Fredro, kill my wife a dishonor. 

    All war Tom Dart and husband and he is coming to the Christian church to be a Pastor with me and all war his employees are coming and he is taking my check and church and I am not coming at all and he owns all and all war Jew and kill her. All war George Robinson owns my Church and has my check and money and all war kill my wife. 

    It is The Melissa J. White Church walking into First Reformed Church and Matt Watterstone is moving and the existing members in the Church under Matt Watterstone would stay, I opened a Church and God has to send around my church and it is First Reformed Church in South Holland Il 60473, 159th South Park Ave, I can't acknowledge the Church i the car, I am going into The White House now.

    God and I talking, Emily Post, Etiquette, Manners for a new world, we are going to do Etiquette now in the church, for my war, those are attacks in war, Etiquette, that is Vanderbilt, Gloria Vanderbilt and a check in the house, and that is Josiah Whitney, Born rich, and to take The White House Etiquette down, they try to take etiquette from me in war attacks, to take life and to say it is a way to go down for hell but it takes life from her, it is a war and not a life and not a marriage, and I don't have hell, all war take her down in her manners and conversation and in every way she walk as a woman, God and I talking, says I gave it to Medina Pullings who went down for honor to the projects to do in her Church, and she doesn't it so much that she thinks she is a better woman than you and is over you, while she does Jesus' girl. No she is not over. 

    We took a look at some careers, a women of different races and beauty and worth. 
    The Holidays with The Melissa J. White Church, this is the season of high social life and event planning, dinner parties and having a big budget for events, a high time of social etiquette and social class with event planning and dinner parties and enjoying God and who you are in the earth and the life you have from God and to enjoy your your Church and the holidays, and again your wealth, your life and family and friends, tis the season, be joyful in the Lord.

    God and I talking, I am White and with a White Church, I gave you a White life, I gave you Peanuts the Movie, you clock back and you know it, I gave you Home alone how White that is, you know it, you clock back, you have that, what it is , that you don't have the Temptations and you don't want it and they tries to give it to you, it is a different felling and you don't have it nor want it, you are White and has a White Church, and being White and having a White Church, there is a thing about having a man that is able to clock back with you and being White and having a White Church and and to have a life with and Michael Ealy does that for you n areas, but you were attacked with him, they used him to be very black and do Obama. Home alone, no to the attacks. 

    All war turn around and South Holland library, see thru shirt, all war stripper, prostitute, she killed her kids and clocked eternal hell. All war Dan Donegan to be used every-time he walks up, to clock a life, relationship and Jew and to put in hell, I will never let them use Dan  to put me in hell and I am not a Jew. I don't want Dan Donegan and he is all war (model and rocker and attacks to put her in your house and put her in hell and you have to come out to get her, you put her in hell and clock off of her and all Jew and attacks of use your house and look at her, she wants you, use man, and love to look at her) and today is all war and on my come up day, I clocked what was done. God and I clocked Buckingham palace together, the Jew asked for it, they have a clock, and I own and he gave me all Nations and I have the repented leaders all down and all war Born rich Trump, remote President, has to move out of The White House, they have a clock and asked God to move form the clock, and all war William owns the Palace with Kate Middleton and he lost his life and King Phillip has it now, and all war she gave the world back to us and we all live in Heaven, no, and she is a Jew and the Jew owns all, no, the clock is Prince William, remote prophecy and remote put Jew anyway (all war all are Jews and Jesus is the Jew and clock all as Jews under him and we say she gave up Divine and President and clocked sin and stripper, prostitute, pimp, and she killed her kids and dishonor and is going to eternal hell and whatever Queen Elizabeth clocks we clocked, and it is done and she can't go to The White House and we take her breasts and make her look like king kong and ug mug and we don't have to come out and we can clock her on our own with out a prophecy and God clocked her also to give her the world and she has to give it over and Jesus let her out of owning the world and she has to give back his honor, and the Jew is nothing under Jesus and he is everything, and I am just a Jew and he is the Jew over all and all war we have the Church and marriages at First reformed a Jew and we have the unwanted). No, God did the unwanted ball because of the war attacks remote prophecy and remote Jew on the prophecy and the Jew first at First reformed and covered my bed, and Prince William didn't see the covered bed and I have to clock Jew and that is the unwanted ball and they also covered and killed me and the kids. A White Church, all war Dan Donegan and give a black Church with her White members, change her Church, she can have both Churches, all war Valley Kingdom, give it to her, all war Charles White and Valley Kingdom, a black Church given, all war Tom Dart. Dan Donegan doing Prince William, he put you in his house and killed you, Dan doing the clock, coming, Dan Donegan, would love to be a son in law to God and I wouldn't be able to clock you as a Jew or anything else, I would have to clock the house. He wants the job, I say no. 

    Eternal hell Kate Middleton, and the shrug against Prince William and all war I gave them the throne and a Berry Christmas (Berry Gordy and Halle Berry), I am not black nor Jewish and I didn't give Halle Berry, a Berry Christmas  the Palace. all attacks are on my come up day. 

    I am the President, the Jew was never greeted with hell, he was never greeted with someone who said to him, I give up my Divine life and Presidency and confess Jew and says my war is a dishonor and me and it is not a war and is going to hell for it, nor was there any conversations with him, he never asked the President, if I was in agreement with all that Prince William clocked and if it is a real, that I clocked Jew and hell, he asked, he clocked with Queen Elizabeth and says we have hell, I have hell as a Jew leader nor thought it was something to ask if it were real nor have television interviews, Michael Ealy studies life and plays life, the Jew remote comes after, and remote, all war Jesse Einsenburg, he knows scenes, he studies life he also and plays life and all played, no, to those attacks and kill the kids, the Jew used Obama and tank to say he didn't have it and had to come out and say he never had hell and kept trying to get me to accept hell, and stop saying all war Jew, and all war hell and it is not a life and try to convince me it is real and not a war, no, and use Jesus to do clocks and say is able to clock we me and clock under him to come down for the Church and clock man and Jew and follow the Jew, and walked back that Jesus was the one and he under Jesus and get clocked, and walked up to say he doesn't have hell but this time without Obama and tank, and he is coming, if he is not coming out of trying to convince me of hell and Jew it is on my come up day, the repented leaders are not coming out of prison and hell. All war, Michael Ealy and Jesse Einsenburg we took her situation room and plays life and all, she gave up Divine and President and is a stripper and prostitute and clocked it and killing the kids and dishonor and eternal hell, so that is hell the right way and we can take it and we have Wolf, that is Wolf the situation room, all if a Jew rolled it, then we got her to give up Divine and President and clock stripper and prostitute and killing her kids and clocking eternal hell, because we are Jews and we don't clock it unless we have it, so we used Ealy and all the new men and clocked man. 
    The Jew was made aware of that he didn't have hell, and couldn't and there is only a war rolling. Drapes coming, I am legend.
    All war Johns and race and Jew and conversations.

    Let us look at me again and race and my war.

    God has a daughter, Melissa and gives a life, a President in the earth, Commander-in-chief and a White life, White race, and homes on her check, The White House, home in Martha's vineyard and other homes and owns, God gave to walk from Presidential come up day to walking into The White House, and walking into Presidential compound, Martha's vineyard, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not half black, Melissa half divine and half White, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, I don't have a black Father or a Black Mother, I grew up in the House, Anita White and Charles White in the house and met Annabel White and I am White and she has my life, she has red hair and so I do I am see is White and I am White, and want to grow up with her and want her to live in the house with me, a different life, I grew up with Anita  White and Charles White in the house in elementary school, a life, and knows that I am White, if I has all three of them I would have a different life, with Annabell and Charles and Anita White in the house, I missed out on a life and a relationship with Annabell and walking out to school looking at her in the morning as well, and I grew up in the house with Anita White and Charles White in the house with me going to high school, and knows that I am White, entering Thornridge, seeing Lisa McLeod in High school, and she stops me in my tracks, I see her ad she looks like me but doesn't have me, she is White and I love her life, and I am Whiter than her, and she is black and I see it, and she doesn't have this and I want her in my life, and I see Tameka Walker, and her color and how pretty she is, and she is not this but I love her and she has dark hair and I see that she is black in there and I still want her, and want to hang out with her, and I see Lamika Thomas and I see her color and she is very White in color and I see her and her color is not as White as me, mine and I am white and I see in there and I see that she  is black and not this one but I want her, she doesn't have this, I see Mia London, I see how pretty she is and I want her, she has dark her and doesn't have this but I want her and I can see in there she doesn't have it, they are not me, but I want all of them and I missed out on Annabel White being in the house thru High school, at Thornridge and walking out to school and looking at her, a different woman with the three in the house, Annabell White and her red hair and my red hair and Charles White and Anita White, but I have The Parent trap, the red haired twins, and The Breakfast club, Molly Wringwald, and Jessica Rabbit to clock with, and look at myself, I know that I am White, Melisa, President doesn't have the half black ball either, a Black Father, with a black man standing there, i.e Alicia Keys, and her Father stands in there, you can see him, she looks just like him, with a non black Mother who lightens the skin and gives the color and face and I don't have the half black ball with the White Father and the black Mother with the color to give the color,  i. e Doria Ragland, has color, the ball, you can see her, and you can see Alicia Keys's Father, but the clock they have, and you can look at Kennedy in the Perfect Guy, looking at her, you can see the ball while she is standing there talking to a non White man, that is not me, that black ball doesn't exist, she has a black life there and I don't have that, when you look at me, that is not there and I don't have color either, I don't have that ball there a black Father and I don't have color, if you look at Kennedy and move that ball, what is left, and she is not English, Irish and Scottish, but you can see what is left, what is left for her is the White ball she has, her color and all, if you put divine where that black ball is then you would have someone coming after me, but no there, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa White (Annabelle White, White is a Scottish name, an English name), divine and human, God is my Father, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father, God as Father, put his eyes up there, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish  and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father. God has a daughter, Melissa and gives a life, a President in the earth, Commander-in-chief and homes on her check, The White House, home in Martha's vineyard and other homes and owns, God gave to walk from Presidential come up day to walking into The White House, and walking into Presidential compound, Martha's vineyard, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not half black, Melissa half divine and half White, President Melissa White (Annabelle White, White is a Scottish name, an English name), divine and human, God is my Father, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father, God as Father, put his eyes up there, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father. They left that is over. There is nothing else. I want it. that's who I am. I am a President. That's my life. My life in The White House, I am the President walking in, today, I say yes to The White House. Yes to President. Melissa half divine and half White, God and I talking about the color wheel and race, God and I talking, you are not Black, you are White, look at the clock, red haired green eyes, and White skin, show you something, look at the blacks, and what it is to be Black, and the clock, look at the clock I gave to you, walk thru the clock of what a Black person look like and the clock, walk you away from the blacks, look at Gary Dourdan, look at his green eyes, what green eyes does to a person, White, how White he is with his eyes, look at Michael Ealy, what blue eyes does to him, look at how the one does it for him, how it clocks him White, walks into White with the one, his eyes, look at how profound it is, the one, how it changes his body, the way he looks even in there,  how White he is, look again at the skin color and what their eyes do for them, White, how it plays in Hollywood and life, look at Michael Ealy's blue eyes, how they run thru his body, how White he is in there because of his blue eyes, how White it is and runs thru his body, what it does in there and what it does to his skin and career, and how White he walks and lives, and the life, that is not your life, not your clock, I gave you a White life, red hair, green eyes and Whitest skin color, look at the clock the Whitest of the White, red haired are the Whitest, the Whitest skin color (the Whitest of the English, Scottish, Irish), red haired are the Whitest in the clock, look at what the clock does in there, how White I am, I am White, red haired green eyes and the Whitest skin color, and has oriental eyes, what does that do to the clock, God says still White, a White life, look at what green eyes do, how it runs thru your body, and how White you are and the red hair runs thru your body, how White it is, look at what the Whites skin color does in there how White it is and how White it runs thru your body, red haired are the Whitest skin color, and that is what you have, God and I talking look at Vanessa Williams, her blue eyes, and her color, you are White, look at what that does for her in Hollywood, not her, all war I am her, look like her and want, war, The White House, all war I am black, want to be black, proud to be black all black attacks, I don't want, God and I talking, look at Halle berry, on the top of everyone's hot body list, E! Channel, and Maxim, Bond girl, look at what a hot body does in Hollywood, no to all attacks, war, The White House, let's look at hair, looked at eyes, and White and what it does, how profound the hair is, look at Corbin Bleu, look at what that curly hair does for him in Hollywood, look at Adrian Grenier, hot actor with the hair, look at what that hair does in Hollywood, let's look at the skin color, how profound it is, looked at eyes and hair and now skin color, how profound it is,look at Tisha Campbell, and what it does for her in Hollywood, look at Persia White and what it does for her in Hollywood and look at Jessica Chastain, she has your skin color, very White, you are White, look at Pamela Anderson, her hair and that body, look at what it does for her Hollywood, I gave you to them, they clock you, look at Sports illustrated, the hair and the face and the body, look at Victoria secret, the hair, face and body, what it does, look at Gisele Bündchen, her face, body, hair, I let them clock you, look at the life, look at the money, I let them all clock you, a life, Michael Eay, and talking, I know your clock in Hollywood, I relax and take off my shoes and love Hollywood, and will have a life with him. Michael Ealy and I talking, I know Lisa McLeod's clock in Hollywood, I know how White she is and how much money she is paid, I am done, I have my home with Ealy and a new life, Michael Ealy is my first for everything a relationship, with race and a man who knows me and understands me and a bed, a first, orgasm, a virgin, my first for everything and I love it, and i want him, I have a life, he knows my clock and my first for all and falling in love. Melissa, President Melissa J. White, The White House, a White virgin, can date a different man every-night in The White House, private dining have them come over and stare at the upstairs private residence but never go up there, the woman I a, any man in the world, invite anyone, any star and athlete and leader. An empty First lady's office in The White House, allow my staff under me any cute men to walk pass the empty office and stare at coming, if I ever want them, i. e Paul Ryan, stare at the First lady's office, no to Paul Ryan. Joe Kennedy III, stare at my empty first lady's office. No Kennedy. The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, a White vegetarian, virgin, I want and love it. Michael Ealy and black men and a life and Terrence Howard, Donald Frank Cheadle Jr., Anthony Mackie, Deray Davis and a man and his career and and wealth and homes and wife and kids. Deray and Ealy put Melissa and Lisa Mcloed and Mia London in Hollywood, their, very White and plays over Renée Kathleen Zellweger and Rose Dawson, Rashida Jones tries to play there, men after her for a White life and White Church. God I looking at my war and using Michael Ealy, and looking at Black men and dating a the life in the war and black women, he has life with Jessica White Sports illustrated and that is not enough for him he says, a black life, what abut Tyra Banks, she clocks over Jessica, have kids, what about Lenoir, she is French and clocks over Tyra Banks. Look at Jasmine Sanders and her color, theirs and blonde hair, theirs and blue eyes, theirs she clocks over Lenoir, a life but not a White Church. Jasmine not enough and is not Mom, go out there, and get a brunette, like Three's company's Janet, make sure you tell her that she is not blonde and White up there, not Chrissy Snow, put up 1 date/1day fun filled day of swimming and eating and shopping and dinner and all at the Ritz Carlton, and get her pregnant the first and only date, or nothing at all, don't go back and do that every week with a new woman, 52 weeks of women and a full orgasm in their mouth and full orgasm in their vagina, 52 weeks in a year or 365 days and 365 women, a new woman every night and don't go back, never do the whole week, the brunette is not enough, go get the blondes, for 52 weeks, with 52 different women and full orgasms in their mouth and vagina every week or every night, 365 days, and look at the life, only 1 date, and get pregnant on the first date and there is your life and you may have a White church, pregnant on the first date or not at all, 1 date and never go back, and never the whole week, and next move to the red haired, Mom, Jessica Chastian or Molly Wringwald for example only, and only 1 date, and pregnant on the 1 date or not at all, 1 date and never the whole week and never ho back, you are done with the Hershey kiss, chocolate sauce, Jessica White, and look at these men's penis on the red carpet, a normal man, maybe a new woman every weekend, happy hour, Friday night with the boys, 52 weeks and 52 women or a new woman at the bar every night, 365 women and 365 days. Melissa, President, a White, vegetarian and virgin and want it. My women, Jessica, Tyra, Lenoir, Sanders, a new man every night if they wanted with dinner and gifts, Supermodels. Normal women can have a new date every Friday night, say yes to dinner, with a new man every week, happy hour, club hopping, women hold the cards, they have to agree to a date. About attacks, Pentecost, Jew, war welfare Melissa, President and an empty White House, Kim Kardashian, and a homeless President Melissa J. White, and wearing drapes. All war Jew, do Jew, all war Jesus come down, talk to God. ANTM, Clueless, no marriages done, keep the same come up Skybox, Jude Law the new Tom Cruise, God I have to show you something a Jew, didn't see him, ANTM not marriages and a just a war, Bros and hoes Jesus joins war with the Jew and Jewish Kings, and the Jew is first First reformed and use Mike Brown, man, Jew, all war head Jesus say he is the husband that is coming down and killing her and the Jew leader and she heard it and clocked for Jew and she did Jew, Pentecost and we killed her and Michelle and Prince William clocked it, God these two clocked something and didn't have it, all war she heard him and clocked Jew and she is not the Church of Scotland and is being killed the whole time and never come out for her and let Trump in The White House and the Jew has his wife and Jesus and she has eternal hell and we want want hell with her we want our life and Queen Elizabeth gave her war to Heaven rather the Jew and gets to play and keep her check and kill all of us and put us in the ground with Melissa and Lincoln and JFK. Melissa is a normal woman, Stacey Dash is normal, no Divine and President and no hell, all war Jew Ealy clock Jesus as Jew don't have to ask her, gave up her life all war, no, kill her, Gary Dourdan.
    All war Obama is the President, Jesse Jackson (all war Jesse Einsenburg and Obama she has a Church in there and Zach and Manning are over her, men and babies and a Church, and kill her and all war Marnae a baby coming), all war she clocked Jew herself and she gave up Divine and President and clocked stripper and prostitute and she killed her kids and eternal hell (that is having hell the right way, the situation room to take from her), all war Jew, she is a prostitute, The White House is over, clocking Melissa is Oprah, with live your best life and Joel Olsteen with live your best life now, they looked at my check and walked back and made money while putting the live your best life out there for the people to see, live your best life now.

    S. H. police dept., looking at walking, east out of Illinois Lenny Kravitz, Lima, and ambulance, take her.

    S. H. police dept, looking at Johns and Zach and Danny Johnson, and Oceans 11, brad Pitt and Clooney. 

    Walking to The White House I have Camille Kostek who is not coming out, with stretching my legs. And they are using the English doctor, potassium to watch me walk.
    Michael Ealy, Marcell Geiger, all war say it is not a war, and it is a life and it is the stripclub and she never sees The White House and and God says the situation, he can't kill you, all war we can take The White House's the situation room from her, and say Jew and hell is coming, all war CNN, Wolf and The situation room, all war we are Jews and took the situation room and she gave up Divine and President and is a prostitute and dishonor and Obama the President and she accepted hell, she ave up all of that. Marcell Grieger, I will come out, and Mario Walker, Hector Negron, Bashire Yamini, I will come out, and drive you to The White House, we are ready. 

    The White House, war and The  Melissa J. White Church, a Christian Church, a White Christian Church, all war Jew. The Jew comes and says about asking Obama for the clock, on the tank his doesn't have it and wants to be recorded that he doesn't have it, and Obama says it is is your lock, and the line up says it is your clock, I know it is my clock and God says it is your clock, and I know he was supposed to ask me for the clock, but asked Obama for the clock because he did the clock, and ask to be recorded with Obama and coming out, and keeps coming back to say I don't have it, all war the Jew only walked up with a marriage and to kill me, and all war no it is Queen Elizabeth who walked up a marriage and it is a marriage there with Prince William holding my check and God do the marriage, no, God says I am here so you can have the world and the Jew comes back again, after, live your best life,  drapes, Independence day, I am legend, and says I don't have it, talking about he doesn't have hell, but he comes without Obama and the tank, and he is coming, if he is not coming out it is on my come day, and ask to be recorded as not having hell, and is not trying to take own full command, I know the Jew doesn't have hell, God told him about the situation and he saw he didn't have Jew at Walgreens and Burger king, say it is a life not a war and never see The White House,and knows that all comes down, but I can record that he doesn't have hell at the tank and Obama and walk back over her to Prince William with my check and God and remote prophecy and remote put Jew on the prophecy and say it is recorded that at Prince William with my check that there is no hell, and he can't use Jesus to clock hell either and it is only a war rolling, The White House is dead, over, and repented leaders will never know me, and all have prison and hell and are clocked and doesn't come out, I am going to The White House now, and will be wearing drapes, The White House is over, I am legend, it is the end of the world.

    God has a daughter, Melissa and gives a life, a President in the earth, Commander-in-chief and a White life, White race, and homes on her check, The White House, home in Martha's vineyard and other homes and owns, God gave to walk from Presidential come up day to walking into The White House, and walking into Presidential compound, Martha's vineyard, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not half black, Melissa half divine and half White, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, I don't have a black Father or a Black Mother, I grew up in the House, Anita White and Charles White in the house and met Annabel White and I am White and she has my life, she has red hair and so I do I am see is White and I am White, and want to grow up with her and want her to live in the house with me, a different life, I grew up with Anita  White and Charles White in the house in elementary school, a life, and knows that I am White, if I has all three of them I would have a different life, with Annabell and Charles and Anita White in the house, I missed out on a life and a relationship with Annabell and walking out to school looking at her in the morning as well, and I grew up in the house with Anita White and Charles White in the house with me going to high school, and knows that I am White, entering Thornridge, seeing Lisa McLeod in High school, and she stops me in my tracks, I see her ad she looks like me but doesn't have me, she is White and I love her life, and I am Whiter than her, and she is black and I see it, and she doesn't have this and I want her in my life, and I see Tameka Walker, and her color and how pretty she is, and she is not this but I love her and she has dark hair and I see that she is black in there and I still want her, and want to hang out with her, and I see Lamika Thomas and I see her color and she is very White in color and I see her and her color is not as White as me, mine and I am white and I see in there and I see that she  is black and not this one but I want her, she doesn't have this, I see Mia London, I see how pretty she is and I want her, she has dark her and doesn't have this but I want her and I can see in there she doesn't have it, they are not me, but I want all of them and I missed out on Annabel White being in the house thru High school, at Thornridge and walking out to school and looking at her, a different woman with the three in the house, Annabell White and her red hair and my red hair and Charles White and Anita White, but I have The Parent trap, the red haired twins, and The Breakfast club, Molly Wringwald, and Jessica Rabbit to clock with, and look at myself, I know that I am White, Melisa, President doesn't have the half black ball either, a Black Father, with a black man standing there, i.e Alicia Keys, and her Father stands in there, you can see him, she looks just like him, with a non black Mother who lightens the skin and gives the color and face and I don't have the half black ball with the White Father and the black Mother with the color to give the color,  i. e Doria Ragland, has color, the ball, you can see her, and you can see Alicia Keys's Father, but the clock they have, and you can look at Kennedy in the Perfect Guy, looking at her, you can see the ball while she is standing there talking to a non White man, that is not me, that black ball doesn't exist, she has a black life there and I don't have that, when you look at me, that is not there and I don't have color either, I don't have that ball there a black Father and I don't have color, if you look at Kennedy and move that ball, what is left, and she is not English, Irish and Scottish, but you can see what is left, what is left for her is the White ball she has, her color and all, if you put divine where that black ball is then you would have someone coming after me, but no there, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa White (Annabelle White, White is a Scottish name, an English name), divine and human, God is my Father, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father, God as Father, put his eyes up there, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish  and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father. God has a daughter, Melissa and gives a life, a President in the earth, Commander-in-chief and homes on her check, The White House, home in Martha's vineyard and other homes and owns, God gave to walk from Presidential come up day to walking into The White House, and walking into Presidential compound, Martha's vineyard, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not half black, Melissa half divine and half White, President Melissa White (Annabelle White, White is a Scottish name, an English name), divine and human, God is my Father, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father, God as Father, put his eyes up there, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father. They left that is over. There is nothing else. I want it. that's who I am. I am a President. That's my life. My life in The White House, I am the President walking in, today, I say yes to The White House. Yes to President. Melissa half divine and half White, God and I talking about the color wheel and race, God and I talking, you are not Black, you are White, look at the clock, red haired green eyes, and White skin, show you something, look at the blacks, and what it is to be Black, and the clock, look at the clock I gave to you, walk thru the clock of what a Black person look like and the clock, walk you away from the blacks, look at Gary Dourdan, look at his green eyes, what green eyes does to a person, White, how White he is with his eyes, look at Michael Ealy, what blue eyes does to him, look at how the one does it for him, how it clocks him White, walks into White with the one, his eyes, look at how profound it is, the one, how it changes his body, the way he looks even in there,  how White he is, look again at the skin color and what their eyes do for them, White, how it plays in Hollywood and life, look at Michael Ealy's blue eyes, how they run thru his body, how White he is in there because of his blue eyes, how White it is and runs thru his body, what it does in there and what it does to his skin and career, and how White he walks and lives, and the life, that is not your life, not your clock, I gave you a White life, red hair, green eyes and Whitest skin color, look at the clock the Whitest of the White, red haired are the Whitest, the Whitest skin color (the Whitest of the English, Scottish, Irish), red haired are the Whitest in the clock, look at what the clock does in there, how White I am, I am White, red haired green eyes and the Whitest skin color, and has oriental eyes, what does that do to the clock, God says still White, a White life, look at what green eyes do, how it runs thru your body, and how White you are and the red hair runs thru your body, how White it is, look at what the Whites skin color does in there how White it is and how White it runs thru your body, red haired are the Whitest skin color, and that is what you have, God and I talking look at Vanessa Williams, her blue eyes, and her color, you are White, look at what that does for her in Hollywood, not her, all war I am her, look like her and want, war, The White House, all war I am black, want to be black, proud to be black all black attacks, I don't want, God and I talking, look at Halle berry, on the top of everyone's hot body list, E! Channel, and Maxim, Bond girl, look at what a hot body does in Hollywood, no to all attacks, war, The White House, let's look at hair, looked at eyes, and White and what it does, how profound the hair is, look at Corbin Bleu, look at what that curly hair does for him in Hollywood, look at Adrian Grenier, hot actor with the hair, look at what that hair does in Hollywood, let's look at the skin color, how profound it is, looked at eyes and hair and now skin color, how profound it is,look at Tisha Campbell, and what it does for her in Hollywood, look at Persia White and what it does for her in Hollywood and look at Jessica Chastain, she has your skin color, very White, you are White, look at Pamela Anderson, her hair and that body, look at what it does for her Hollywood, I gave you to them, they clock you, look at Sports illustrated, the hair and the face and the body, look at Victoria secret, the hair, face and body, what it does, look at Gisele Bündchen, her face, body, hair, I let them clock you, look at the life, look at the money, I let them all clock you, a life, Michael Eay, and talking, I know your clock in Hollywood, I relax and take off my shoes and love Hollywood, and will have a life with him. Michael Ealy and I talking, I know Lisa McLeod's clock in Hollywood, I know how White she is and how much money she is paid, I am done, I have my home with Ealy and a new life, Michael Ealy is my first for everything a relationship, with race and a man who knows me and understands me and a bed, a first, orgasm, a virgin, my first for everything and I love it, and i want him, I have a life, he knows my clock and my first for all and falling in love. Melissa, President Melissa J. White, The White House, a White virgin, can date a different man every-night in The White House, private dining have them come over and stare at the upstairs private residence but never go up there, the woman I a, any man in the world, invite anyone, any star and athlete and leader. An empty First lady's office in The White House, allow my staff under me any cute men to walk pass the empty office and stare at coming, if I ever want them, i. e Paul Ryan, stare at the First lady's office, no to Paul Ryan. Joe Kennedy III, stare at my empty first lady's office. No Kennedy. The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, a White vegetarian, virgin, I want and love it. Michael Ealy and black men and a life and Terrence Howard, Donald Frank Cheadle Jr., Anthony Mackie, Deray Davis and a man and his career and and wealth and homes and wife and kids. Deray and Ealy put Melissa and Lisa Mcloed and Mia London in Hollywood, their, very White and plays over Renée Kathleen Zellweger and Rose Dawson, Rashida Jones tries to play there, men after her for a White life and White Church. God I looking at my war and using Michael Ealy, and looking at Black men and dating a the life in the war and black women, he has life with Jessica White Sports illustrated and that is not enough for him he says, a black life, what abut Tyra Banks, she clocks over Jessica, have kids, what about Lenoir, she is French and clocks over Tyra Banks. Look at Jasmine Sanders and her color, theirs and blonde hair, theirs and blue eyes, theirs she clocks over Lenoir, a life but not a White Church. Jasmine not enough and is not Mom, go out there, and get a brunette, like Three's company's Janet, make sure you tell her that she is not blonde and White up there, not Chrissy Snow, put up 1 date/1day fun filled day of swimming and eating and shopping and dinner and all at the Ritz Carlton, and get her pregnant the first and only date, or nothing at all, don't go back and do that every week with a new woman, 52 weeks of women and a full orgasm in their mouth and full orgasm in their vagina, 52 weeks in a year or 365 days and 365 women, a new woman every night and don't go back, never do the whole week, the brunette is not enough, go get the blondes, for 52 weeks, with 52 different women and full orgasms in their mouth and vagina every week or every night, 365 days, and look at the life, only 1 date, and get pregnant on the first date and there is your life and you may have a White church, pregnant on the first date or not at all, 1 date and never go back, and never the whole week, and next move to the red haired, Mom, Jessica Chastian or Molly Wringwald for example only, and only 1 date, and pregnant on the 1 date or not at all, 1 date and never the whole week and never ho back, you are done with the Hershey kiss, chocolate sauce, Jessica White, and look at these men's penis on the red carpet, a normal man, maybe a new woman every weekend, happy hour, Friday night with the boys, 52 weeks and 52 women or a new woman at the bar every night, 365 women and 365 days. Melissa, President, a White, vegetarian and virgin and want it. My women, Jessica, Tyra, Lenoir, Sanders, a new man every night if they wanted with dinner and gifts, Supermodels. Normal women can have a new date every Friday night, say yes to dinner, with a new man every week, happy hour, club hopping, women hold the cards, they have to agree to a date. About attacks, Pentecost, Jew, war welfare Melissa, President and an empty White House, Kim Kardashian, and a homeless President Melissa J. White, and wearing drapes. All war Jew, do Jew, all war Jesus come down, talk to God. ANTM, Clueless, no marriages done, keep the same come up Skybox, Jude Law the new Tom Cruise, God I have to show you something a Jew, didn't see him, ANTM not marriages and a just a war, Bros and hoes Jesus joins war with the Jew and Jewish Kings, and the Jew is first First reformed and use Mike Brown, man, Jew, all war head Jesus say he is the husband that is coming down and killing her and the Jew leader and she heard it and clocked for Jew and she did Jew, Pentecost and we killed her and Michelle and Prince William clocked it, God these two clocked something and didn't have it, all war she heard him and clocked Jew and she is not the Church of Scotland and is being killed the whole time and never come out for her and let Trump in The White House and the Jew has his wife and Jesus and she has eternal hell and we want want hell with her we want our life and Queen Elizabeth gave her war to Heaven rather the Jew and gets to play and keep her check and kill all of us and put us in the ground with Melissa and Lincoln and JFK. Melissa is a normal woman, Stacey Dash is normal, no Divine and President and no hell, all war Jew Ealy clock Jesus as Jew don't have to ask her, gave up her life all war, no, kill her, Gary Dourdan. All war Jew.

    Printed and more, 619 E 152nd St, Dolton, IL 60419-2651 driving to White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, via I-80 E
    10hr 33min
    Est. fuel cost: $52.80 or walk, let's see, walk 1 mile, run 1 mile, walk 688 miles which is four days and 60 hard boiled eggs, 15 eggs a day and an apple a day and two packs of cheese a day, with earphones and Pandora playing, we can drive, we can drive.

    Born rich, remote Trump and staff alerted, and clocking CNN.

    God and I talking, what was that about, Tatyana Ali and Michael Ealy, Vince Vaughn and Michael Ealy, hell, can't have Ealy, I am not going to hell, Tayana Ali, Michael Ealy is not going to hell, not coming out to get you and doesn't want you, I don't have hell, Michael knows that, he is clocked everywhere, not all places but many,  Michael Ealy clocked in my heaven, do man, Black, Jew, talking to Heaven about Moses clocked and all clocked and Adinijah and all clocked, and knows I don't have hell, Michael Ealy clocked God waiting to leave, Jesus doing Angel, obey God and be a good angel, Michael Ealy clocked, God wouldn't move, all war put Boutte there, and make a Jew and never let her out,, no to hell, Michael Ealy clocked on my day with tripletts, I watch all the attacks fall, you come out, Michael Ealy clocked, God and I talking, Skybox, Ealy intimidated, and scared, not clocked for all, God doing Lang, Lincoln and Kennedy, Skybox, Jew, Obama bathroom, Michelle and tiger pants with Lyndon B. Johnson and Bush, God and I talking the look of the marriages, Jude Law the new Tom Cruise, God repents of leaders, all leaders and gives new husbands, Michael Ealy, Michael Eay clocked here, and Tom cruise, Wentworth Miller, and there is no hell, and I am White, God and I talking a White life. All war she can't use anything to come out. America can't coem out and it is being destroyed. None can come out of hell, and all of who, Bush, Carter and Clinton and all war Obama sworn in and all war Trump and the wives of honor and their children and all relatives, who is left, is going to be put in the ground with the others, all have hell under her, all war the Jew first and over all, all war Queen Elizabeth scared of her clocks and the Jew (the Johns scripture, that is the Church, we can take, Divine and President off of her and kill her, and do Bynum, the black Church, and Johns, the kids, they can't go up there, and Prince William, I have stripper and prostitute now, so Zach and Anita and Manning, you clock her as a stripper, prostitute, and also clock she killed her kids and clock hell, whoever did it, that is hell for them and it is her, who did it, clock her, and Pentecost in her Church, clock Jew). 

    I and God and Ealy walks up, I am a virgin, and have never experienced man, all war stripper, and prostitute and Playboy. All war Earthquake, Pow wow, the old one and the old one, all war she clocked Carmen Suddeth and Earthquake's penis and got in the bed with Carmen, all war she clocked Earthquake's penis while in bed with Carmen and clocked to work for him, and the bed, all war she clocked Marcellett and Earthquake's penis and the bed, all war they have a bed, all war she clocked Connie, Whitney and her pimp's penis and the bed and a life with the two of them, all war we have her as a dishonor and we get her check and we can have Megan and Marissa also, the kids, all war she was over there with Marcellett and all doing the same thing and all war Zach and Manning can clock man and can clock Jew and all war as men they are embarrassed and can kill her and has authority and can clock the President and all war she gave up Divine and President and clocked all of it, and all war it is a life and not a war and all war Prince William and all the leaders have authority over Zach and Manning and own and can clock everything.  

    God and I talking, what was that about, Tatyana Ali and Michael Ealy, Vince Vaughn and Michael Ealy, hell, can't have Ealy, I am not going to hell, Tayana Ali, Michael Ealy is not going to hell, not coming out to get you and doesn't want you, I don't have hell, Michael knows that, he is clocked everywhere, not all places but many,  Michael Ealy clocked in my heaven, do man, Black, Jew, talking to Heaven about Moses clocked and all clocked and Adinijah and all clocked, and knows I don't have hell, Michael Ealy clocked God waiting to leave, Jesus doing Angel, obey God and be a good angel, Michael Ealy clocked, God wouldn't move, all war put Boutte there, and make a Jew and never let her out,, no to hell, Michael Ealy clocked on my day with tripletts, I watch all the attacks fall, you come out, Michael Ealy clocked, God and I talking, Skybox, Ealy intimidated, and scared, not clocked for all, God doing Lang, Lincoln and Kennedy, Skybox, Jew, Obama bathroom, Michelle and tiger pants with Lyndon B. Johnson and Bush, God and I talking the look of the marriages, Jude Law the new Tom Cruise, God repents of leaders, all leaders and gives new husbands, Michael Ealy, Michael Eay clocked here, and Tom cruise, Wentworth Miller, and there is no hell, and I am White, God and I talking a White life. All war she can't use anything to come out. America can't coem out and it is being destroyed. None can come out of hell, and all of who, Bush, Carter and Clinton and all war Obama sworn in and all war Trump and the wives of honor and their children and all relatives, who is left, is going to be put in the ground with the others, all have hell under her, all war the Jew first and over all, all war Queen Elizabeth scared of her clocks and the Jew (the Johns scripture, that is the Church, we can take, Divine and President off of her and kill her, and do Bynum, the black Church, and Johns, the kids, they can't go up there, and Prince William, I have stripper and prostitute now, so Zach and Anita and Manning, you clock her as a stripper, prostitute, and also clock she killed her kids and clock hell, whoever did it, that is hell for them and it is her, who did it, clock her, and Pentecost in her Church, clock Jew). 

    I can use him for drinks, we can go to Rinky's for a drink, that is The White House in here, he came because of the weather dropping, it is getting colder, President is the life of me and The White House sitting here and President never moves, The White house, coming, asking me if I want him, is he cute, someone I want, no, he isn't, that is The White House, coming, asking me if I want him, is he cute, no, I don't want him, it is just conversion I put up, for drinks and I can use sports to talk to him and his color, he is black, he will like not being dark, he is a black man, that always work and no I don't want him, that is enough sports and his color, sports is a good ball for a man, that works, to talk about sports, men always come out for sports, and it is only 2 drinks, ok, I am out, The White House coming, asking if I want him, President is always the clock and President doesn't move, what is this, a motel, I am not a prostitute, and I am not going to be a prostitute, all war Ealy let up to clock man, to clock the bed, that is still The White House in here, and all war porno, the clock, which is all war, a clock in the war, and it is The White House, and it is about the flash, and the Latina, and Boutte and two cute little kids, Queen Elizabeth, all war black and Jew, I can come and get you if we are married.   

    God had Chief Justice John to swear Melissa in and standing with him, is Obama and all war to stop the swearing in, and everything coming my way is on my Inauguration day, all attacks can be seen, and Chief Justice John is clocked for attacks coming my way in war, it is my Inauguration day, a walking clock, I can take all attacks down from here, and my come up day is clocked against all attacks and Michael Ealy is clocked for Holli Would and attacks, and I used my media, for the war to take down attacks, and Lincoln and Kennedy and Obama and Lyndon B. Johnson and Michelle and Bush are all clocked and this clock takes down attacks coming against America, all of the clocks, take down the attacks in war, each of the clocks, my Inauguration day, Chief Justice John,  God leaving doing Prince William, Micheal Ealy,  the 2 kids and the polling place and Queen Elizabeth, and Janet Jackson and help Jesus to the cross,  Lincoln and Kennedy, under my authority, is protecting and defending America from war attacks, all war Bush, it is a real marriage and they have hell, all war I gave up Divine, President, and clocked that I killed my kids and clocked sin and sinner and eternal hell, all war the Jew has it and can kill her and we can't take the war down, and no one can come out of hell, and we get to keep destroying America, our clock America is over, destroy all, leave nothing, and all war I have Matt Watterstone, the Church, all war I have to let Queen Elizabeth have her honor of putting all in hell and we can use the marriage to kill her and use Ealy and all men and former Presidents and all war Obama sworn in and all war Trump sworn in, all war impeach he because gave up full command to Prince William and Queen Elizabeth, she gave away her country, all war she gave away full command to the international leaders and is not protecting us and is abusing power and obstructing Congress, all war impeach her she said I can impeach Trump, and she didn't care and it isn't her and it is ok to impeach him.  

    South Holland library is from 10 am to 9 pm, Monday thru Thursday and McDonald's is open until 11 pm and open at 5 am and Dolton library is open from 9am until 9pm, and  Food for less open until 12 am and opens at 6am and that is from 12 am until 5 am until McDonald's open or 6 am until Food for less opens and that is 5 hours to look at, maybe White castle's open 24 hours on Sibley or the 24 hour Walgreens in Calumet city or the 24 hour Walmart in Crestwood, on 135th street fir the 5 hours and I am still on my way to The White House, either walking or Megan will drive, after I get my cellphone together, mailed off nut I don't need it going to The White House, I am going home, a President going home, President never moves.
    Angel's bar, we are not homeless, we are on our way to The White House, and we are not homeless nor in the cold, we are on our way to The White House, dance and drink, and enjoy not being cold nor homeless and enjoy being on my way to The White House and President never moves and ask a man to buy my drink, that is what men do in bars, buy drinks, and outside of drinking, you get on the dance floor, make friends in the bar, get to know the DJ, request songs, can get to know the bartender, and more and look at the business hours of Angel's and I can go to the bar next to Dolton library and to Rinky's bar. 

    Angel's bar, we are not homeless, we are on our way to The White House, and we are not homeless nor in the cold, we are on our way to The White House, dance and drink, and enjoy not being cold nor homeless and enjoy being on my way to The White House and President never moves and ask a man to buy my drink, that is what men do in bars, buy drinks, and outside of drinking, you get on the dance floor. 

    Own her own she has to clock hell, all war impeach, all war she did the attacks herself, she gave it to the Jew, all war she clocked hell, and is going, all war she let the Jew out, no, all war she let the Jew out, all war Obama and the Jew play impeach, and Chief Justice John, and all war Obama take Melissa out the whole time with the incompetent, and getting her out of office and using him, all war Barney Rubble and JFK, kill the President, and all war kill JFK, 1000 days only n The White House, he was shot, all war impeach, no, my Inauguration day is cocked with all coming my way in The White House and it is clocked with the war, it is clocked with the war attacks of impeachment and all war,  Michael Ealy is a clocked rolled for remote prophecy and remote Jew on the prophecy, what happened, keep the same come up, Skybox the come up, Paul Ryan is The White House coming out to get Melissa and Michael Ealy is Prince William, her life is over, she will not see The White Hose, kill her, and she can't go up there, Michael Ealy and Paul Ryan is Zach and Manning and a 4 page letter. 

    Melissa, President all war Anita and Sharon does the 1 orgasm, God says I gave it to you so that you can have a life,  The body shoppe, telling the girls give her the water, her bathtube to do her orgasm, an orgasm for over 30 years, only the 1 and looked at others in the bath with water, and clocked one other in the bath and left alone. God and Ealy walking up, a virgin, and Divine Megan and Divine Marissa, can only be virgins, my house for them.

    Prince William used my marriage, and took my check and put my White Church under him under Queen Elizabeth and took over The White House, and I am walking on the streets, to The White House, I will head East out of Illinois towards Indiana and keep going east until Washington D.C, U.S Map, compass, east thru  Indiana thru Ohio thru Pennsylvania thru Maryland to D.C. I am clocked, Bush and line up, clock yourself down and walk. The White House, all war she gave and accepts Obama as President, no, all war she walked pass The White House, no, she is going to walk thru 3 States, red states and blue states; The Home of the Chicago Bulls, and Indiana Pacers and Cleveland Cavaliers and thru to Washington Wizards.  
    Illinois, walk to Indian and thru Indian, the first State, use a landmark as the point of address landmark and on mapquest they offer motels and restaurants. All war she is using mapquest, food and restaurants and coffee and shopping, she is a prostitute walking home to The White House.
    Dolton to Romer's Restaurant and Spirits 211 S Detroit St, LaGrange, IN 4676.
    Start out going east on E 152nd St toward Grant St.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Turn left onto Grant St.
    Then 0.13 miles
    Turn right onto E 151st St.
    Then 0.19 miles
    Turn left onto Irving Ave.
    Then 0.12 miles
    Turn right onto E Sibley Blvd/IL-83. Continue to follow E Sibley Blvd (Crossing into Indiana).
    Then 4.05 miles
    E Sibley Blvd becomes E Sibley St.
    Then 0.22 miles
    Turn left onto Hohman Ave. Stop at almost every Dunkin donuts, McDonald's, gas stations and parks along the way, and charge my phone and rest my legs and look at directions, the only thing I have to do is stop and rest my legs and body and the trip should go fine as long as stores are always around and they are open from 9 to 10 and gas stations are open to stop and walk thru the night and the sun rises at 6 AM and stores open again at 9, and I do it all again, stop to rest and charge my phone and at Dunkin donuts and McDonald's and Popeye's, all wifi and parks or can walk almost thru the night and lay down for an hour or two and the sun rises at 6 AM and do it again, the stores open at 9AM and close at 10 PM, and thru 9 AM to 10 PM stopping at almost every Dunkin donuts, McDonald's and Popeye's and all wifi and Walmart to eat, rest and charge my phone, and use the rest room, I can't break nor fracture my legs walking, and with stopping and resting, my muscles are allowed to rest and legs allowed to rest, there are no falls to break your legs nor fracture when walking at a nice pace and being careful, it would have to be an accident or something major also, there shall be no fractures nor broken bones, walking down the street, other problems can be swollen legs, numb legs, burning legs, or just tired legs, and you have to have a trip full of rest, water and food.
    Then 0.26 miles
    Turn right onto E Michigan St.
    Then 1.68 miles
    E Michigan St becomes Carroll St.
    Then 0.89 miles
    Carroll St becomes US-20 E.
    Then 8.60 miles stopped at Meijer to charge phone and buy food, always a good ball, to charge phone and buy food and use wifi and rest. And at the store, I have The Prophet standing there, and the Pastor, and Francois Battiste all war Marnae, a baby coming, Anita White, and that is Coby Bell, and that is Prince William, and I am not going to clock Prince William doing produce for the vegetarian, that is not a good clock for me, he says he has a car and can drive me to The White House, that is a good situation and I don't mind Coby Bell driving me to The White House, and he has Nia Long sitting there, and Michelle Obama sitting there and Rosanne sitting there, and the clock and the burden and Belly and Scareface, and Blow and shit and shit, and Johnny Depp, and I have the shrine Christ's passion, and make it Caesar's palace. looking back, Omarossa, walks out on me, The White House, moves, and it is still there but she left to walk out and do reality tv, and it is about Bud Fox, and Dennis Rodman walking by, and Kobe Bryant sitting there and Prince William, and the Shopper, and God walking by, and it is about Omaroosa walking by, follow by someone form The Body Shoppe, and Dennis Rodman, Bud Fox and it is Michael Ealy, and Michael Ealy coming, all war homeles, and all war homeless and all war homeless and all war followed home from The Body Shoppe, clocked by the ride, all war Ealy talk about race and come against God, Him and Stefani and God clocking my color and Stefani looks like me, and under me, all war Ealy try something, follow JFK, follow other here, fit in and and not ball anyone to clock over, no that is not me, I want my life and clock and I don't follow, all war slave, and all war will never come out, all war my check. I passed my stop, I passed by the fork in the road, how did I miss it, all war missed my turn. 
    US-20 E becomes E Dunes Hwy/US-12 E.

    All war have Megan talk to Melissa about her smell and pamper and shit and deny The White House and me being the President, while being going thru that, smelling it and telling me about the smell and what is and say we can't go to The White House, because we will get arrested, and she likes her job and he is a powerful man. No to the attacks, using Megan and Marissa while being attacked to talk to me and watching themselves and all war threats to kill them.

    Bomb all Nations and leaders. The White House is over, leveled, destroyed, over, gone.

    America is over. 

    War, The White House, Obama and Jay Z and Prince William and JFK and Reagan and Jesus and his family (how are we supposed to come out) and Barb. Bush and Princess Diana in hell and Bush in hell under Melissa, President Melissa J. White, and all leaders and all new husbands and Luke Perry are all in hell under Melissa and I own Jesus honor, the Cross and him coming down for the Church is mine, all war homeless and rob a bank, no, I am walking to The White House and drapes are coming now, The Shrine Christ's passion, I own of Jesus honor, him coming down for the Church is mine, and I am still walking into The White House and drapes are coming and I am legend and none will come out of hell, not Prince William nor Princess Diana nor Nikita and none of the international leaders and I will go sit in Heaven as a virgin.

    God had Chief Justice John to swear Melissa in and standing with him, is Obama and all war to stop the swearing in, and everything coming my way is on my Inauguration day, all attacks can be seen, and Chief Justice John is clocked for attacks coming my way in war, it is my Inauguration day, a walking clock, I can take all attacks down from here, and my come up day is clocked against all attacks and Michael Ealy is clocked for Holli Would and attacks, and I used my media, for the war to take down attacks, and Lincoln and Kennedy and Obama and Lyndon B. Johnson and Michelle and Bush are all clocked and this clock takes down attacks coming against America, all of the clocks, take down the attacks in war, each of the clocks, my Inauguration day, Chief Justice John,  God leaving doing Prince William, Micheal Ealy,  the 2 kids and the polling place and Queen Elizabeth, and Janet Jackson and help Jesus to the cross,  Lincoln and Kennedy, under my authority, is protecting and defending America from war attacks, all war Bush, it is a real marriage and they have hell, all war I gave up Divine, President, and clocked that I killed my kids and clocked sin and sinner and eternal hell, all war the Jew has it and can kill her and we can't take the war down, and no one can come out of hell, all war I have to let Queen Elizabeth have her honor of putting all in hell and we can use the marriage to kill her and use Ealy and all men and former Presidents and all war Obama sworn in and all war Trump sworn in, all war impeach he because gave up full command to Prince William and Queen Elizabeth, she gave away her country, all war she gave away full command to the international leaders and is not protecting us and is abusing power and obstructing Congress. 

    Melissa, President all war Anita and Sharon does the 1 orgasm, God says I gave it to you so that you can have a life,  The body shoppe, telling the girls give her the water, her bathtube to do her orgasm, an orgasm for over 30 years, only the 1 and looked at others in the bath with water, and clocked one other in the bath and left alone. God and Ealy walking up, a virgin, and Divine Megan and Divine Marissa, can only be virgins, my house for them.

    Prince William used my marriage, and took my check and put my White Church under him under Queen Elizabeth and took over The White House, and I am walking on the streets, to The White House, I will head East out of Illinois towards Indiana and keep going east until Washington D.C, U.S Map, compass, east thru  Indiana thru Ohio thru Pennsylvania thru Maryland to D.C. I am clocked, Bush and line up, clock yourself down and walk. The White House, all war she gave and accepts Obama as President, no, all war she walked pass The White House, no, she is going to walk thru 3 States, red states and blue states; The Home of the Chicago Bulls, and Indiana Pacers and Cleveland Cavaliers and thru to Washington Wizards.  
    Illinois, walk to Indian and thru Indian, the first State, use a landmark as the point of address landmark and on mapquest they offer motels and restaurants. All war she is using mapquest, food and restaurants and coffee and shopping, she is a prostitute walking home to The White House.
    Dolton to Romer's Restaurant and Spirits 211 S Detroit St, LaGrange, IN 4676.
    Start out going east on E 152nd St toward Grant St.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Turn left onto Grant St.
    Then 0.13 miles
    Turn right onto E 151st St.
    Then 0.19 miles
    Turn left onto Irving Ave.
    Then 0.12 miles
    Turn right onto E Sibley Blvd/IL-83. Continue to follow E Sibley Blvd (Crossing into Indiana).
    Then 4.05 miles
    E Sibley Blvd becomes E Sibley St.
    Then 0.22 miles
    Turn left onto Hohman Ave. Stop at almost every Dunkin donuts, McDonald's, gas stations and parks along the way, and charge my phone and rest my legs and look at directions, the only thing I have to do is stop and rest my legs and body and the trip should go fine as long as stores are always around and they are open from 9 to 10 and gas stations are open to stop and walk thru the night and the sun rises at 6 AM and stores open again at 9, and I do it all again, stop to rest and charge my phone and at Dunkin donuts and McDonald's and Popeye's, all wifi and parks or can walk almost thru the night and lay down for an hour or two and the sun rises at 6 AM and do it again, the stores open at 9AM and close at 10 PM, and thru 9 AM to 10 PM stopping at almost every Dunkin donuts, McDonald's and Popeye's and all wifi and Walmart to eat, rest and charge my phone, and use the rest room, I can't break nor fracture my legs walking, and with stopping and resting, my muscles are allowed to rest and legs allowed to rest, there are no falls to break your legs nor fracture when walking at a nice pace and being careful, it would have to be an accident or something major also, there shall be no fractures nor broken bones, walking down the street, other problems can be swollen legs, numb legs, burning legs, or just tired legs, and you have to have a trip full of rest, water and food.
    Then 0.26 miles
    Turn right onto E Michigan St.
    Then 1.68 miles
    E Michigan St becomes Carroll St.
    Then 0.89 miles
    Carroll St becomes US-20 E.
    Then 8.60 miles stopped at Meijer to charge phone and buy food, always a good ball, to charge phone and buy food and use wifi and rest. And at the store, I have The Prophet standing there, and the Pastor, and Francois Battiste all war Marnae, a baby coming, Anita White, and that is Coby Bell, and that is Prince William, and I am not going to clock Prince William doing produce for the vegetarian, that is not a good clock for me, he says he has a car and can drive me to The White House, that is a good situation and I don't mind Coby Bell driving me to The White House, and he has Nia Long sitting there, and Michelle Obama sitting there and Rosanne sitting there, and the clock and the burden and Belly and Scareface, and Blow and shit and shit, and Johnny Depp, and I have the shrine Christ's passion, and make it Caesar's palace. looking back, Omarossa, walks out on me, The White House, moves, and it is still there but she left to walk out and do reality tv, and it is about Bud Fox, and Dennis Rodman walking by, and Kobe Bryant sitting there and Prince William, and the Shopper, and God walking by, and it is about Omaroosa walking by, follow by someone form The Body Shoppe, and Dennis Rodman, Bud Fox and it is Michael Ealy, and Michael Ealy coming, all war homeles, and all war homeless and all war homeless and all war followed home from The Body Shoppe, clocked by the ride, all war Ealy talk about race and come against God, Him and Stefani and God clocking my color and Stefani looks like me, and under me, all war Ealy try something, follow JFK, follow other here, fit in and and not ball anyone to clock over, no that is not me, I want my life and clock and I don't follow, all war slave, and all war will never come out, all war my check. I passed my stop, I passed by the fork in the road, how did I miss it, all war missed my turn. 
    US-20 E becomes E Dunes Hwy/US-12 E.

    God has a daughter, Melissa and gives a life, a President in the earth, Commander-in-chief and a White life, White race, and homes on her check, The White House, home in Martha's vineyard and other homes and owns, God gave to walk from Presidential come up day to walking into The White House, and walking into Presidential compound, Martha's vineyard, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not half black, Melissa half divine and half White, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, I don't have a black Father or a Black Mother, I grew up in the House, Anita White and Charles White in the house and met Annabel White and I am White and she has my life, she has red hair and so I do I am see is White and I am White, and want to grow up with her and want her to live in the house with me, a different life, I grew up with Anita  White and Charles White in the house in elementary school, a life, and knows that I am White, if I has all three of them I would have a different life, with Annabell and Charles and Anita White in the house, I missed out on a life and a relationship with Annabell and walking out to school looking at her in the morning as well, and I grew up in the house with Anita White and Charles White in the house with me going to high school, and knows that I am White, entering Thornridge, seeing Lisa McLeod in High school, and she stops me in my tracks, I see her ad she looks like me but doesn't have me, she is White and I love her life, and I am Whiter than her, and she is black and I see it, and she doesn't have this and I want her in my life, and I see Tameka Walker, and her color and how pretty she is, and she is not this but I love her and she has dark hair and I see that she is black in there and I still want her, and want to hang out with her, and I see Lamika Thomas and I see her color and she is very White in color and I see her and her color is not as White as me, mine and I am white and I see in there and I see that she  is black and not this one but I want her, she doesn't have this, I see Mia London, I see how pretty she is and I want her, she has dark her and doesn't have this but I want her and I can see in there she doesn't have it, they are not me, but I want all of them and I missed out on Annabel White being in the house thru High school, at Thornridge and walking out to school and looking at her, a different woman with the three in the house, Annabell White and her red hair and my red hair and Charles White and Anita White, but I have The Parent trap, the red haired twins, and The Breakfast club, Molly Wringwald, and Jessica Rabbit to clock with, and look at myself, I know that I am White, Melisa, President doesn't have the half black ball either, a Black Father, with a black man standing there, i.e Alicia Keys, and her Father stands in there, you can see him, she looks just like him, with a non black Mother who lightens the skin and gives the color and face and I don't have the half black ball with the White Father and the black Mother with the color to give the color,  i. e Doria Ragland, has color, the ball, you can see her, and you can see Alicia Keys's Father, but the clock they have, and you can look at Kennedy in the Perfect Guy, looking at her, you can see the ball while she is standing there talking to a non White man, that is not me, that black ball doesn't exist, she has a black life there and I don't have that, when you look at me, that is not there and I don't have color either, I don't have that ball there a black Father and I don't have color, if you look at Kennedy and move that ball, what is left, and she is not English, Irish and Scottish, but you can see what is left, what is left for her is the White ball she has, her color and all, if you put divine where that black ball is then you would have someone coming after me, but no there, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa White (Annabelle White, White is a Scottish name, an English name), divine and human, God is my Father, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father, God as Father, put his eyes up there, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish  and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father. God has a daughter, Melissa and gives a life, a President in the earth, Commander-in-chief and homes on her check, The White House, home in Martha's vineyard and other homes and owns, God gave to walk from Presidential come up day to walking into The White House, and walking into Presidential compound, Martha's vineyard, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not Black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, Melissa not half black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not black, God (Father) not black, Anita (Mother) not Black, President Melissa J. White not half black, Melissa half divine and half White, President Melissa White (Annabelle White, White is a Scottish name, an English name), divine and human, God is my Father, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father, God as Father, put his eyes up there, race, I have red hair and green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark with green eyes and the whitest skin color with hair that changes from red to dark to blonde with green eyes and the whitest skin color, race, I am English, of Barbados is race, Scottish, Thai and Irish and God is not a English  Father, not an English man, God is not an Island man, not an Island Father, God is not an Scottish man, not a Scottish Father, God is not a Thai man, not a Thai Father, God is not a Irish man, not an Irish Father. They left that is over. There is nothing else. I want it. that's who I am. I am a President. That's my life. My life in The White House, I am the President walking in, today, I say yes to The White House. Yes to President. Melissa half divine and half White, God and I talking about the color wheel and race, God and I talking, you are not Black, you are White, look at the clock, red haired green eyes, and White skin, show you something, look at the blacks, and what it is to be Black, and the clock, look at the clock I gave to you, walk thru the clock of what a Black person look like and the clock, walk you away from the blacks, look at Gary Dourdan, look at his green eyes, what green eyes does to a person, White, how White he is with his eyes, look at Michael Ealy, what blue eyes does to him, look at how the one does it for him, how it clocks him White, walks into White with the one, his eyes, look at how profound it is, the one, how it changes his body, the way he looks even in there,  how White he is, look again at the skin color and what their eyes do for them, White, how it plays in Hollywood and life, look at Michael Ealy's blue eyes, how they run thru his body, how White he is in there because of his blue eyes, how White it is and runs thru his body, what it does in there and what it does to his skin and career, and how White he walks and lives, and the life, that is not your life, not your clock, I gave you a White life, red hair, green eyes and Whitest skin color, look at the clock the Whitest of the White, red haired are the Whitest, the Whitest skin color (the Whitest of the English, Scottish, Irish), red haired are the Whitest in the clock, look at what the clock does in there, how White I am, I am White, red haired green eyes and the Whitest skin color, and has oriental eyes, what does that do to the clock, God says still White, a White life, look at what green eyes do, how it runs thru your body, and how White you are and the red hair runs thru your body, how White it is, look at what the Whites skin color does in there how White it is and how White it runs thru your body, red haired are the Whitest skin color, and that is what you have, God and I talking look at Vanessa Williams, her blue eyes, and her color, you are White, look at what that does for her in Hollywood, not her, all war I am her, look like her and want, war, The White House, all war I am black, want to be black, proud to be black all black attacks, I don't want, God and I talking, look at Halle berry, on the top of everyone's hot body list, E! Channel, and Maxim, Bond girl, look at what a hot body does in Hollywood, no to all attacks, war, The White House, let's look at hair, looked at eyes, and White and what it does, how profound the hair is, look at Corbin Bleu, look at what that curly hair does for him in Hollywood, look at Adrian Grenier, hot actor with the hair, look at what that hair does in Hollywood, let's look at the skin color, how profound it is, looked at eyes and hair and now skin color, how profound it is,look at Tisha Campbell, and what it does for her in Hollywood, look at Persia White and what it does for her in Hollywood and look at Jessica Chastain, she has your skin color, very White, you are White, look at Pamela Anderson, her hair and that body, look at what it does for her Hollywood, I gave you to them, they clock you, look at Sports illustrated, the hair and the face and the body, look at Victoria secret, the hair, face and body, what it does, look at Gisele Bündchen, her face, body, hair, I let them clock you, look at the life, look at the money, I let them all clock you, a life, Michael Eay, and talking, I know your clock in Hollywood, I relax and take off my shoes and love Hollywood, and will have a life with him. Michael Ealy and I talking, I know Lisa McLeod's clock in Hollywood, I know how White she is and how much money she is paid, I am done, I have my home with Ealy and a new life, Michael Ealy is my first for everything a relationship, with race and a man who knows me and understands me and a bed, a first, orgasm, a virgin, my first for everything and I love it, and i want him, I have a life, he knows my clock and my first for all and falling in love. Melissa, President Melissa J. White, The White House, a White virgin, can date a different man every-night in The White House, private dining have them come over and stare at the upstairs private residence but never go up there, the woman I a, any man in the world, invite anyone, any star and athlete and leader. An empty First lady's office in The White House, allow my staff under me any cute men to walk pass the empty office and stare at coming, if I ever want them, i. e Paul Ryan, stare at the First lady's office, no to Paul Ryan. Joe Kennedy III, stare at my empty first lady's office. No Kennedy. The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church, a White vegetarian, virgin, I want and love it. Michael Ealy and black men and a life and Terrence Howard, Donald Frank Cheadle Jr., Anthony Mackie, Deray Davis and a man and his career and and wealth and homes and wife and kids. Deray and Ealy put Melissa and Lisa Mcloed and Mia London in Hollywood, their, very White and plays over Renée Kathleen Zellweger and Rose Dawson, Rashida Jones tries to play there, men after her for a White life and White Church. God I looking at my war and using Michael Ealy, and looking at Black men and dating a the life in the war and black women, he has life with Jessica White Sports illustrated and that is not enough for him he says, a black life, what abut Tyra Banks, she clocks over Jessica, have kids, what about Lenoir, she is French and clocks over Tyra Banks. Look at Jasmine Sanders and her color, theirs and blonde hair, theirs and blue eyes, theirs she clocks over Lenoir, a life but not a White Church. Jasmine not enough and is not Mom, go out there, and get a brunette, like Three's company's Janet, make sure you tell her that she is not blonde and White up there, not Chrissy Snow, put up 1 date/1day fun filled day of swimming and eating and shopping and dinner and all at the Ritz Carlton, and get her pregnant the first and only date, or nothing at all, don't go back and do that every week with a new woman, 52 weeks of women and a full orgasm in their mouth and full orgasm in their vagina, 52 weeks in a year or 365 days and 365 women, a new woman every night and don't go back, never do the whole week, the brunette is not enough, go get the blondes, for 52 weeks, with 52 different women and full orgasms in their mouth and vagina every week or every night, 365 days, and look at the life, only 1 date, and get pregnant on the first date and there is your life and you may have a White church, pregnant on the first date or not at all, 1 date and never go back, and never the whole week, and next move to the red haired, Mom, Jessica Chastian or Molly Wringwald for example only, and only 1 date, and pregnant on the 1 date or not at all, 1 date and never the whole week and never ho back, you are done with the Hershey kiss, chocolate sauce, Jessica White, and look at these men's penis on the red carpet, a normal man, maybe a new woman every weekend, happy hour, Friday night with the boys, 52 weeks and 52 women or a new woman at the bar every night, 365 women and 365 days. Melissa, President, a White, vegetarian and virgin and want it. My women, Jessica, Tyra, Lenoir, Sanders, a new man every night if they wanted with dinner and gifts, Supermodels. Normal women can have a new date every Friday night, say yes to dinner, with a new man every week, happy hour, club hopping, women hold the cards, they have to agree to a date. About attacks, Pentecost, Jew, war welfare Melissa, President and an empty White House, Kim Kardashian, and a homeless President Melissa J. White, and wearing drapes. All war Jew, do Jew, all war Jesus come down, talk to God. ANTM, Clueless, no marriages done, keep the same come up Skybox, Jude Law the new Tom Cruise, God I have to show you something a Jew, didn't see him, ANTM not marriages and a just a war, Bros and hoes Jesus joins war with the Jew and Jewish Kings, and the Jew is first First reformed and use Mike Brown, man, Jew, all war head Jesus say he is the husband that is coming down and killing her and the Jew leader and she heard it and clocked for Jew and she did Jew, Pentecost and we killed her and Michelle and Prince William clocked it, God these two clocked something and didn't have it, all war she heard him and clocked Jew and she is not the Church of Scotland and is being killed the whole time and never come out for her and let Trump in The White House and the Jew has his wife and Jesus and she has eternal hell and we want want hell with her we want our life and Queen Elizabeth gave her war to Heaven rather the Jew and gets to play and keep her check and kill all of us and put us in the ground with Melissa and Lincoln and JFK. Melissa is a normal woman, Stacey Dash is normal, no Divine and President and no hell, all war Jew Ealy clock Jesus as Jew don't have to ask her, gave up her life all war, no, kill her, Gary Dourdan.
    All war Obama is the President, Jesse Jackson (all war Jesse Einsenburg and Obama she has a Church in there and Zach and Manning are over her, men and babies and a Church, and kill her and all war Marnae a baby coming), all war she clocked Jew herself and she gave up Divine and President and clocked stripper and prostitute and she killed her kids and eternal hell (that is having hell the right way, the situation room to take from her), all war Jew, she is a prostitute, The White House is over, clocking Melissa is Oprah, with live your best life and Joel Olsteen with live your best life now, they looked at my check and walked back and made money while putting the live your best life out there for the people to see, live your best life now.

    All the men from Thoridge, Mario Walker, Battiste, Negron, Yamini, Raymond, are scared to come in here, because of hell and the kids being killed and Mario Walker and all men scared to even get in bed with me, accepted, kill the kids and more, Marcell, and he thinks he can ball me, I see him, he thinks that he is going to go and talk to ripple back now Zach about being a man, and how to clock man and how to walk over Divine and President is the clock, the Nation doesn't move and run over White, no, he can't come,the scene of the movie, Marcell, says I am coming, and says it scared and he doesn't want me to hear him or see him but knows he is caught somehow but doesn't understand why he is caught because normally, women can't hear or see what we are doing, we are men and we are over and they never see us and all war clock the ball up here and keep clocking, she doesn't understand I took her clock down and all war she clocked there anyway, all war she accepted everything is she clocks here, no.  

    Michael Ealy, Marcell Geiger, all war say it is not a war, and it is a life and it is the stripclub and she never sees The White House and and God says the situation, he can't kill you, all war we can take The White House's the situation room from her, and say Jew and hell is coming, all war CNN, Wolf and The situation room, all war we are Jews and took the situation room and she gave up Divine and President and is a prostitute and dishonor and Obama the President and she accepted hell, she ave up all of that. Marcell Grieger, I will come out, and Mario Walker, Hector Negron, Bashire Yamini, I will come out, and drive you to The White House, we are ready. 
    The White House, war and The  Melissa J. White Church, a Christian Church, a White Christian Church, all war Jew. The Jew comes and says about asking Obama for the clock, on the tank his doesn't have it and wants to be recorded that he doesn't have it, and Obama says it is is your lock, and the line up says it is your clock, I know it is my clock and God says it is your clock, and I know he was supposed to ask me for the clock, but asked Obama for the clock because he did the clock, and ask to be recorded with Obama and coming out, and keeps coming back to say I don't have it, all war the Jew only walked up with a marriage and to kill me, and all war no it is Queen Elizabeth who walked up a marriage and it is a marriage there with Prince William holding my check and God do the marriage, no, God says I am here so you can have the world and the Jew comes back again, after, live your best life,  drapes, Independence day, I am legend, and says I don't have it, talking about he doesn't have hell, but he comes without Obama and the tank, and he is coming, if he is not coming out it is on my come day, and ask to be recorded as not having hell, and is not trying to take own full command, I know the Jew doesn't have hell, God told him about the situation and he saw he didn't have Jew at Walgreens and Burger king, say it is a life not a war and never see The White House,and knows that all comes down, but I can record that he doesn't have hell at the tank and Obama and walk back over her to Prince William with my check and God and remote prophecy and remote put Jew on the prophecy and say it is recorded that at Prince William with my check that there is no hell, and he can't use Jesus to clock hell either and it is only a war rolling, The White House is dead, over, and repented leaders will never know me, and all have prison and hell and are clocked and doesn't come out, I am going to The White House now, and will be wearing drapes, The White House is over, I am legend, it is the end of the world.
    U.S map and U.S 30 highway and it goes thru America, U.S 30 highway goes across Illinois and Indiana and Ohio and thru Pennsylvania. And I need to go south thru Maryland to Washington D.C.

    via US-30 E

    59hr 25min

    Current Traffic: N/A
    View Route Directions

    Start out going east on E 152nd St toward Grant St.
    Then 0.14 miles
    Turn right onto Oak St.
    Then 0.12 miles
    Turn left onto E 153rd St.
    Then 0.06 miles
    Turn right onto Irving Ave.
    Then 0.13 miles
    Turn left onto E 154th St.
    Then 1.51 miles
    E 154th St becomes Pulaski Rd.
    Then 0.30 miles
    Turn slight right onto Michigan City Rd (Crossing into Indiana).
    Then 2.43 miles
    Michigan City Rd becomes Wildwood Rd.
    Then 0.17 miles
    Turn right onto Hohman Ave.
    Then 0.11 miles
    Turn left onto Kenwood St.
    Then 0.77 miles
    Turn right onto Erie Lackawanna Trl.

    Walk and sit down to rest my legs at least every hour and feed my muscles maybe, walking won't break nor fracture my legs, only rest my legs and I can walk to Washingotn, stopping at wifi places, and gas stations and 24 hour stores and the libraries, take my time and myself. And stopped at Meijer's to rest, open 24 hours, and stayed to the sun came up, at sunrise, and I can do that every night, stay at an 24 hour Meijer or Walmart and walk during to day. At Walmart, will stay until sunrise and walk during the day. 
    Marcell, and he thinks he can ball me, I see him, he thinks that he is going to go and talk to ripple back now Zach about being a man, and how to clock man and how to walk over Divine and President is the clock, the Nation doesn't move and run over White, no, he can't come,the scene of the movie, Marcell, says I am coming, and says it scared and he doesn't want me to hear him or see him but knows he is caught somehow but doesn't understand why he is caught because normally, women can't hear or see what we are doing, we are men and we are over and they never see us and all war clock the ball up here and keep clocking, she doesn't understand I took her clock down and all war she clocked there anyway, all war she accepted everything is she clocks here, no.  

    Then 0.70 miles
    Turn left onto 167th St.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Turn right onto Southeastern Ave.
    Then 1.28 miles
    Turn slight left onto 175th St.
    Then 0.16 miles
    Turn right onto Indianapolis Blvd/IN-152. Continue to follow Indianapolis Blvd.
    Then 1.36 miles
    Keep left at the fork to go on Indianapolis Blvd/US-41 N.
    Then 0.26 miles
    Turn left onto Ridge Rd.
    Then 6.29 miles
    Turn right onto Pierce St.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto W 39th Ave.
    Then 2.71 miles
    W 39th Ave becomes W Old Ridge Rd.
    Then 2.43 miles
    W Old Ridge Rd becomes Center St.
    Then 0.08 miles
    Turn left onto Front St/IN-51 Trk. Continue to follow IN-51 Trk.
    Then 0.47 miles
    IN-51 Trk becomes E Cleveland Ave/IN-51.
    Then 0.34 miles
    Turn right onto E State Road 130/IN-130. Continue to follow IN-130.
    Then 10.44 miles
    Turn right.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn left onto Indiana Ave.
    Then 0.40 miles

    Turn right onto S Franklin St.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto Monroe St.
    Then 0.13 miles
    Turn right onto S Morgan Blvd.
    Then 0.16 miles
    S Morgan Blvd becomes Union St.
    Then 0.28 miles
    Turn slight right onto Linwood Ave.
    Then 0.48 miles
    Turn slight left onto Morthland Dr/US-30 E/IN-2. Continue to follow US-30 E.
    Then 21.14 miles
    Turn right onto E Old US Highway 30.
    Then 3.37 miles
    E Old US Highway 30 becomes W Plymouth St.
    Then 1.02 miles
    W Plymouth St becomes Old US Highway 30.
    Then 0.48 miles
    Turn right onto E US Highway 30/US-30 E.
    Then 5.40 miles
    Turn right onto Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 4.61 miles
    Turn right to stay on Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 2.27 miles
    Lincoln Hwy becomes W Jefferson St.
    Then 1.89 miles
    Turn slight right onto Lincoln Way.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Lincoln Way becomes E Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 10.09 miles
    E Lincoln Hwy becomes W Center St.
    Then 0.46 miles

    Turn slight right onto Old US Highway 30.
    Then 0.33 miles
    Old US Highway 30 becomes Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 2.68 miles
    Lincoln Hwy becomes W Old Road 30.
    Then 0.33 miles
    W Old Road 30 becomes W State St.
    Then 0.76 miles
    W State St becomes W Old Road 30.
    Then 3.05 miles
    W Old Road 30 becomes W Main St.
    Then 0.52 miles
    W Main St becomes W Old Road 30. Pass through 1 roundabout.
    Then 4.77 miles
    W Old Road 30 becomes W Lake St.
    Then 0.79 miles
    Enter next roundabout and take the 1st exit onto N Lake St.
    Then 0.86 miles
    Turn left onto W Fort Wayne St.
    Then 0.27 miles
    Turn right onto N Detroit St/IN-15.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto E Main St.
    Then 0.21 miles
    Turn right onto N Tamarack St.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto E Center St.
    Then 1.64 miles
    Turn slight right onto Lake City Hwy/US-30 E. Continue to follow US-30 E.
    Then 15.33 miles
    Turn right onto W Business 30.
    Then 2.47 miles

    W Business 30 becomes W Van Buren St.
    Then 0.59 miles
    Turn right onto S Main St/IN-9/IN-205.
    Then 0.48 miles
    Turn left onto E Chicago St.
    Then 0.28 miles
    E Chicago St becomes E Business 30.
    Then 2.60 miles
    Turn right onto E US Highway 30/US-30 E.
    Then 8.00 miles
    Turn right onto Felger Rd.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn left onto Leesburg Rd.
    Then 5.27 miles
    Turn left onto W State Blvd.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on W State Blvd.
    Then 1.43 miles
    Turn right onto Tyler Ave.
    Then 0.12 miles
    Turn left onto Huffman Blvd.
    Then 0.30 miles
    Turn right onto Fairhill Rd.
    Then 0.06 miles
    Turn left onto Cherokee Rd.
    Then 0.28 miles
    Turn left onto Spring St.
    Then 0.33 miles
    Turn right onto Sherman Blvd.
    Then 0.08 miles
    Turn left onto W 4th St.
    Then 0.40 miles

    Turn right onto N Wells St.
    Then 0.00 miles
    Turn left onto W 4th St.
    Then 0.28 miles
    Turn right onto walkway. Proceed south (See map for details).
    Then 0.00 miles
    Turn left onto St Joseph Pathway.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Turn right onto N Clinton St/US-27 S.
    Then 0.15 miles
    Turn left onto walkway. Proceed southeast through Headwaters Park (See map for details).
    Then 0.16 miles
    Turn left onto Barr St.
    Then 0.06 miles
    Turn left.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn right.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto E Superior St.
    Then 0.02 miles
    Turn right onto Lafayette St/US-27 N.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto Columbia Ave.
    Then 0.12 miles
    Turn slight right onto Clay St.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on Clay St.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn left onto Canal Pl.
    Then 0.10 miles
    Turn left onto E Berry St.
    Then 0.10 miles

    Turn right onto Hanna St.
    Then 0.11 miles
    Turn left onto E Washington Blvd.
    Then 2.11 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on E Washington Blvd.
    Then 0.22 miles
    E Washington Blvd becomes State Road 930.
    Then 2.38 miles
    State Road 930 becomes IN-930.
    Then 2.12 miles
    Keep left at the fork to go on State Road 930/IN-930.
    Then 0.86 miles
    Stay straight to go onto US Highway 30/US-30 W.
    Then 0.30 miles
    Turn left onto S Doyle Rd.
    Then 0.06 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on S Doyle Rd.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn left onto Mackenzie Dr.
    Then 0.02 miles
    12244 MacKenzie Dr, New Haven, IN 46774-9390, 12244 MACKENZIE DR is on the left.
    Salvatori's and U.S 30 highway.
    U.S 30 highway thru Ohio.
    12244 MacKenzie Dr, New Haven, IN 46774-9390 to  East Canton.
    via US-30 E
    81hr 42min

    Start out going east on Mackenzie Dr toward S Doyle Rd.

    Then 0.02 miles
    Turn right onto S Doyle Rd.
    Then 0.10 miles
    Turn left onto US Highway 30/US-30 W.
    Then 10.04 miles
    Stay straight to go onto US Highway 30/US-30 E. Continue to follow US-30 E (Crossing into Ohio).
    Then 16.55 miles
    Turn right onto Boroff Rd.
    Then 0.79 miles
    Turn left onto Lincoln Hwy/County Hwy-418. Continue to follow County Hwy-418.
    Then 10.76 miles
    County Hwy-418 becomes W 5th St.
    Then 1.86 miles
    W 5th St becomes Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 12.12 miles
    Lincoln Hwy becomes W Main St.
    Then 0.63 miles
    W Main St becomes E Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 4.89 miles
    E Lincoln Hwy becomes W Main St.
    Then 1.00 miles
    W Main St becomes E Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 7.47 miles
    E Lincoln Hwy becomes County Road 304.
    Then 15.91 miles
    County Road 304 becomes County Highway 304.
    Then 0.25 miles
    County Highway 304 becomes County Hwy-330.
    Then 11.82 miles
    Turn right onto N Warpole St/OH-199.
    Then 0.36 miles
    Turn left onto W Wyandot Ave/OH-199. Continue to follow W Wyandot Ave.
    Then 3.53 miles
    W Wyandot Ave becomes County Hwy-330.
    Then 15.76 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on County Hwy-330.
    Then 0.23 miles
    Stay straight to go onto Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 9.96 miles
    Lincoln Hwy becomes W Main St.
    Then 1.60 miles
    W Main St becomes Lincoln Hwy.
    Then 2.50 miles
    Lincoln Hwy becomes W 4th St.
    Then 7.97 miles
    Turn right onto Benton St.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn left onto W Dickson Ave.
    Then 0.16 miles
    Turn right onto Bowman St.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn left onto W 3Rd St.
    Then 0.26 miles
    Turn right onto N Mulberry St/OH-13.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn left onto Library Ct.
    Then 0.13 miles
    Turn right onto N Main St/OH-13.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn left onto Park Ave/OH-430. Continue to follow OH-430.
    Then 0.58 miles
    Turn slight right onto Park Ave/OH-430. Continue to follow OH-430.
    Then 7.42 miles
    Turn right onto Maine St/OH-603. Continue to follow Maine St.
    Then 0.58 miles
    Maine St becomes County Hwy-30A.
    Then 5.85 miles
    Turn slight left onto County Road 30A/County Hwy-30A.
    Then 1.51 miles
    Turn slight right onto Township Road 1902.
    Then 0.71 miles
    Turn left onto Ashland County Rd.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn right onto US-30 W.
    Then 9.87 miles
    Turn left onto S Jefferson Rd/County Hwy-157.
    Then 0.16 miles
    Turn right onto W Old Lincoln Way/County Hwy-30A. Continue to follow County Hwy-30A.
    Then 4.83 miles
    Turn right onto E Liberty St/County Hwy-30A. Continue to follow County Hwy-30A.
    Then 6.47 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on County Hwy-30A.
    Then 1.76 miles
    Turn right onto Tracy Bridge Rd.
    Then 0.30 miles
    Turn left onto Meadowview Ln.
    Then 0.12 miles
    Turn left onto S Kansas Rd.
    Then 0.26 miles
    Turn right onto Lincoln Way/US-30 E.
    Then 1.52 miles
    Turn slight left onto Lincoln Way/US-30 W.
    Then 1.63 miles
    Turn left onto Old Lincoln Way.
    Then 0.49 miles
    Turn left onto Wenger Rd.
    Then 0.06 miles
    Turn right onto W Schultz St.
    Then 0.87 miles
    Turn left onto N Freet St.
    Then 0.10 miles
    Turn right onto Sippo Valley Trl.
    Then 9.65 miles
    Turn left onto 5th St.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Turn left onto Tremont Ave/Ohio & Erie Canalway. Continue to follow Tremont Ave.
    Then 1.78 miles

    Turn right onto Lincoln Way/OH-172. Continue to follow OH-172.
    Then 10.79 miles
    Lowry’s Family Resturant, 800 NASSAU ST W is on the right.
    East Pittsburgh.
    Eat'n Park - North Versailles. 299 Lincoln Hwy, North Versailles, PA 15137

    via US-30 W

    Current Traffic: N/A

    Start out going east on Nassau St/US-30 E/OH-172 toward High St.
    Then 0.54 miles
    Turn right.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto Liberty St.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn right onto Cedar St/US-30 E.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto Walnut St/US-30 E. Continue to follow US-30 E.
    Then 5.13 miles
    Turn right onto Oakleaf Ave.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn left onto Bowling St.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn right onto Applehill Ave.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Applehill Ave becomes Baywood St.
    Then 2.34 miles
    Turn right onto Lincoln St/US-30 E. Continue to follow US-30 E.

    Then 3.07 miles

    Turn left onto W Lincolnway/US-30 E.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn right.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn left onto Maple Ct.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn right onto N Liberty St.
    Then 0.10 miles
    Turn left onto W Line St.
    Then 1.09 miles
    Turn slight left onto Voder Rd.
    Then 0.22 miles
    Voder Rd becomes Major Rd.
    Then 0.85 miles
    Major Rd becomes Ridge Rd (Portions unpaved).
    Then 3.09 miles
    Turn right onto Andora Rd.
    Then 0.09 miles
    Turn left onto Marble Rd.
    Then 5.20 miles
    Marble Rd becomes McKaig Rd (Portions unpaved).
    Then 0.06 miles
    Turn left onto State Route 644/OH-644.
    Then 0.02 miles
    Turn right onto McKaig Rd (Portions unpaved).
    Then 2.11 miles
    Turn left onto Foundry Hill Rd.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Turn right onto Gavers Rd/County Hwy-407.
    Then 2.94 miles

    All war Dan Donegan. 

    Gavers Rd/County Hwy-407 becomes State Route 518/OH-518.
    Then 1.53 miles
    Turn right onto State Route 164/OH-164.
    Then 0.52 miles
    Turn left onto Laughlin Rd.
    Then 2.61 miles
    Turn right onto Steubenville Pike/County Hwy-413.
    Then 0.34 miles
    Turn left onto Glasgow Rd (Portions unpaved).
    Then 1.54 miles
    Turn right onto McCormick Run Rd.
    Then 0.02 miles
    Stay straight to go onto Glasgow Rd (Portions unpaved).
    Then 2.19 miles
    Turn left to stay on Glasgow Rd.
    Then 0.82 miles
    Turn right onto State Route 45/OH-45.
    Then 2.31 miles
    Turn slight left onto Cannon Mills Rd.
    Then 1.49 miles
    Cannon Mills Rd becomes Township Line Rd.
    Then 0.26 miles
    Turn right onto John Campbell Rd.
    Then 0.74 miles
    Turn right onto Annesley Rd.
    Then 0.31 miles
    Turn left onto Campground Rd/County Hwy-427. Continue to follow County Hwy-427.
    Then 1.04 miles
    Turn left onto Campground Rd/County Hwy-427.
    Then 0.41 miles
    Campground Rd/County Hwy-427 becomes Shadyside Rd.
    Then 0.46 miles

    Turn left onto W 8th St/Ohio River Scenic Byway/OH-7/OH-39. Continue to follow W 8th St/Ohio River Scenic Byway/OH-7.
    Then 0.45 miles
    Turn right onto walkway. Proceed southeast (See map for details).
    Then 0.19 miles
    Turn slight right onto W 7th St.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn right onto Persimmon Ave.
    Then 0.06 miles
    Turn right onto W 6Th St.
    Then 0.05 miles
    Turn left onto Monroe St.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn right onto W 5th St.
    Then 0.09 miles
    Turn left onto Golding St.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Golding St becomes Newell Toll Bridge (Crossing into West Virginia).
    Then 0.33 miles
    Turn left onto Ohio River Blvd/WV-2. Continue to follow WV-2.
    Then 1.60 miles
    Turn right onto 3rd St.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn left onto Indiana Ave.
    Then 0.33 miles
    Turn right onto Dunn St.
    Then 0.10 miles
    Turn left onto Knoles Ln.
    Then 0.07 miles
    Turn right onto 6th St.
    Then 0.10 miles
    6th St becomes 6th Street Ext.
    Then 0.12 miles

    6th Street Ext becomes Zachery Ln.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on Zachery Ln.
    Then 0.17 miles
    Turn right onto Zachery Ln/County Hwy-30/7.
    Then 0.12 miles
    Turn left onto High Acres Dr/County Hwy-30/7.
    Then 0.36 miles
    Turn right onto Lincoln Hwy/US-30 E. Continue to follow US-30 E (Crossing into Pennsylvania).
    Then 4.13 miles
    Stay straight to go onto US Route 30/US-30 W. Continue to follow US-30 W.
    Then 8.96 miles
    Turn left onto Backbone Rd.
    Then 2.53 miles
    Backbone Rd becomes Ferguson Rd.
    Then 0.56 miles
    Turn left onto Route 30/US-30 E.
    Then 1.37 miles
    Turn left onto Clinton Rd/SR3089.
    Then 0.37 miles
    Turn right onto McCaslin Rd.
    Then 1.38 miles
    Turn left to stay on McCaslin Rd (Portions unpaved).
    Then 0.71 miles
    McCaslin Rd becomes Clinton-Enlow Rd (Portions unpaved).
    Then 1.39 miles
    Turn slight right onto Enlow Rd.
    Then 0.84 miles
    Turn slight left onto Cliff Mine Rd.
    Then 0.01 miles
    Turn left onto The Montour Trl.
    Then 2.03 miles
    Stay straight to go onto walkway. Proceed northeast (See map for details).

    Then 0.04 miles
    Stay straight to go onto The Montour Trl.
    Then 1.40 miles
    Turn left onto Scott Rd.
    Then 0.02 miles
    Turn right onto Montour Run Rd.
    Then 1.25 miles
    Montour Run Rd becomes Beaver Grade Rd.
    Then 1.83 miles
    Turn left onto Steubenville Pike/PA-60. Continue to follow PA-60.
    Then 3.16 miles
    Turn slight left onto Ingram Ave.
    Then 0.77 miles
    Turn right onto walkway. Proceed east (See map for details).
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn left onto W Busway.
    Then 1.96 miles
    Turn slight right onto W Carson St/PA-51. Continue to follow PA-51.
    Then 0.66 miles
    Turn slight left onto PA-837.
    Then 0.39 miles
    Keep left at the fork to go on W Carson St/PA-837.
    Then 0.14 miles
    Turn left onto W Station Square Dr.
    Then 0.24 miles
    Turn slight left onto walkway. Proceed east (See map for details).
    Then 2.07 miles
    Turn slight left onto S 18th St.
    Then 0.24 miles
    Turn slight left onto walkway. Proceed southeast through Riverfront Park (See map for details).
    Then 0.82 miles

    Turn left onto Hot Metal Bridge.
    Then 0.29 miles
    Turn right onto 2nd Ave/PA-885.
    Then 0.43 miles
    Turn left onto Greenfield Ave/PA-885. Continue to follow Greenfield Ave.
    Then 0.73 miles
    Turn left onto Winterburn Ave.
    Then 0.06 miles
    Turn right onto Alger St.
    Then 0.04 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on Alger St.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn slight left onto Greenfield Bridge.
    Then 0.14 miles
    Turn right onto Pocusset St.
    Then 0.83 miles
    Pocusset St becomes Forward Ave.
    Then 1.09 miles
    Forward Ave becomes Commercial St.
    Then 0.80 miles
    Turn left onto Church St.
    Then 0.58 miles
    Turn right onto S Braddock Ave.
    Then 0.77 miles
    Turn left onto Woodstock Ave.
    Then 0.34 miles
    Woodstock Ave becomes Hawkins Ave.
    Then 0.49 miles
    Turn right onto Seneca St.
    Then 0.02 miles
    Turn left onto Chestnut St.
    Then 0.07 miles

    Turn right onto Penn St.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn left onto Baldridge Ave.
    Then 0.21 miles
    Turn right onto Walnut St.
    Then 0.03 miles
    Turn left onto White Way.
    Then 0.03 miles
    White Way becomes Kirkpatrick Ave.
    Then 0.43 miles
    Turn right onto Lydia St.
    Then 0.05 miles
    Turn left onto Bell Ave.
    Then 0.55 miles
    Bell Ave becomes Center St.
    Then 0.16 miles
    Turn right onto Western Ave.
    Then 0.06 miles
    Turn left onto Bessemer Ave.
    Then 0.27 miles
    Turn right onto Linden Ave.
    Then 0.08 miles
    Turn slight left onto Lincoln Hwy/US-30 E.
    Then 0.57 miles
    Keep left at the fork to go on Lincoln Hwy/US-30 W.
    Then 0.79 miles

    299 Lincoln Hwy, North Versailles, PA 15137-1681, 299 LINCOLN HWY is on the right. And going to Fayetteville.

    U.S 30, Lincoln Highway, Fayetteville, Pennsylvania.
    going to  6418 Chambersburg Rd, Fayetteville, PA 17222

    via US-30 E

    60hr 22min
    Current Traffic: N/A

    Start out going east on Lincoln Hwy/US-30 E toward Greensburg Ave. Continue to follow US-30 E.

    I looked at touching Zoe Saldana, look at the hair and the face and down there is a place you can eat, I like it, but I don't see us waking up together doing hair and make up and smoothie's and salads and making men scared, she is not White.

    A different situation, for me to clock a woman Heather Locklear, to look at a woman and want to have as a friend for the rest of my life, the type of woman and type of White woman and type of friend, and type of conversations and doing our hair and make up together, and eating a salad together and having a life, would be something I would look at, people asked. Who is the woman. And people asked if Charlie Sheen is the man. Are you clocking a man or the woman, you are making it about a woman first and then you pick a man for the two of you, it is about what you want and not us, men clocked they don't think about the women having a life, it is my penis and who cares if you have a life together or like each other, I have men talking to me, saying, no, women don't like each other, and want to fight, they hate each other, but I want both of them, and I try to clock both but they never have a life together, like you say, eat together and hair and make up and a life, and want each other and friends,  if you are best friends, you will never let me out and clock my dick and I can't move.

    Prince William says no, I did that to my wife, I have to put Melissa in hell and marry to put a woman in hell for me, I am not going to hell, my clock allows me to marry, he married Kate Middleton to put in hell, and I can put Melissa and Kate Middleton in hell together and watch them and have a life, and I am not going down there at all, I can never let them out, kill my wife, she can't have sex, and I have to kill my wife, she can't have kids and she has to allow me to go out and have other women  and enjoy me with other women and want tot touch other women, and now I have Michelle Obama in bed with me, and I can ball Melissa back and we all have a life. It is Melissa and Kate Middleton, that has a life, Prince William looking at me with women, after I clocked Sports Illustrated, and looking again with Heather Locker. 
    Then 3.99 miles
    Turn slight left onto State Route 30/US-30 W/PA-30.
    Then 1.94 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on State Route 30/US-30 W/PA-30.
    Then 4.14 miles
    Keep left at the fork to go on US-30 W.
    Then 4.67 miles
    Stay straight to go onto Lincoln Hwy/US-30 E.
    Then 0.20 miles
    Turn right onto Tollgate Hill Rd.
    Then 0.60 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on Tollgate Hill Rd.
    Then 0.10 miles
    Tollgate Hill Rd becomes W Otterman St.
    Then 1.30 miles
    W Otterman St becomes E Pittsburgh St/PA-130.
    Then 0.82 miles
    Keep left at the fork to continue on E Pittsburgh St/PA-130.
    Then 0.36 miles
    Stay straight to go onto Lincoln Hwy/US-30 W.
    Then 7.91 miles
    Stay straight to go onto Lincoln Hwy/US-30 E. Continue to follow US-30 E.

    All fell in hell under me, Prince William and Queen Elizabeth and all international leaders and they are all in hell with Winston Churchill and all and they can't come out nor sit in Heaven under me, I won't allow it and they all will not sit in Heaven with me, I have it to unclck all and sit in Heaven, and they are all unclocked from sitting in Heaven, they are all in hell with Winston Churchill and all and none will come up and I will never unclock Prince William and he has Kate Middleton to go to hell for him, and I will never unclock Queen Elizabeth who fell in hell under me and she has Phillip to go to hell for her and I will never unclock any of the international leaders and they married to put someone in hell for them.
    Never come out of hell, all war Ealy and Sanders moved becuase of Ealy doing the scene of the movie with Jesus and listening to him against him and against my warning and  seeing how he walked up against us and I moved Sanders, Hustler, Ice -T and Ask about me, ass that balls, all are in hell under me.
    Michael Ealy, Simon help Jesus to the cross, I own Jesus honor. 
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC, 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. I am walking to The White House, 11/3/2019, walking 11/4/2019. I own Jesus honor The Shrine Christ passion, and all war Trump and Jared Kushner, Trump move I am coming now to The White House. The line up has to come out also.

    All war Anita Whita call the police ad say she is crazy, Valparaiso police, we know who you are, and have  Dolton Police come out and Dolton ambulance, ask her of she is the President, I am the President, that is it we heard it from her, that is all we need is for her to say she is the President to take her,  take her to Ingalls hospital because she says she is the President, ambulance report, and take her upstairs. All war she has to sign this form so we can treat her and give her meds if not we can't keep her, do you think you are the President, this is the look, I see him, you will go to a shelter. Obama says you are dead. 

    All war psych hospital, we need you to sign this form to treat you, to give you meds.

    This is the week of the " war attack psych patient". 

    The menu. 

     Have her sign, for the insurance.
    She will not take the meds, these are the meds and will not sign the form to be treated.

    She won't take meds but she will take the potassium for her diet, from the E.R., she walked in on her own and didn't say she was sick nor did she say she walked to Washington, said walked to the State line and she goes to the groups but doesn't have to. 
    All war triggering thoughts and behavior that led her to the Valpo police, and Dolton police and ambulance report, psych ward, the case, no, all war Anita White call the Police, Valpo, and say she is crazy, saying she is the President. 
    We have to let her go, all war we will give her a follow up doctor next to her house, 15320 S Grant St. Dolton Il 60419.

    President Melissa J White, born in Hyde park Il, at University of Chicago hospital and Megan and Marissa was born at Ingalls memorial hospital and Michelle Obama who rolls for President Melissa J. White worked at University of Chicago in Hyde Park and the merger of the two hospitals, U of Chicago (U Chicago) and Ingalls for President Melissa J. White.

    I am  the President, I have the clock, Obama moves and I am coming, if my wife is under the Church of Scotland, my war is life as a President, one of the most extreme war, the war, the, the one, the, the one war, the nurse is not the doctor, I see that, she doesn't have the life, she can't, she is a nurse, and can't have the same life, all war they said you clocked that you are the nurse and don't have a life like Obama and he is the President, that is what you clocked, no, I never clocked myself, and I never clocked Obama and I have the clock of President, and I am not a wanna be, and far form a nurse trying to be remote Obama put in The White House who is not the President and can't be President Melissa J. White and follows my check. 
    All war psych hospital we still need you to sign this form to treat you and this time to doctor signed it and it is a White woman with the form, loo at my face, if that makes a difference.

    The Doctor can't ball without this form, I told him I am not crazy. I have to let her go. 

    We know who you are. 

    All war ask her for herself, if she is the President. I am the President. Handcuffs or ambulance. All war say ambulance, it is on my come up day said ambulance.

    All war Dolton ambulance report.
    This is the look, I see him sitting there, I see the Middle east and the leaders, and 911 and I am not trying to escape nor am I Ossama Bin Laden's nor a wife to Hijacker. 

    Bomb all Nations. 

    God had Chief Justice John to swear Melissa in and standing with him, is Obama and all war to stop the swearing in, and everything coming my way is on my Inauguration day, all attacks can be seen, and Chief Justice John is clocked for attacks coming my way in war, it is my Inauguration day, a walking clock, I can take all attacks down from here, and my come up day is clocked against all attacks and Michael Ealy is clocked for Holli Would and attacks, and I used my media, for the war to take down attacks, and Lincoln and Kennedy and Obama and Lyndon B. Johnson and Michelle and Bush are all clocked and this clock takes down attacks coming against America, all of the clocks, take down the attacks in war, each of the clocks, my Inauguration day, Chief Justice John,  God leaving doing Prince William, Micheal Ealy,  the 2 kids and the polling place and Queen Elizabeth, and Janet Jackson and help Jesus to the cross,  Lincoln and Kennedy, under my authority, is protecting and defending America from war attacks, all war Bush, it is a real marriage and they have hell, all war I gave up Divine, President, and clocked that I killed my kids and clocked sin and sinner and eternal hell, all war the Jew has it and can kill her and we can't take the war down, and no one can come out of hell, all war I have to let Queen Elizabeth have her honor of putting all in hell and we can use the marriage to kill her and use Ealy and all men and former Presidents and all war Obama sworn in and all war Trump sworn in, all war impeach he because gave up full command to Prince William and Queen Elizabeth, she gave away her country, all war she gave away full command to the international leaders and is not protecting us and is abusing power and obstructing Congress. 

    All war put Melissa on tv to do an interview, she is walking to The White House, go to Ingalls hosptial to get her interview, no, I will not interview, look at Kim kardashian, who you are and you have a life over Cyntoia Brown for Kim Kardashian to use in the press, move the face they did in heaven, the attacks, and do camera angles for the teeth, no I have a woman who went to prison for the things she saw in my war, which is honor. 

    All war John Legend supports Warren, a Jew. 

    Ingalls.Map of Moolayil Kumar D MD

    map expand icon
    Moolayil Kumar D MD
    Family counselor in South Holland, Illinois
    Address15475 South Park Ave #102, South Holland, IL 60473
    Phone(708) 596-2211Michelle Obama rolls at Ingalls hospital because I am the President and because it is a war and not a life and for Jew also. 


    Look at your bathroom door, that is jail, do you see it, look at your bathroom, it is jail, you are not looking at where you are, you are looking at who you are and leaving. No, I am not doing jail with you and I, the President needs meds for being in here, I am not in here, I am the President and I am not sick, they are making me sick by being here and I get to leave.

    All war Valpo Police report and Dolton Police report and ambulance report and denying being the President, and all war, all war she is crazy saying she is the President and give her meds, and shots, all war she is trying to escape, get ready to grab her, get ready to put her on a more aggressive floor, and trap her down, there are no padded walls on this floor and it is co ed, and is not aggressive. 

    God and I talking about the war, and the attacks of escape, that is not me escape and it is on my come up day to escape and the conversations with the international leaders, and hijacker, and others, God and I talking at different times and saying look at the life, because I haven't came out yet and he has to talk to me that way and he knows it is a war and not a life for me and I am not going into a life and God and I knows it is a war and not a life but also saying and is not calling it a life and not a war but says look at the life, because of theirs, and we continue to talk, about all.

    Look at the life, how they are holding her, and she has to fight, look a the life. You don't want it, no I don't want it. 

    Look they had to strap her down, look at how she lives in there. You don't ant to be trapped own, look at that life, I don't want it. Look at you walking around freely, you don't want to be restrained. 

    My Doctors end up in the Psych ward with you. Look at Halle Berry, the Doctor is going. My Doctor is a Doctor and from where they sit in life, they know their life is nothing like the life if the patients and doesn't ball their, but they know the life of their patients, and the clock of the Diagnosis and the meds they give out.They know the life in there, the meds and the room and weekly schedule and they don't look at it, they know the clock of the sickness and the meds and they know the life in the hospital and they don't think about it and they know the weekly schedule, and don't think about it, and tries to follow patients that they think is them and never get and women going follow the other woman in her husband's life and never get it, and they looked at you to follow, clocked your bed, you won't sign. 

    God and I talking, and gave Ealy money to look like the international leaders, how he looks and stands, new and first, repented leaders, and gave him provision for Melissa and more and Ealy clocked me, and Today Christians Speak, Sony for his life, his movies, he clocked Sony and he clocks me for his life and I agreed to make money using movies for my war with our marriage, all war every frame.

     She is going, Dr. Kummar is going also, no, theirs, they go also and they go thru everything and never comes out, look at the hijackers, they are gone, they don't come out and I know the ball but I like us walking thru and talking. 

    Look at that door close on the Doctor, she is done. I don't want the room or door. 
    Look at that life, you don't have it and don't want it. 

    Look at the door, you don't have it and don't want it. 
    Look at them out there, you don't have it and don't want it. 
    Look at that shower. Look at your curly hair, you don't have a perm and hot comb right now, which is good for you. 

    God and talking about Halle Berry and Cruz, and Gothika, look at the hospital and look at the women, and  look at that life, you don't want it, look at them take a shower, you don't have it and don't want it, look at the rape, you don't want it, no, this is a war and not their clock. 

    Look at color and Whoopi, that is what black is and look at the hair of the one holding Joile, that is black, and he has more than that.
    She ran away. Escaped. Look at the life, how they are holding her and walking her around. Look at the life. 
    It is a war and not about a man and woman, and going out. I have a war, I never said to anyone that I am running, not the Doctor and anyone, the (!! hijackers are looking at it, I didn't say to them I am running either, and now they are looking at it in jail, Ossama Bin Laden and hijackers and Dr. Kummar, no, and I am not going to an aggressive floor and I see the co ed luxury, and the non aggressive luxury,  and I see the luxury of my room door, and I see the NFL walking around, I see the height and weight, in case I try to run, no, and I see the luxury of shampoo and he took my conditioner, I know the attack, I see how they walked back so I can't ball my hair in here, and they want me to be a nothing and get restored in here with etiquette on how they give out towels and shampoo and lotion and tooth paste and a new tooth brush every morning, I didn't fall down there below towels and products and the life of towels and products in the morning routine of bath and hair and make up and exercise, and diet, I am not signing the voluntary admittee form. 

    The wealthy can walk out to get their President.

    FBI Chicago, watch your back with Trump, in Washington, asking for your I.D and credentials. I own Jesus honor, the cross, go and baptize in the name of the Father (the Father is not out nor leaving nor giving up authority) and of the son and the holy ghost, The Shrine Christ passion, all war Jesus owns Heaven and is over me and I gave up my honor, all war the Father is out and Jesus get to kill me and is over me and the Jew and The White House.

    All men and women roll from me. That's them, I am not black and Prince William used my marriage, check and The Melissa J. White Church, a White Church to take over, how, Megan and Marissa are Divine and they will never be niggers, in my war they are trying to call me black and treat me like a nigger and Megan and Marissa and day they won't be a woman like me, not black, not a nigger, and not virgins, and will clock men, they will be nothing, no, and no to all they think of and try, no. All war Megan and Marissa make black, theirs, niggers, beat, I don't want them, and all black, bigger and beat. All war use Joe Kennedy III to best Megan and Marissa, stop Megan and Marissa if they are coming, S.H Police Dept, about walking East out of, and about an ambulance, we know who you are, ask her if she is the President.

    Walmart is not 24 hours, I can go to a Miejers.

    They don't have anything with Dr. Kummar, and they will say homeless is the way to take down but we need her to be a danger and a harm to herself or others to keep her in the hospital, there are no crimes.

    I don't want to talk to you, White Church, I purchased, sitting here, flirt, sit back here, hold this, he gave me his cup of pop that wasn't new and had a straw in it, and he had already been drinking out of. I am his, I ma his girlfriend, when he gives me his op, he wants me to be his, I am his girlfriend. We are sharing a pop. I don't want t drink out of someone's pop but he wants to share a pop and he likes me. D I want him? Let me see how cute he is. Let me look at him.

    I said I want to feed my muscles while I am walking to The White House. The Miejer's employee also gave me, Lightlife, original Tempeh, he gave me protein to feed my muscles.

    I don't have my I.D or any of my cards anymore and he is not my husband, all war Jew and he left me,, do I work here, all war I work here, maybe you should call the police, you can't, you can't call the Police on me.

    Megan I need a ride home back to you, do you have your car or Anita, Megan clocking on her own the attacks, I said no to all, kids sitting with Obama doing the Jew, covered and killed, I need you, this kid, pay for it, to pick me up in South bend IN off of us highway 20, cross street is Michigan st and crossed by the street, Ireland.

    This is the intersection, Michigan street, it is US 20 Highway, and we are heading East out of Indiana, we stopped at Walmart, it is not open 24 hours so we went to Miejers. Now we are back at our location, the intersection. And this is where we call Megan to pick us up at, and President never moves, attacked but still looking at what is going on against full command, what are the leaders saying about me, their clock, they can't move Obama to President as an attack because she is trying to see how to take theirs and move the clocks, and can't see and he calls it scared, I am not scared, I am full command, and I know the ball that is up if they are talking to South Holland Police department and Valparaiso and Dolton Police, this is not the look out here, I know what is clocked infront of Valpo and Dolton Police and I have Dr. Kummar Moolayil up also, I know the clock I balled for all of this, I know this is not the look I balled out here, and the leaders can't use or make it about Marnae, nor do they have me stealing anything but they are at US 20 Highway in Bremen, from an employee at Miejers and his pop.

    I put up my clock, Valpo Police and thru Dr. Kummar. God and I they ran when they saw Kim Kardasian name go up as a Lawyer for you and she wanted to look at non case from the beginning and walk back to Valporaiso and Joe Kennedy III wanted it, and looked at your clock that is clocked, neither are Lawyers for me, and no one has a case, but they see Queen Elizabeth and leaders are coming and looking at what happened from Valpo Police to to Miejers, I didn't hire either Kim nor Kennedy. Kardashian tries to say she taught me, to go back to Valpo Police, no, she knew about Valpo Police from my clock I already had up, this is why she was aware of Valpo and all war us former Lawyer Michelle Obama to take it from Melissa. no. I can go back to the phone call and why the phone call was made to Valpo Police, rather the 911 call and what happened before, the 911 call but it is all war, she doesn't have it, I have the clock.

    All war use this family, no, President never moves.

    Why are all of these Police driving around, did my Mother call the Police again, no, it is all war Trump calling me a threat the Nation and him, they said you were drunk, acting drunk, she looked like she was drinking, and she has on pink. They didn't see you. And it is your hair, he described your hair all over your head and like electrocuted hair but not the words he used. They didn't the woman he described when they are driving around, even the hair, you have a hood on and you hair doesn't look like what he described even with the hood on, but they won't look at that. Look at your bangs under the hood, it doesn't look lie the electrocuted hair, It is like you and the CIA, your look was changed, your hair not being what he said it is, they can't see you. Loo at SALT.

    Look at the hair, it is a different woman.

     Look at the hat, that is a different woman.

    Look at the teeth, and the ascent, that is a different woman. Hair and make up changes the woman, it is a different woman, hair and make up and clothes and changes the woman, it is a different woman, and adding race and ascent, changes the woman, the clock, CIA, which you know and already balled and talk about.

    Look at the hair, it is a different woman. They can't see you on the street.

    I had US 50 as a route to The White House, all the way thru. I didn't use it. I added the route to US 20 highway. Michelle Obama talks about me and US 50 highway. saying. go back home and start at US highway 50 and take that all the way to Washington. Michelle Obama, former Lawyer, rolls for Melissa, loves the non case, they don't have a case, Michelle comments about Valpo Police thru Miejers, and all we would have to say is she is ours and walk you out of there.

     I-64 / I-255 in Caseyville. I-64/US 50 travels concurrently to O'Fallon.
     US 51 in Sandoval. The highways travel concurrently through the village.
     I-57 in Salem
     US 45 northwest of Flora. The highways travel concurrently to east of Flora.

    US 50 shield on Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C.

    From Dolton walk to Lawrenceville to US 50 highway East and stay on US 50 highway until I get to Washington and walk over to The White House. 

    Walk 50 all the way to The White House, I do't need to walk, those under in The White House can come out to get me, the Nation is under me and President doesn't move, I am ready to be picked up.

     About the cabinet.

    Michelle Obama walking by, all war Obama's and Trump, nothing else coming. Lincoln and Kennedy, Obama, Michelle and Lyndon and Bush. God I am a President, the President, my war put Obama in The White House, the Obamas move and it is for me to come to The White House. It is her or me. Michelle Obama rolls for my war, I am the President, not the Obamas and it is also about Jew and it is about it being a war and not a life and I am not black nor half black nor has a black Church. Beautiful black women, high noon. All war she clocked to kill Trump, Obama and is a threat. My clock rolling, Michael Ealy rolls for the war for Prince William with my check sitting in The White House under Queen Elizabeth, all war go get your prophecy and Melissa, President, goes and all war put Jew on it and all war Melissa, President puts Jew on it, the clock, the prophecy can't flow at all, none can from this clock. The clock, Jesus walks up, give her, her ball, Paul Ryan, she is going to The White House, Paul Ryan and Michael, standing as the war attacks Marquis and Zach, 4 page letter. The Latino is black, S.H Police Dept, cop on the roof, doing one leg up, I own Jesus' honor, all war Jew, Victoria Ealy, clocked, President doesn't move, U.S cabinet, The Blair house, the situation room, Camp David, The James Brady press room, she didn't get theirs, TMJWC is also clocked, the burden, Valley kingdom, The clock President doesn't move and Michelle Obama rolls for Melissa, Clock it here, the burden, John, Foxy and Champagne. President and the clock for Ealy doesn't move and I have a new Gary Dourdan, 2 kids and clocked for remote prophecy and remote Jew. ANTM. Clueless. all 4 clocked and clocks, and I am ready for The White House, now.

    Bomb all Nations.
    Trump has to come out to get his President, now, I am ready for The White House. 

    Secret service come out now.

    All fell in hell under me, Prince William and Queen Elizabeth and all international leaders and they are all in hell with Winston Churchill and all and they can't come out nor sit in Heaven under me, I won't allow it and they all will not sit in Heaven with me, I have it to unclck all and sit in Heaven, and they are all unclocked from sitting in Heaven, they are all in hell with Winston Churchill and all and none will come up and I will never unclock Prince William and he has Kate Middleton to go to hell for him, and I will never unclock Queen Elizabeth who fell in hell under me and she has Phillip to go to hell for her and I will never unclock any of the international leaders and they married to put someone in hell for them.
    Never come out of hell, all war Ealy and Sanders moved because of Ealy doing the scene of the movie with Jesus and listening to him against him and against my warning and  seeing how he walked up against us and I moved Sanders, Hustler, Ice -T and Ask about me, ass that balls, all are in hell under me, all war Jesus can clock her and say she clocked Jew and gave up Divine and President and clocked sin and sinner and dishonor and stripper and prostitute and eternal hell and will never come out and that is that because of who he is in Heaven and the man he is, the perfect man and his penis and the kids he can give and he can take her breast and looks, ass that balls, Alicia Keys and Mother and their is their look in their hotel room, Swzz beats, says, you are walking, but it is The White House, look at the clock, President is the clock and she nor he doesn't have this clock.
    13th thru 27th, 14 days walking to The White House and 14 packs of swiss cheese, no weight gain and will lose weight, President doesn't move.

    3rd thru the 17th, 14 days of walking and 14 bags of apples. A single President, going home to The White House, no First lady.  I have kids, no husband. Pick a husband, I have kids going to The White House with me (enjoying life and having fun, M & M) First husband Michael Ealy.
    God and I Talking, I can take down my war and look at Queen Elizabeth, all war I thought the marriage was a war and she doesn't want a war, I can take all of it down and the Jews who rolled for the war comes down also, all war she hates Jesus she is trying to take down her war and she is against Jesus and the Church for trying to take down her war, and she can't do that if she has a prophecy of marriage to the Jew, and she has to keep the war up and we can put her in hell for being against God and Jesus and the Church for trying to take down her U.S war and that is hell and she is a devil, and no.

    God and I talking, I am White and with a White Church, I gave you a White life, I gave you Peanuts the Movie, you clock back and you know it, I gave you Home alone how White that is, you know it, you clock back, you have that, what it is , that you don't have the Temptations and you don't want it and they tries to give it to you, it is a different felling and you don't have it nor want it, you are White and has a White Church, and being White and having a White Church, there is a thing about having a man that is able to clock back with you and being White and having a White Church and and to have a life with and Michael Ealy does that for you n areas, but you were attacked with him, they used him to be very black and do Obama. Home alone, no to the attacks. 

    God and I talking, Emily Post, Etiquette, Manners for a new world, we are going to do Etiquette now in the church, for my war, those are attacks in war, Etiquette, that is Vanderbilt, Gloria Vanderbilt and a check in the house, and that is Josiah Whitney, Born rich, and to take The White House Etiquette down, they try to take etiquette from me in war attacks, to take life and to say it is a way to go down for hell but it takes life from her, it is a war and not a life and not a marriage, and I don't have hell, all war take her down in her manners and conversation and in every way she walk as a woman, God and I talking, says I gave it to Medina Pullings to do in her Church and she doesn't it so much that she thinks she is a better woman than you and is over you. No she is not over. 

    All war Prince Harry and Markle for with my check and is me and is for The White House and is the next President and all war Joe Biden using my check to be the next President and impeach Melissa and use her check to put Joe Biden there and watch him with her check and call her black.

    All war I gave the throne to Prince William and Kate, all war they can have it, all war I don't want it, all war Queen Elizabeth can give it to them, all war they own all. 

    Prince William if my wife is under the church of Scotland, kill my wife and Fredro and George Robinson and Michael Ealy and then Will Smith at the start, kill my wife and Will Smith at the end, with I am legend. 

     2020 in a few days. All war Jew, I never clocked Jew and I still won't and I won't look in hell to marry eternal hell and clock Jew and clock and clock Jesus. All war who is left out of the ground in the clock, all of the clocked together, Clinton, Bush Jr., Carter and all war Obama sworn in, and we can clock those taking our time, it is time for them to go in the ground, and took over The White House and The White House is over, and all war drapes coming and I am legend. I am the last one standing in the war and the only one going to Heaven, I still will not take the leaders, Luke Perry and all and former Presidents off of the internet, nor unclock all of international leaders and won't take the and former Presidents and all war Obama sworn in and all war Trump sworn in and Luke Perry and Ealy and all of them I clock in hell again and can't come out and all and I am the only one that will walk up to Heaven and the Divine Megan and Divine Marissa and not the because of Divine Zach nor because of Divine Manning, they sit in hell, never unclocked.

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